Corona: Drosten’s podcast partner advises against going on talk shows


Panorama Virologin Sandra Ciesek

Drosten’s podcast partner advises colleagues not to go on talk shows

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Virlogin Ciesek advises colleagues not to go on talk shows

Virologists can be seen on German talk shows almost every day – they are the experts on the corona pandemic. However, according to virologist Sandra Ciesek, they often make incorrect statements on shows.

Moving forward, virologist Sandra Ciesek will take turns on the NDR podcast “The Coronavirus Update” with her colleague Christian Drosten. In an interview, she has now voiced criticism of some representatives of her field.

reVirologist Sandra Ciesek believes that it is dangerous for her colleagues to speak on talk shows about topics they are not very familiar with. “Many are attracted to being invited on talk shows. Then they make statements that are not always entirely correct, “Ciesek said in the current issue of the weekly” Die Zeit. ” “I think you should only comment on a topic if you can really say something about it. This is important for the credibility of science and virology. “

Ciesek is director of the Institute for Medical Virology at Frankfurt University Hospital and will be taking turns with Christian Drosten as a guest on the NDR’s Corona podcast starting next Tuesday. Your motivation is not to influence politics. “I want to explain something to people who have not studied biology or medicine.” The flood of information would leave a lot of people behind, “and I want to address them on the podcast,” said Ciesek of “Die Zeit.”

“I like to be taught better”

When asked how he deals with the fact that the facts keep changing, Ciesek said: “I have no problem with the fact that I don’t know something or that I was wrong. I also like to be better taught if someone knows more than I do or if the facts change. “

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He did not expect “this extreme division in society and the aggressiveness that became visible again in Berlin. One has the feeling that the coronavirus is only the trigger, and not the real reason. Several protests against the government’s crown policy took place in Berlin over the weekend. The situation in front of the Reichstag building escalated on Saturday night: several hundred far-right protesters stormed the steps of the Bundestag headquarters.

The 50 episodes of the podcast “The Coronavirus Update” have been viewed more than 60 million times so far. The first episode after the summer vacation with Christian Drosten appeared on Tuesday.
