Corona: Five dead after outbreak at Schongau hospital – patients were infected at the clinic


  • Sebastian Tauchnitz

    sinceSebastian Tauchnitz


In a conference call, those in charge of the Schongau clinic admitted that deceased patients at the clinic were infected with corona. Kripo and the prosecution determined.

  • In recent weeks, the coronavirus * has proliferated at Schongauer Klinikum, not just among employees.
  • The hospital has now announced: Five patients have died since the outbreak of the Corona crisis.
  • At a press conference on Friday afternoon, more details were given on the circumstances of the death (update on November 6 at 6:50 p.m.).

Update on November 6 at 6:50 pm.: The five deceased were “very old and long-term multimorbid patients,” he said. Managing Director of the Thomas Lippmann Clinic as part of the conference call, which was attended by the Medical Director of Schongau Hospital, Dr. Michael Placeand his colleague from Weilheim Prof. Dr. Andreas Knez He participated.

Corona in Schongau: hospital has “proactively” turned on investigators

If the patient is with or in the Covid-19 pathogen those responsible refused to say they had died. That should investigate the Criminal police and the Munich Prosecutor II that the Krankenhaus GmbH “proactively” changed to “provide full clarity and transparency”. It was emphasized that Investigative authorities a “death investigation without specific defendants” was launched in the five cases.

Only after repeated inquiries did those responsible admit that the five deceased were infected in the hospital. “The Patient have this with us Virus trapped, “he said Michael’s Place. Everyone be with one negative test result was accepted in acute geriatrics. If they were infected by infected employees or Virus was brought to those affected from the outside can not be said precisely.

One of the deceased was in his 70s and seriously ill, Platz said. Two other victims were in their 80s, two older than 90. All were repeatedly referred to as “multimorbid” during the conference call. When asked, the doctors explained what that means: Patient would have serious previous illnessesthat affect various organs that already suffered from kidney and heart failure or skin diseases when they were admitted ”.

Corona in Schongau: Four more patients in intensive care

The question of whether more Patients in Schongau those responsible were left without an answer. They confirmed that currently in Schongau four more Covid patients about him Intensive care unit lie. But these are already with one positive test it had been delivered, it was said upon request.

The managing director of the clinic, Lippmann, also reported that the home quarantine of clinic employeesthat tested negative ended Friday night. “The resumption of Regular operation at Schongau hospital therefore it has high priority, but only below the highest safety standardsLippmann says. When the Maternity ward in Schongau He could not say that it would reopen, but said that “a secure and viable solution will still take a while.” Until then, pregnant women should contact hospitals in Landsberg, Kaufbeuren or Garmisch-Partenkirchen turn.

Corona in Schongau: the Prosecutor’s Office has started investigations

Update on November 6 at 3:31 pm.: Deaths in Schongau Clinic draw more circles. Now him Munich Prosecutor II accepted the topic. You must include the exact circumstances of three deaths. Crown Infected patients must be cleared up, a spokeswoman for authorities said on Friday.

Corona in Schongau: It is not clear where the five deceased were infected

(Initial report) Weilheim-Schongau – A phrase can be found in the press release of the hospital GmbH, with which daily about current developments in the Schongau Hospital reported. “With our information we would like to inform you that the number of Deceased As part of the Corona-Pandemie it has risen to five deaths at the Schongau hospital, ”writes the hospital’s press spokeswoman, Susanne Heintzmann. No further inquiries were responded to on Thursday (Nov 5). Therefore, it is not clear if the five who died were infected patients in the hospital or if they were positive tested who have been hospitalized.

Corona in Schongau: Five deaths at the Schongau Clinic – The hospital gives no further information

A conclusion can be reached by reading the official press release from the Weilheim-Schongau district office about the Corona events in the county it is read carefully. There it was announced on Thursday (November 5) that three more Corona * patients had died in the district. Given that the district statistics only show people living in the district, it seems reasonable to conclude that three patients who died in Schongau hospital came from the Weilheim-Schongau district Come, two more from other counties.

Coronavirus in Schongau: clear criticism of the hospital supervisory board

To be more precise about the events that led to the death of the five patients on Friday afternoon (November 6) as part of a Press conference be informed after the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the hospital Weilheim-Schongau GmbH. “I ask for your understanding that we are not going to say anything more at this time.

“There were clear criticism from the supervisory board, ”spokeswoman Heintzmann said yesterday. The day before, District Councilor Susann Enders (Free Voters / Weilheim) was upset that she didn’t Supervisory BoardA member of Krankenhaus GmbH found out from the local newspaper about the last trip of the nursing students to Berlin in early October (we reported). Obviously, their demand that the supervisory board be reported in a public meeting was ignored.

Schongau: Corona virus has been rampant among clinic employees for several weeks

One has been rampant for several weeks Crown*-Ode of infection among the employees of the Schongau hospital (we reported). As of yesterday, 88 of the approximately 600 employees of the Hospital infected with the virus. The third round of employee testing is currently underway. It became clear that the infection process can now be better controlled.

Corona in Bavaria: Just a Few New Infections Reported at the Schongau Clinic

While dozens of employees tested positive in the first and second series of tests, now only new isolated infections reported. However, in the first weeks, numerous patients who had already been admitted to the Schongau hospital before the interruption of admission became infected with the pathogen.

Being currently 29 Crown-Patien treated at the Schongau hospital, four of them in the intensive care unit. These include a total of 14 patients who are in the hospital with the Coronavirus have infected. The corona virus has so far been detected in five employees of the Weilheim hospital in the course of the series of tests.

Currently 29 corona patients are being treated at Schongau hospital

All employees of the Schongau Hospital are still in home quarantinethat they are only allowed to leave to work in the hospital.

At the end of October, the entire workforce at Schongau hospital * was tested for the corona virus. More than 30 tests were positive. Then the worst case occurred: in Schongau hospital, 17 patients * who were being treated for other complaints became infected with the corona virus. Later it came up: the third year of the nursing school in Schongau was on a graduation trip in Berlin * at the beginning of October. Was that what triggered the wave of corona infections in the hospital? * and are part of the Ippen-Digital publishing network nationwide.

By Sebastian Tauchnitz
