Corona crisis: schools open despite growing number of infections


Status: 02/22/2021 5:00 am

In several federal states, schools and day care centers are beginning to teach again today. Meanwhile, Health Minister Jens Spahn is concerned about the increasing number of infections.

From Nina Amin,
ARD capital study

With much exemption, the number of new infections has dropped in recent weeks, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn said in Berlin report. But the virus is adaptable and it is changing. The number of corona infections is on the rise again: “It’s annoying, it bothers all the animals,” Spahn said. “It also brings a bit of uncertainty and that is why precaution, testing and vaccination must now accompany us on our way.”

Nina Amin

Vaccines for elementary school and daycare employees are also in the spotlight. In many federal states, face-to-face classes are starting again today for the primary and final classes, despite the increasing number of corona infections. More children are also accepted in nurseries.

Minister Spahn is upset by the increasing number of infections.

Image: dpa

A prior vaccination offer is required for teachers

Representatives of the federal states want to offer employees of daycare centers and schools an earlier vaccination offer. It has the support of the Federal Minister of Education, Anja Karliczek, of the CDU. The tasks of teachers and kindergarten staff are important for society as a whole, said Karliczek of the German press agency “dpa”. That should appear in the vaccination priority. And: “If a large number of teachers and nursery employees are protected by a vaccine, this would be a contribution to be able to teach students in the schools themselves or to be able to take care of children during the day.” assistance centers “the minister.

It is likely that today a decision will be made whether the two professional groups advance in the vaccination sequence. At a change conference of the health ministers of the federal states, a fundamental decision must be made, said Baden-Württemberg health minister Manne Lucha of the Greens. SWR.

“Now he is vaccinated”

They agree in principle. In his federal state, vaccination should start today: “Now we have decided that we will vaccinate educators and teachers. We are now setting the standard with the good AstraZenca vaccine, which we have in large quantities. Now we are vaccinated,” he says. Struggle.

Health Minister Spahn also wants to quickly adapt the vaccination ordinance after an agreement. That could take a few days. In early March, Spahn estimates, vaccinations for teachers should be possible depending on the situation in the federal states.
