Corona debate: SPD chief Walter-Borjans attacks Merkel and her CDU ministers


With the visor open at the next Corona summit, and in the federal election campaign!

SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans (68) has harshly criticized the crown policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel (66) and her Union ministers. Walter-Borjans rumbled to the “Augsburger Allgemeine”: “We have a head of government who is sorely lacking in terms of coordination in this crisis.”

Walter-Borjans also didn’t say anything good about the Union ministers in Merkel’s cabinet. “Nowabo” said of the leaders particularly sought after by the coalition partner that “they were not doing their work justice.”

Currently, Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and SPD ministers are fixing many things, Walter-Borjans continued. “The closer we get to the elections, the more you feel that it is not just a question of will, but also of ability.” And: “The performance of the CDU and CSU cabinet members in this government is now clearly behind the SPD. “

Mainly: the Minister of Economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier (62), and the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (40), whose survey values ​​are falling rapidly due to the vaccine debacle. In both cases, according to Walter-Borjans, “to put it carefully, there is a lot of room for improvement.”

SPD co-leader Saskia Esken also took a tough stand with the federal government in the double interview: “The experience in the Crown year in particular made clear a fundamental need for action, for example: how far we are lagging behind in digitization, network expansion, administration, schools, “he said.” In education, this is more than before an obstacle to equal opportunities. “

Draft electoral manifesto: where does the SPD want to go?

Unusually harsh words from a party leader about his coalition partner, but it shows: the election campaign has begun. On Monday, the SPD also presented its draft electoral program, which will be approved in May.

Key points: There must be a strong emphasis on climate protection, and the SPD also wants to replace Hartz-V basic safety with a citizen benefit and establish basic child safety in place of the child benefit.

With this program, the SPD was well prepared for the election campaign, Esken explained: “With the program it is now even clearer that the SPD has developed a clear plan in great unity of how our country is progressing and how we stand as a society together. . That gives us a lot of confidence that we will get more approval in the coming months and that we will be able to lead a government in the fall. “

When asked if the SPD electoral program was a coalition offer to the Greens and the Left, Walter-Borjans said: “Our program is an expression of our conviction that the CDU and the CSU need a regeneration period in the opposition bank “. red-green core “will not produce the necessary change.
