Corona in Germany: RKI reports sad record of deaths


Corona is making Germany difficult. There is a sad record of deaths. Covid-19 infection numbers are increasing, a total lockdown cannot be ruled out. The news ticker.

  • Corona-Pandemie * in Germany: Before Christmas, several federal states decide COVID-19 new Exit restrictionsny night curfews by Coronavirus hot spots.
  • Looking at the number of New corona infections It is Relaxations no sign.
  • This News-Ticker it is regularly updated.

Update on December 9 at 6:06 am: It’s a sad high: 590 people died in the last hours with or from the corona virus (previous day: 423 deaths). The number of Crown deaths in Germany in 19,932, as announced by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Wednesday (data status: Dec 9, 12am).

– 20,815 new corona infections have also been registered. So far in Germany 1,218,524 people have been found to be infected with Sars-CoV-2. Right now there about 296,500 cases of active corona.

– The 7-day incidence is included in Germany 149.1 (previous day: 147).

Corona: RKI reports 590 new deaths

With the growing number of new infections, experts also expected an increase in deaths. “Of all the deaths, 16,851 (87 percent) people were 70 years of age or older, the mean age was 83 years,” the RKI shares in the current Covid-19 management report (December 8). The proportion of people over 70 years of age in the total transmitted COVID-19 cases is only 13 percent, emphasizes the RKI.

In the age group of under 20 years they are so far ten deaths from Covid-19 according to the RKI. Therefore, three of the deaths are confirmed, the others are still being validated (see RKI graph). The deceased were between 0 and 17 years old; it is known that two of the deceased had previous illnesses.

COVID-19 deaths reported to RKI by age group and sex (data available for 19,314 deaths; December 8, 2020, 12:00 am)

© RKI Graphics

Corona in Germany: the number of Covid 19 patients in intensive care units is growing

Update as of December 8, 10:15 pm: In discussions about possible more Increased corona contact restrictions in Germany will keep coming back to high load German intensive care units why COVID-19 referenced.

According to the intensive registry, the occupation of the Intensive care beds in Germany on Tuesday, November 8 as follows:

Corona patients in German intensive care units 4,253
Corona patients with ventilators 2,533
Percentage of Covid-19 Patients Ventilated Invasively 59.56%
Intensive care beds currently occupied 22,326
Intensive care beds currently free 4,952
Emergency beds for intensive care in Germany 11,671

Source: Intensive Registration (DIVI) of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin

Update as of December 8, 9:40 pm: Why Crown: Should the Germans Christmas give up larger family gatherings? Jens Spahn * it is unequivocally expressed in the ARD.

Corona pandemic in Germany: Christian Drosten for the hard blockade at Christmas

Update December 8 at 7.45pm.: Christian Drosten has chosen one hard lock of the crown in Germany pronounced between December 24 and January 10.

“It is true that we absolutely have to do something now,” said the director of the Institute of Virology at the Berlin Charité at the “Coronavirus-Update “in NDR-Info. Noisy Drosten threaten “at the end of January and beyond all of February” Emergency shutdown with massive consequences for the economy if there is no readjustment now.

The expert also warned of an increase in Covid-19 case numbers, the Corona contact restrictions above Christmas and vacations not tight. Drosten had participated in a statement published on Tuesday by the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences, in the policy „Harter lock“ is recommended. The strict contact restrictions should go into effect on December 14.

Until January 10, “in total Germany public life is largely stagnant, ”the newspaper said. Drosten named in Ed the statement as a “clear and final warning of science.”

Coronavirus in Germany: lockdown instead of relief – numbers are skyrocketing in some regions (symbol photo).

© Oliver Berg / dpa

Corona pandemic in Germany: now mulled wine stands have to close due to Covid-19

First report of December 8: Munich / Berlin: the time before Christmas seems different. After most Christmas markets are now the Mulled wine stands in.

People and viruses play around here. Outdoor alcohol is in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg will soon be taboo. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania it is From now on (Tuesday, December 8) it is prohibited to serve alcoholic beverages such as mulled wine in public.

Saxony Pull the emergency brake and it’s the first state to go back to one fill lock back. As of Monday, schools, kindergartens, after-school care centers and much of the commerce will be closed, as Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) announced on Tuesday.

Corona in Germany: lock light has brought nothing

the Lock light apparently did not bring anything. Bars, restaurants, cinemas and fitness studios are closed from November. Unfortunately, the exemption had no effect. One harter lock should fix it. The number of infections in the second corona wave * is simply too high. The Leopoldina Academy of Sciences previously requested a total closure nationwide from Christmas Eve. “From December 24, 2020 until at least January 10, 2021, public life should be practically inactive throughout Germany and a strict lockdown should be applied.”

Corona in Germany: infection figures: big differences in federal states

There are big differences in the number of infections in the federal states. Corona hot spots are dark red or even pink spots on the Covid-19-Dashboard since Robert Koch Institute (RKI) marked.

With 319 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days * Saxony by far the highest value, followed by Thuringia (183) and Bayern (177). In Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg, the 7-day incidence is increasing slightly, according to the RKI. Then have the lowest values Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (52), Schleswig-Holstein (54) and Lower saxony (76). Also in

The RKI is giving away one for all of Germany 7-day incidence since 147 to. A maximum. At the beginning of the partial shutdown in November there were about 120. As a reminder: in the summer, the federal and state governments set a critical threshold of 50 corona so that health authorities can trace the chains of infection again.

Status * selected 7 Day Incident (RKI – Data Status Dec 8 at 12am)
Saxony 319
Thuringia 183
Bayern 177
Saxony-Anhalt 122.2
Brandenburg 108.3
Lower saxony 76
Schleswig-Holstein 54
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 52

Corona in Germany – RKI reports current number of cases

Despite the blocking light 14,054 new crown cases Y 423 deaths associated with the virus within 24 hours. You currently need an intensive care unit 4,255 (Previous day: 4,179) Patients with Covid-19 be treated. 2,539 of them are artificially ventilated (previous day: 2,513).

  • So far in Germany 1,197,709 people infected with Sars-CoV-2.
  • They have died since the start of the corona pandemic. 19,342 infected.

First Vaccines for coronavirus to be there. But not enough for everyone who wants to get vaccinated. On Monday, the responsible commission (STIKO) presented more precise proposals for a sequence. (ml) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network
