Corona in Bavaria: the new Söder rules in force from Friday: affect risk areas and travelers


  • Katarina Bailiff

    sinceKatarina Bailiff

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On Friday (October 23) the new crown rules came into force in Bavaria. They mainly affect access points and travelers. An overview.

  • In his government statement, Markus Söder announced new rules in the fight against the corona virus.
  • They went into effect on Friday (October 23).
  • The new requirements mainly affect access points and travelers from foreign risk areas.
  • Here we offer you the current case numbers * in Bavaria on a map.

Munich: the strictest rules for extreme Corona * hotspots and the new Bavarian Mandatory test for travelers from abroad Risk areas They have been in effect since Friday (October 23). Late on Thursday night, the Ministry of Health published the Corona * regulation, which was amended accordingly.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Incidence in 100 – These rules apply to hotspots

The following applies to rural districts and urban cities where the mark of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants was exceeded in seven days * Regular.

  • Events can only take place with a maximum of 50 participants.
  • There is a curfew from 9 pm

Crown Rules in Bavaria: Söder Announces Dark Red Warning Level – These Regions Are Currently Listed

Which regions are affected by the dark red * warning level, which Prime Minister Markus Söder announced on Wednesday in his government statement, wants Ministry in the future posted daily at 3pm on its home page. Initially, the following regions were on it.

  • Schweinfurt city and district
  • Neustadt an der Waldnaab district
  • Willows in the Upper Palatinate
  • Augsburg
  • Passau District
  • Berchtesgadener Land District

Of the Rottal-Inn District It was not initially on the list, although, according to a spokesperson, it was also above the 100 mark. The reason was technical Transmission error, which is why the district was listed with the wrong value in the State Office of Health and Food Safety.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: stricter rules in force: new requirements for travelers from high-risk areas

The stricter rules apply automatically from the day after the first publication of the list. This shows all regions where the value 100 is currently exceeded “or exceeded less than six days ago.”

Also applies to Cross-border travelers from foreign areas at risk of corona from Friday: Anyone who “regularly travels to Bavaria at least once a week to be there for professional or business reasons, for training purposes or to attend school or university” must now report to the local authorities at within seven days and then regularly once a week Submit the negative corona test.

Third statement from the Söder government on Corona in the video: “We are closer to a blockade than many think”

Obligation of the Corona test for travelers: Austria and the Czech Republic are particularly affected

The measure is likely to mainly affect Travelers from Austria and the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is one of the countries in Europe with the highest infection rates per 100,000 inhabitants and is applied just like the Austrian state bordering Bavaria. Tirol and Voralberg as a risk zone. (kam / dpa) * is part of the Ippen digital publishing network nationwide

You can always read all the news from Bavaria with us.

Rubric list list: © Peter Kneffel / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk
