Corona crisis: “For many Germans, that’s why I’m the bad guy” – Drosten’s statement seems profound


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Virologist Christian Drosten has received unexpected attention from the coronavirus pandemic. Now you are experiencing the other side of this coin: you even receive death threats.

Berlin / Munich – The crisis of the crown made virologist Professor Christian Drosten * of the Berlin Charité involuntarily and more or more overnight, one of the most wanted people in Germany.

Colleagues, politicians and large sections of the population listen to his advice. I also know how to regulate Corona Pandemic Podcast * in collaboration with the NDR meets extremely high demand in German speaking countries. But Drosten is also increasingly experiencing the dark side of this unexpected glory.

Crown crisis: Drosten receives death threats from the population

In an interview with the British. Guardian the scientist has now said that due to his role in the crown crisis Threats of death receives. Drosten justifies this with the call “Paradox of prevention”: “People in Germany see that hospitals are not overcrowded and do not understand why stores have to close,” he says.

He is currently demonstrating that the Containment measures * work. This would make many people claim to be an assumption. “Overreaction” complaining, Drosten said. “They just look at what is happening here and they don’t see the situation in New York or Spain, for example,” he continues. “So I am German to many Germans bad boy who breaks the economy *Drosten tells the Guardian. And that is why the virologist continues to receive death threats. Just pass this on to the police.

Drosten: emails in which citizens report fears about the future keep him awake at night

However, other emails would keep him awake at night, Drosten admits in an interview with The Guardian. “They are worse People mailsthey write to me that they have three children and Be afraid of the future“Says the scientist. “It is not my fault, but these are the emails that keep me awake at night.”

However, death threats and news about some citizens’ fear of the future do not seem to distract Drosten from his course. The virologist continues explaining why measures taken by the government in your opinion they are needed and why Germany in the successes achieved so far as one Decrease in the number of reproductions *, it may not rest. He emphasized this again last week in a post on his Twitter channel.

More recently, Drosten has one before the force possible second wave of infection * warned You can find more information in the video below.

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.
