Corona: federal states for negative tests by travelers from German risk areas


Germany New hotspot rule

Countries require negative corona tests for travelers from German risk areas

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The regulations in the federal states are so different

Different crown regulations in individual federal states offer a 16-part patchwork quilt. Sometimes someone has to be quarantined directly, sometimes they are not allowed to stay in hotels. The federal and state governments are discussing this patchwork quilt in a video conference.

Politicians advise Corona’s vacation in Germany. But sometimes that is not so easy. Where you can go and spend the night, where the quarantine is applied, differs in many places. Now there are first clarifications.

meThe federal states want to require negative corona tests for vacationers from risky areas in the interior of Germany in the future. So said Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) in Kiel on Wednesday after a change conference of the federal and state governments. Consequently, at least eleven countries want to adhere to the regulation.

Anyone coming from a German crown risk area defined by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) can only be accommodated in a hotel or restaurant in the Federal Republic if a negative corona test is presented, “Business Insider” quotes from Document decision. This should not be more than 48 hours old. It literally says: “The moment the test result is determined is decisive for the start of the 48-hour period.”

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Domestic travel restrictions

A national accommodation ban applies to everyone else. The German Press Agency also reported on this after the exchange conference of the heads of the state chancelleries of the federal states with Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU). In view of the partially different regulations, this should be a uniform framework.

Bavaria rushes forward

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) previously announced for his country that vacationers from inland German Corona hotspots without a negative Corona test will no longer be able to stay in Bavarian hotels and restaurants from this Thursday. . Therefore, the accommodation ban should apply to travelers from areas with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. The exact areas have not yet been named by the Bavarian Ministry of Health.

Söder explained that this meant “a de facto proof obligation for tourists coming to Bavaria from risk areas”. Because if you can show a current and negative corona test, you can still stay in hotels in Bavaria. However, travelers generally have to pay for tests out of their own pocket if they do not show any signs of illness.

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Drosten spoke:

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach said German internal testing obligations and accommodation bans are not very helpful. “Soon we will have so many regions affected that the rule will be difficult to implement, much less controllable.” Furthermore, offers in Germany should be preserved, especially to prevent Germans from traveling to high-risk regions abroad.

Braun had asked for uniform rules

Schleswig-Holstein, in particular, has recently come under fire for quarantine requirements for travelers from some Berlin municipalities and districts with a high number of infections. The Rhineland-Palatinate regulation also has a similar effect. Both state governments were willing to compromise to arrive at a uniform framework at the national level.

The head of the chancellery, Braun, had called for a joint approach from the federal and state governments. If you have doubts that everything necessary will be done in some areas, understand that countries with a low infection rate are trying to protect themselves from the spread, Braun told “Bild”. “That is understandable, but it can only be an impromptu measure, which in turn causes a lot of problems.”

The central criterion in crisis management is whether there are more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a region in seven days. Based on this threshold, the federal government also classifies other states as “risk areas” for German vacationers. In Germany, the federal and state governments have agreed that local countermeasures will be taken in “particularly affected areas” of this brand.
