Corona in Germany: 160,000 vaccines, and will it soon decline?


While the RKI now reports more than 160,000 vaccinations, the status of the crown data remains unclear due to the holidays. The debate on relaxation as of January 10 continues abruptly.

According to the latest information from the Robert Koch Institute, more than 160,000 people in Germany have been vaccinated against coronavirus infection. Compared to the previous day, the number of people vaccinated increased by almost 32,000, as can be seen from the RKI information. However, this number could also contain late registrations and does not reflect the number of people actually vaccinated in one day, the RKI emphasizes.

The data status on new infections and deaths is also unclear. On New Year’s Day, health authorities reported 22,924 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute in 24 hours. In addition, 553 new deaths were recorded.

However, the numbers are difficult to interpret because fewer people are likely to get tested during the holidays and around the turn of the year; In addition, offices may transmit data late.

Incidence Value Still Significantly Too High: Federal-State Meeting Tuesday

The so-called seven-day incidence, that is, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, was 141.9 on New Year’s morning according to the RKI. This is still too high a value for health authorities to be able to track all new infections. According to experts, this is only possible if the incidence is 50 or significantly lower. Therefore, this threshold is the stated objective of the policy.

The prime ministers of the federal states will discuss next Tuesday with Chancellor Angela Merkel how the blockade will continue at the national level after January 10.

If you’re targeting CDU presidential candidate Friedrich Merz, at least the schools should reopen as soon as possible. Merz supports the demand of her party friend Susanne Eisenmann, Baden-Württemberg’s education minister. It is correct to say “schools must be reopened as soon as possible,” he told the Funke media group newspapers. And it is also the political will of all those involved to go in this direction depending on the situation of incidence ”.

According to Eisenmann’s will, kindergartens and elementary schools should reopen from January 11.

“Impossible to prevent every death”

The president of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, appealed to the federal and state governments to trust in the greatest possible freedom. “It is almost impossible to prevent all corona deaths by law,” said the CDU politician of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”.

It is their basic conviction that politics cannot completely resolve the compromise between protecting life and the disadvantages of anti-crown measures “by ordinance or law, but that responsibility rests with the medical profession, science, and ethicists . “.

Söder thinks little of hasty relaxation

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder, however, discouraged hopes that the restrictions would soon end. “Now we simply have to reduce the numbers in a sustainable way. That is why I am very skeptical about opening the possibility of openings from January 10,” said the head of CSU of the news agency dpa. The federal and state governments must continue to fight the spread of the corona virus with determination. “We don’t know if we’ll get a thank you or a receipt for it in the spring. But if we didn’t make a decision out of fear, then we would have missed our allowance,” he said. “The point now is not to find the most convenient solution, but the most effective one.”

In the context of persistently high numbers, it is also debated how more vaccines can be produced as soon as possible. The parliamentary director of the SPD parliamentary group, Carsten Schneider, called for a summit meeting between the federal government and all pharmaceutical companies producing in Germany. Health Minister Jens Spahn must clarify “what production facilities exist and can be made usable at short notice.” However, according to BioNTech co-founder Ugur Sahin, this is a very complex process.
