Corona in Germany: the waiter goes to work despite the infection


The number of corona infections in Germany remains high. In Frankfurt, a waiter sparks a Covid 19 scandal, despite positive tests for coronavirus. The news ticker.

  • the Crown*-Cases rise in Germany continues in.
  • Many are shown in a survey Deutsche with the Coronavirus *-Activities satisfied.
  • In Frankfurt am Main a waiter takes care of you Covid-19 scandal – despite positive Corona tests* (see update of September 8 at 8:55 pm).
  • Basic Facts about the coronavirus* you will find here. We also provide you with current case numbers on a map. Germany.

Corona virus in Germany: Corona scandal in Frankfurt am Main

Update September 8 at 8:55 pm.: The next Crown-Eklat – this time in Frankfurt am Main. As reported by, apparently with the Coronavirus infected waiter not al Quarantine rules retained, and instead went to work as usual.

Of the positive corona test supposedly knew him, it is said. Y: The responsible health department must now verify around 400 contacts of the man. A colleague that the waiter without Mask welcome, it was also positive in the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen has been tested. In the case of the other contacts, the risk of infection is classified as low, as the waiter wore a mask and followed the distance rules. This is probably one of the reasons why there is no quarantine for guests, but for the man’s colleagues.

How keep writing, must Quarantine Shredder now wait for a penalty.

Updated September 8 at 8:40 pm.: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has extensive innovations from Crown measures in Bavaria proclaimed.

“Winter is coming,” said the country manager Munich after a meeting of his cabinet on Tuesday: “We are facing a test.”

Corona pandemic in Germany: many restaurateurs fear for its existence

Update as of September 8, 8:30 pm: the Coronavirus pandemic in Germany provides the economy the Federal Republic faces great problems. This has been known for a long time, but it is becoming more and more tangible.

A survey by the German Hotel and Restaurant Association, DEHOGA, among its members has now revealed that almost two-thirds of the Innkeepers I don’t know if they can still keep their business. Consequently, 61.6 percent of companies fear for their existence.

According to the survey, they expect Restorersthan your sales this year due to Corona-Pandemie and its consequences collapse in half. The association speaks of the greatest postwar crisis, reports the ARD Tagesschau.

Update September 8 at 6:50 pm.: An epidemiologist warns of the danger of many people with Children infected by coronavirus* starting the schools. Also to check the Corona pandemic in Germany that’s too bad.

Corona pandemic in Germany: Angela Merkel thanks the health authorities

First report of September 8: the Corona-Pandemie it is still the dominant theme in Germany. In this country, they play a central role in the fight against the disease. Health authorities.

In an online conference on the public health service on Tuesday (September 8) he praised Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) the work of the authorities. In a recent poll, the majority of Germans see it that way too.

Coronavirus in Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel sees room for improvement

In a virtual conference on the work of Health authorities in Germany has Chancellor Angela Merkel thanked the employees for their work.

the pandemic taking over the tasks there “that result in an incredible amount of extra work,” he said. What employees do every day is “unusual,” according to him Merkel. the Health authorities come in the crisis a “central role” in the struggle The chain of infection to. They had a “substantial part” in it, Germany in the Infection numbers it is relatively stable, said the chancellor. The second wave * started slowly. It often doesn’t look like this in other countries. In Austria in particular, the number of infections is again increasing alarmingly.

the Chancellor but he still sees room for improvement, especially in the technical area. The “digital possibilities” of Health authorities leaves something to be desired so Merkel. Staff could also be better positioned. That is why the federal and state governments agreed in the “Pact for the Public Health Service” to create 5,000 new jobs. In general they are four billion euros intended for all measures.

Crown in Germany: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder with a clear message

He also spoke at the event Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and Peter Tschentscher, First Mayor of Hamburg (SPD). The public health service has never been “as valuable” as it is today, he said. South in your greeting. “Superhuman” things have been done there in recent months.

But he also followed up the accolades with a lawsuit. “Just praise or clap” would be very little, he warned. CSU-Chef. Working conditions must be improved in a sustainable way. For the social democrat Tschentscher it is especially about Health authorities strengthen staff and equip them better technically. Networking with other parts of the health system should be improved.

Corona virus in Germany: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder calls for better working conditions.

© Michele Tantussi / Reuters / Pool / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk

Corona in Germany: Most Germans are satisfied with Corona measures

In a recent survey, a large majority of citizens also showed that they work at the municipal level, that is, in the District and health offices – satisfied.

60 percent of those surveyed think the measures have been shown to be effective in containing the virus *, it was announced at the German District Association. At 67 percent, approval was highest among people ages 30 to 39. “People are with the work of the districts and communities in the treatment of pandemic largely satisfied, “said the district council president Reinhard sager (CDU).

Coronavirus in Germany: “The pandemic can be managed well in a decentralized way”

Sager, who comes from the Schleswig-Holstein district of Ostholstein, further stated that the fight against pandemic It is in good hands in the hands of the districts and municipalities. “If we could learn one thing in the last six months, it would be this: pandemic it can be managed well in a decentralized way. ”

Of the District president it once again came out in favor of the fact that measures should not be the same everywhere, but should be adapted to the respective local conditions.

Coronavirus: these are the current numbers in Germany

According to the latest information from Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has the Health authorities 1499 new cases reported on Monday (as of September 8, midnight). Thus, from the beginning of pandemic 252,298 people in Germany with Virus infected. 226,500 people have already survived the disease. After four more deaths, the number of victims has dropped Corona-Pandemie at 9329.

The reproduction number * – also R value called – is now at 1.12. It has risen steadily from 1.0 in the last four days. The day before the value was 1.10. Therefore, an infected person is more than another person with the Virus in. the RKI it also gives an R-value of seven days. This is 0.95. While the first number is the Infection process the last seven days, the second number describes a period of eight to 16 days and is therefore more significant. (tel) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

The Berlin Charité’s chief virologist Christian Drosten is receiving reinforcements for his NDR podcast. In Argentina, a teacher dies from the consequences of her corona infection during an online conference.

List of rubrics lists: © Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert / dpa
