Corona help for freelancers: Altmaier works on “employer’s salary”


As the second wave of the virus hits Germany, fears among freelancers, bar owners and exhibition stand builders are mounting. The Minister of Economy, Altmaier, announces the coalition partner with the concept of “entrepreneur’s salary”. Those affected should like the title more than “basic security.”

Federal Finance Minister Peter Altmaier has given the self-employed and self-employed the hope of an “entrepreneur’s salary” in the course of planned improvements to aid Corona. However, an agreement has yet to be found in the coalition, Altmaier said after a video conference with business associations in Berlin. Altmaier agreed to improve and increase state aid. It’s also about how the self-employed can be better served.

Business associations have long criticized that the above aid does not fit perfectly. Andreas Lutz, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Founders and Freelancers of Germany, said that many freelancers work from home. The reimbursement of the fixed operating costs previously foreseen in the bridge aid is of little use to you. The actual costs are the cost of living or rent of the apartment. Basic security is not a solution.

The president of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association, Guido Zöllick, said the hotel industry is struggling to survive. Due to restrictions, there has been a historic drop in sales. Many companies would not do it without more government support. Zöllick also demanded a reasonable business salary. It cannot be “that seasoned entrepreneurs depend on basic security.” Jörn Huber, CEO of the Famab Communication Association, pointed to the dramatic crisis in the events industry. A special program is needed quickly.

Extended bridge aid: “Too bureaucratic”

Politicians had already decided on aid programs worth billions to protect businesses and jobs. Bridging aid for particularly stressed companies was extended until the end of the year, the federal and state governments are planning a new extension. The federal government had budgeted 25 billion euros for bridge aid. According to the Ministry of Economy, only 1,200 million euros of this have been approved according to the current status.

The president of the Federal Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, Mario Ohoven, criticized that the previous balance of the bridge aid was inadequate. One of the main reasons for this is the complicated application process, which urgently needs to be improved.
