Corona demonstration in Munich despite curfew


Several hundred people demonstrated against Corona’s requirements in front of the Bavarian Administrative Court in Munich late at night. The court had approved the demonstration announced by the so-called “lateral thinking movement”, despite the night curfew in Bavaria, which is applied from 9 pm However, it had limited the number of participants to 200.

The protest, which should last from 8:00 pm to 10:15 pm, was initially peaceful, as a Munich police spokesman said. However, officials counted around 300 participants. Police were on duty with around 500 people, among other things, to enforce the mask requirement.

The number of participants in the crown demonstration is limited

The organizers had originally requested a permit for 1,000 people. The Munich district administration department limited the number to 200.

The Bavarian Administrative Court decided on Sunday in an urgent request and placed the right of assembly and demonstration above the law of protection against infection. Therefore, demonstrations were allowed despite the curfew. The limitation of the number of participants to 200 was confirmed. The duration of the demonstration of 2 hours and 15 minutes was approved.
