Corona curfew: a lousy trick to avoid it is spreading in eBay classifieds


At the Corona closure, night curfews and exit restrictions apply at many locations. But now a very bad trick is circulating in eBay classifieds.

  • Become classified on eBay Lieferando Jackets when Lock trick.
  • This causes shocked reactions.
  • The Munich police are also on the issue.

Munich – Germany He’s been on the hard since Wednesday (December 16) Crown-Lockdown. In Bavaria, among other things, there is a night Curfew (which was not even overturned by a court). And the Free State tightens with Special rules Not just at night. At night will be the applicable Exit restrictions in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Brandenburg and Saxony (in Saxony only from a state incidence value of 200 on five consecutive days): exercise and outdoor sports are no longer possible. These exit restrictions also apply in Thuringia at night. The same occurs in Hessen in rural or urban districts with an incidence greater than 200 in three days in a row. People without good reasons They are no longer allowed outside the door in Bavaria from 9 pm to 5 am It is emergencies or the way of working. Delivery services, of course, can do their job too.

The photo shows a corona check in Schweinfurt (Bavaria) on December 17, 2020.

© imago images / HMB-Media

Avoid Corona’s curfew: lousy trick with Lieferando jackets in eBay classifieds

For some, however, it seems to have an appeal Crown curfew to derivation. How different are the cheeky offers to be explained now in EBay classifieds showed up? And the ones that are also clicked very frequently. No kidding: there are lines Lieferando Jackets sold as lousy trick against curfew. “For all those who still want to go out after 9 pm: Lieferando jacket! Strike now! It’s what an offer says. Up to 300 euros are required for these jackets!

And the interest still seems to be there. Some offers have hundreds, sometimes more than a thousand, calls. Even with the Munich Police the phenomenon causes astonishment. Press spokesperson Florian Hirschauer I discovered a “blocking jacket” myself in the eBay classifieds, he explains after the information from our editorial team, also from Lieferando, “The intention is completely clear.”

And also app users Jodel They have already taken advantage of the offers of the Lieferando jackets against the curfew. “Something like that makes me so aggressive,” writes a user there. “The lowlands of humanity” is another.

Curfew in Corona: According to police, many seek loopholes

The police, of course, keep a close eye on people looking for loopholes. “When something is forbidden, there are always some who try Cheat the system“Explains Florian Hirschauer of the Munich police. “Especially with this difficult Corona-Lage Did we experience that on social media? Graubereich-The search begins. How can I do something that I’m not supposed to do anyway? We are asked about the exception to the exception so that people can have it in writing and still do it. “

Screenshots of three different offers that were discontinued this week.

© eBay Classifieds

Lieferando jackets in eBay classifieds appear to be on the rise. And the offers, some of which have already been removed, are some completely blunt. “I am offering a Lieferando jacket that is rarely used. That allows you to leave the house between 9 pm and 5 am despite the closure, since you simply say that you come from work as a delivery man in yours. Pizza shop etc. of your confidence, ”he says.

Corona curfew with Lieferando jackets from eBay classifieds: Police are watching closely

The police do not want to put aside the deception with the Lieferando jackets. “Naturally our colleagues take a closer look“That’s known now,” Hirschauer said. “But you also do an injustice to every poor kid who delivers his pizza at night. He has to work too. You need an initial suspicion. When five people come together in Lieferando jackets and celebrate together, this occurs regardless of the jacket. “

Of course, we strongly recommend not to circumvent the rules with a Lieferando jacket as a non-food driver. Otherwise it will twice as expensive. At the latest, who has spent 300 euros on eBay classifieds AND then a considerable one? penalty fee he gets angry, he will also regret it. Such an attempt could not be located in the area of ​​abuse of power, Hirschauer explains. “But the violation of the curfew remains.” Decide on the fine – based on Munich – So that KVR (District Administration Department).

the Appeal From the police spokesperson: “The situation is difficult, but it would be nice if we could expect a little common sense. The point is that people stay at home ”. A worrying fever is expected in supermarkets before Christmas. (lin)

Rubriklistenbild: © imago images / HMB-Media
