Corona hotspot: crisis zone Brandenburg


secondErlin has been known for a long time and is notorious as a corona hotspot. After all, young people were supposedly having wild parties here in the parks, and tens of thousands of lateral thinkers held their maskless demonstrations in the capital. By comparison, the Brandenburg that surrounded Berlin appeared to be relatively harmless terrain. In the meantime, however, the situation has changed significantly. Because the situation in Brandenburg has dramatically worsened.

Markus Wehner

On Friday, the Health Ministry in Potsdam recorded 1,328 new corona cases in 24 hours, a new record. The previous one was only on Thursday, when 1,217 new infections were reported. Berlin also recorded 1,473 new infections on Friday. But measured in terms of the number of inhabitants (3.7 million from Berlin, 2.5 million from Brandenburg), the situation in Germany’s fifth largest area is more dramatic than in the capital. The number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days was 255 on Friday in Brandenburg and 199 in Berlin.

Almost a thousand corona patients are currently being treated as inpatients in Brandenburg hospitals. According to the Health Ministry, there were 118 more on Friday than the day before. The situation in southern Brandenburg is particularly critical. In the Elbe-Elster district, the seven-day incidence on Friday was 518, followed by the Oberspreewald-Lausitz (446) and Spree-Neisse (444) districts.

The first patients must be moved

On Friday, due to the tense situation, the transfer of 51 Covid 19 patients from southern Brandenburg to Berlin began. They came from hospitals in Cottbus, Senftenberg, Finsterwalde and Lübben. Johanniter’s ambulance, the German Red Cross and civil protection transferred the patients to the Covid-19 wards in Berlin. Brandenburg Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) called on the neighboring country for help on Thursday. Berlin Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) immediately agreed to accept patients from Brandenburg hospitals with heavy loads.

Nonnemacher described the situation as very serious Thursday in the health committee of the state parliament. Many clinics in southern Brandenburg are overloaded due to the large number of Covid 19 patients, and some district administrators are on the verge of declaring a disaster. So he asked his colleague in Berlin for help. “We are facing tough times,” Nonnemacher said. In the next week or two, a significant additional increase is expected, which could push hospitals to capacity limits. Brandenburg therefore proclaims the “cloverleaf case”, according to which a country can ask neighboring countries to admit patients.

In East Germany, Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia are supposed to support each other like a region of clover leaves. However, since the situation in Saxony is much worse and Thuringia is more severely affected, the only other option besides Berlin is to switch to Saxony-Anhalt, Nonnemacher said. According to her, ten Covid 19 patients were taken to hospitals in Saxony-Anhalt on Friday, for which a total of 61 patients were relocated from Brandenburg.

“Massive attack of the sick”

While the south of the country is particularly hard hit, the situation in the state capital, Potsdam, is also worsening. Mayor Mike Schubert (SPD) on Friday called Potsdam the biggest damage event “massive attack of sick people.” This means that additional beds could be used in hospitals and disaster control would be placed under uniform management, the city administration announced. The “major loss event” is the last stage before disaster is declared. Although the situation is not as bad as in the south of the country, it has “worsened” in Potsdam in recent days, Schubert said. You don’t want to wait until things have gotten this far in Potsdam.

The pandemic at a glance: Here you can find all the figures and graphs on the coronavirus.

Health Minister Nonnemacher, herself an internal medicine doctor, expressed her anger at the AfD parliamentary group in a speech in state parliament on Thursday. “Please stop this denial of the crown at last. I can’t take it anymore!” He yelled at the AfD MPs. I should go south to Brandenburg once and talk to district administrators, clinic directors, doctors and nurses there. “Then you would know what is really going on.” AfD parliamentary group chair Hans-Christoph Berndt, a dentist by profession, accused her of having no idea about Corona. She has never worked in an emergency room, where patients arrive who can no longer breathe. She is tired of hearing his declarations that there is supposedly no excess mortality. “You are still a dentist and a right-wing extremist,” Nonnemacher told the leader of the AfD parliamentary group.
