Corona: Germany locked up – What rules apply now?


reTo this day, Germany is in a difficult lockdown. In view of the aggravated corona situation, the federal and state governments agreed to joint measures to close public life until at least January 10. What rules now apply across the country, and what are the exceptions in individual federal states? An overview.

Retail and catering

the retail trade will remain largely closed until January 10. Exceptions are food retailers, weekly markets and direct grocery marketers, pickup and delivery services, beverage stores, health food stores, pharmacies, medical supply stores, drug stores, opticians, hearing aid acousticians, service stations, car and bicycle workshops , banks and savings banks, post offices, dry cleaners, laundries, newsagents, Animal and feed markets, Christmas tree stands and wholesalers.

Against should Hair Salons, Cosmetic Studios, Massage Internships, Tattoo Studios and similar establishments closed be.

Consume of alcoholic drinks in the public space it is prohibited, infractions will be fined. Restaurants and cafes will be closed; It is allowed to bring food and drinks, but consumption is prohibited on site to prevent people from gathering in front of the facilities.

Kindergartens, schools, work

Also to Schools and kindergartens contacts must be “significantly restricted”. Schools are generally closed, emergency care and distance education would be offered. Separate regulations may apply to graduating classes. How this is actually implemented depends on the regulations of the federal states and municipalities. Additionally, “additional opportunities” will be created for parents to take paid vacations.

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employer They are asked to declare company vacations or to set up the home office so people from all over the country can stay home.

Private meetings, Christmas, New Years Eve

Private meetings they remain limited to two households and a maximum of five people, children up to 14 years old are excluded. This limit will be increased from December 24 to 26. He is then allowed to meet four other people beyond his own close relative home, that is, “straight ahead” and life partner.

The “general” sale of pyrotechnics before New Years Eve. It is not recommended to light fireworks, but it is only prohibited in “public places” that will be determined by the municipalities. At New Years Eve and New Years In addition, a national ban on meeting people is being implemented. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) spoke of a “de facto ban on firecrackers”.

Religious services

Religious services in churches, synagogues, mosques and meetings of other religious communities they are still possible “under strict conditions.” The minimum distance of 1.5 meters must be respected and a mask is required. You must register in advance for meetings where the highest number of visitors is expected.

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Babysitting time

Nursing Homes and Retirement Homes

Should “Special protection measures” get hit. The federal government must provide medical protective masks and cover the costs of rapid tests. Personnel in care and retirement centers are required to be tested several times a week. If possible, appropriate tests should also be performed with mobile care services. In regions with a high number of cases, home visitors must present current corona negative tests.

Hot spots

Additional restrictions must be applied at all hotspots from an incidence of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week, currently in most of Germany, and additional restrictions must be applied no later than from an incidence value of 200 Exit restrictions being reviewed.


There is a call to refrain from all non-essential travel before January 10, but these are not prohibited. Quarantine obligations are reaffirmed when returning from foreign risk areas.

Economy and business

The companies affected by the blockade, the self-employed and the self-employed must continue to receive financial support from the federal government. The call Bridge help III, which provides grants for fixed costs, will be improved. A monthly subsidy of more than half a million euros is planned. Loss in value of property and other assets should be absorbed with the possibility of faster, non-bureaucratic partial depreciation.

The exceptions of the federal states

Baden-Württemberg: In Baden-Württemberg, all-day exit restrictions have been in place across the country since Saturday. Between 8:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., leaving the apartment is only allowed for very few valid reasons, for example, to practice a profession, take advantage of medical services or accompany the sick or dying. Night-out restrictions do not apply during the Christmas holidays.

Bayern: In Bavaria, exit restrictions apply throughout the day. Between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., leaving the apartment is only allowed for very few valid reasons, for example, in case of medical emergencies, treatment that cannot be postponed, the way to work or to attend to people who need assistance. Anyone on the road without good reason can be fined 500 euros. The night curfew also applies on the Christmas holidays. The consumption of alcohol in public places is still prohibited.

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Sedan: There are also exit restrictions in Berlin. People can only leave home for a valid reason, such as shopping, visiting the doctor, working, or playing sports. The upper limit for private gatherings during the Christmas holidays will not be lowered. Berlin schools will no longer offer face-to-face classes, but will offer school-based learning from home. Emergency care at the elementary level, that is, for the youngest students, will be offered in the after-school care area. Nurseries are not usually closed. Also in this case “emergency care” should be maintained for parents who cannot easily care for their children at home.

Brandenburg: Restrictions on departure after 10 pm On Christmas Eve and New Years morning, restrictions should only apply at a later time.

Bremen: Schools must remain open, but compulsory attendance will be lifted until December 23. Schoolchildren can study at home until the Christmas holidays. The nurseries remain open; Parents are asked to take care of their children at home whenever possible. The sale of alcoholic beverages to take away, such as a jug of mulled wine, is prohibited for the moment from this Monday.

Hamburg: Schools will remain open until the Christmas holidays, but parents can decide whether their children should study at school or at home. Attendance is still mandatory for exam situations. The childcare area is not affected, there are no changes here.

Hessen: In Hesse, night-out restrictions have been in effect since Friday between 9 pm and 5 am in rural or urban districts with an incidence of more than 200 in three days in a row. During this time, you are only allowed to leave your home for important reasons, for example, for professional or medical reasons. Enforcement of the curfew is monitored by law enforcement offices, possibly with the support of the state police. There is also an all-day alcohol ban in public places.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Basically, students up to 6th grade can continue to attend school. Compulsory school attendance has been eliminated. Students and teachers should wear mouth and nose protection in classrooms. All students are requested to study from home whenever possible. In much of the state, seventh graders are required to study from home via the Internet starting Monday.

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Lower saxony: School-age children can study from home. Therefore, the requirement to be present is eliminated. School holidays were extended to three weeks.

North Rhine-Westphalia: Since Monday, compulsory attendance in schools in North Rhine-Westphalia has been lifted. However, educational institutions and nurseries will not be closed completely. Lower grade students are required to participate in the lessons from home, 8th grade students are taught remotely, that is, at home on a laptop and with worksheets. School holidays last two days. NRW hotels are now unable to offer overnight stays for family visits during Christmas. Municipalities can decide for themselves on exit restrictions for hotspot areas.

Rhineland-Palatinate: Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD) announced that schools would remain open until the start of the holidays on Friday, especially for children without home child care options. Distance learning should take place in all areas after the holidays. Nurseries must remain open in regular operation.

Saar: Kindergartens and schools will only open to a limited extent in Saarland. There should be emergency care for schoolchildren through sixth grade and day care centers whose parents are working. There may also be separate regulations for graduation classes.

Saxony: Exit restrictions have been in effect all day in Saxony since Monday. Leaving the house is only possible for good reasons: to work, go shopping, visit the doctor or exercise outdoors within a radius of 15 kilometers. They do not apply on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. From an incidence value of 200 in five consecutive days, an extended exit restriction is applied in the affected district or the affected urban district between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am: In that case, only allowed leaving one’s home for very few valid reasons, for example, for work, delivery traffic, or care. Serving and consuming alcohol in public is prohibited.

Saxony-Anhalt: At Christmas, contact restrictions should not be relaxed, unlike the federal and state governments: Only up to five people from up to two households should be allowed to gather.

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Schleswig-Holstein: There are no more face-to-face classes for 8th grade students. For grades one through seven, parents are asked to check if their children can stay home. There are no official restrictions on the provision of daycare, but parents are encouraged to care for their children at home if possible. Hotel overnight stays should only be possible for professional reasons or for funeral services. The consumption of alcohol in public places is prohibited.

Thuringia: According to the ordinance, there will be a curfew between 10 pm and 5 am at night in the Free State. For the Christmas holidays, the regulation provides for the relaxation of the curfew and contact restrictions. Even on New Years Eve, at least the curfew between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. should not apply.
