Corona expert Christian Drosten: Evaluation of vaccination strategy in retrospect is impossible


Unlike many critics of the EU and federal government vaccination strategy, virologist Christian Drosten does not consider it possible to retrospectively classify the procedure. “Now it is practically impossible to evaluate that in hindsight,” he told the “Berliner Morgenpost”.

Critics of science and politics had previously spoken out. Leopoldina researcher Frauke Zipp spoke of “a flagrant failure of those responsible” with regard to the management strategy. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder complained that the EU had not ordered enough vaccines and depended on the wrong manufacturers.

Drosten said the acquisition was a complex affair: “You had to order the vaccine months in advance, and at that point you didn’t even know if the vaccine in question would work.”

The scientist noted that the AstraZeneca vaccine has already been approved in the UK. »In the EU, you should get up to speed on this very quickly, because this vaccine can also be used in normal medical practices. With this vaccine, they don’t need to keep you cold. “

The scientist expects a challenging first six months in the corona crisis in 2021. “I am already looking forward to the new year with optimism, but I think the first half of the year will be very difficult,” Drosten said. There will be many discussions, for example, about relaxation or vaccination.

“The numbers are not going down right now.”

“We will enter a situation where we have vaccinated a large part of the risk groups and then there will be forces that say that there is no longer a reason for the restrictions,” said the researcher. However, that will be an error in judgment. Because: »In principle, we cannot allow very high incidents. Not even with the youngest. “

He assumes that the situation will not relax until the second half of the year, “but only if it manages to vaccinate a large number of people in the first six months.”

Facing the discussion about the extension of the closure in Germany, the virologist said that there are currently no reliable data. Labs did fewer tests and many sick people did not go to the doctor. The percentage of positive tests shows, however, “that the numbers are not going down right now. This is not right. “It was only in mid-January that it was possible to say whether the shutdown would have to extend until February.

Icon: The mirror
