Corona crisis: Federal Interior Ministry employee criticizes measures


The Horst Seehofer Federal Home Office (CSU) has to deal with an internal spicy process. A ministerial adviser wrote a paper on the crown crisis without being commissioned to do so; This is in complete contradiction to the position of the ministry.

According to information from SPIEGEL, it is said that it sent the 80-page document to a large distributor both internally and externally. The weekend ended on the conservative side of the right, “Tichy Insight,” where the speaker is depicted as a kind of whistleblower.

Dealing with Covid-19 was a “false global alarm,” he said, the ministry official said. The danger of the new type of corona virus “is no greater than that of many other viruses.” He believes that the measures ordered by the authorities did more harm than good. Its elaboration culminates in a pronounced statement: the state may have to accept the accusation that it was “one of the largest producers of false news” in the crown crisis.

“Neither order nor authorization”

The document contradicts virtually everything the Federal Government and the Robert Koch Institute say about Covid-19. Seehofer had advocated a rigorous approach from the start to curb the spread of the coronavirus. His ministry had written a study in March that, in the worst case, could threaten hundreds of thousands of deaths if the government did little. “Many countries in the world and most countries in Europe have taken similar measures,” the Federal Interior Ministry said on Sunday. “The measures taken so far are working.”

Recently, criticism of the course of government in the crown crisis had increased enormously. Over the weekend, thousands of people demonstrated in Germany, including vaccination opponents, extremists and conspiracy ideologues, but also ordinary citizens. Protesters are now receiving aid with rifles from the ranks of the federal government.

The rebel Crown of the Federal Ministry of the Interior works in the department dealing with fundamental crisis management and civil protection issues. According to SPIEGEL’s information, however, he was not supposed to have been involved in dealing with the crown pandemic, nor was he part of the joint crisis team between the Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Health.

There is great resentment in Seehofer’s ministry for the paper that was written alone. There the theses are called “private expression”. He had no “order or authorization” for compilation, but was also “outside the author’s purview”.

However, the referee provided the official letterhead of the ministry. “This gives the impression that private opinion reflects the official opinion of an authority,” said the Federal Interior Ministry. That was “not acceptable”. According to SPIEGEL’s information, the employee has been temporarily released from his duties and access to his email inbox is blocked until further notice.

Icon: The Mirror
