Corona in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: authorities are examining sanction for super spreaders


Garmisch-Partenkirchen has to return to partial blocking. The reason for the increasing number of corona infections is likely a super spreader that crawled across the bar despite quarantine requirements. It is still unclear what you will flourish now. In any case, the Bavarian regulations provide for a heavy fine.

After the violent Corona outbreak in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Upper Bavaria, it is still unclear what consequences the alleged perpetrator should expect. “That has to be verified. At the moment no statement can be made,” said Stephan Scharf, spokesman for the responsible district office.

The district office assumes the outbreak is due to a so-called super spreader. The young woman is said to have wandered the pubs even though she had symptoms and should remain in quarantine. According to the authorities, she did not wait for the result of her test. In Bavaria, violations of quarantine requirements can result in a 2,000 euro fine.

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann has already spoken out in favor of the consequences for the young woman. “If it is confirmed that the woman has deliberately ignored the quarantine despite the clear symptoms of the crown, she should expect a hefty fine,” Herrmann told “Münchner Merkur.” “Against such cruelty, a clear signal and an example of a warning must be given that anyone who violates the rules in this particular pandemic situation and deliberately puts others at risk should expect sensitive sanctions.”

According to Scharf, 24 people had tested positive on Saturday at a hotel where the woman works. Overall, the number of new infections for Saturday was 37. The seven-day incidence was 54 and thus above the critical mark of 50 new infections per 100,000 population in seven days. “Of course, not everyone has to be infected with it,” Scharf emphasized.

The district office expects a further significant increase in the number and has therefore ordered restrictions. All restaurants in Garmisch-Partenkirchen must close by 10 PM. Only a maximum of five people are allowed to meet in the public space; this also applies to all restaurants. For private events the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 50 people in closed rooms or up to 100 people outdoors.
