Corona crisis: And then, Laschet’s team of experts talks about a “polarization phase”


Germany Crown crisis

And then, Laschet’s team of experts talks about a “polarization phase”

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How can public life be restarted?

The economic consequences that have already been caused by the measures against the coronavirus are enormous. The pressure on politics is increasing. The first concepts for shutdown output are available.

NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet calls for the gradual relaxation of exit restrictions. His expert advice describes a cautious opening of retail stores, caterers, kindergartens and schools – this is how Laschet wants to end the blockade.

DThe letter was addressed to Angela Merkel and the other prime ministers: Armin Laschet, CDU, has released a 15-page document titled “Path to Responsible Normalcy” which is available to WELT. With this move, the 59-year-old prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia is confirming his status as a spokesperson for all those who call for the gradual withdrawal of exit restrictions and a ban on contacts in the Corona crisis. The experience is intended to support consultations after Easter, when prime ministers weigh with the chancellor on Wednesday how the national blockade will continue after April 19.

The document comes from the “Corona de Laschet Council of Experts” with twelve known scientists, including former judge of the Federal Constitutional Court, Udo Di Fabio, demos Renate Köcher, virologist Hendrik Streeck, president of the Council of European Ethics, Christiane Woopen, and former President of Economic Practices Christoph M. Schmidt.

The committee describes a gradual opening as soon as it is acceptable under medical and hygienic conditions. Accurate risk assessments and high standards of protection are mentioned as a prerequisite.

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One should “now begin to control measures in a more differentiated and flexible way to keep the various negative effects as low as possible,” the document says. Experts warn of the economic, social and health damage caused by the blockade and fear that “the first phase of social solidarity will now be followed by a phase of polarization.” Three quarters of the population are unsure how to proceed. For self-employed and self-employed workers, the figure is 84 percent, and 87 percent worry about their own jobs.

The committee argues that return should be a process “that is not based on a timeline and set measures, but is” groping, “a” learning system. “Experts see childcare opportunities and school lessons in to a limited degree. In addition, the committee still considers that a “visit ban or at least severe restrictions regarding consistent testing” is necessary for the elderly and nursing homes, but also advocates that the right of self-determination of individual residents be more closely respected.

In the opinion of the expert council, economic activities would have to be “approved as quickly as possible and as far as possible”, if protective measures such as spacing, partitions and masks were implemented. Retail stores could open earlier, as could restaurants, if there was enough table space and a limited number of people. Visits to discos or important events such as soccer games, fairs or congresses, on the other hand, “would not be possible in the foreseeable future.” In their recommendations, the experts also refer to the bilateral interim result of an ongoing virological pilot study on behalf of the NRW state government.

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Overall, the expert council points to new cooperation. For some time, a “new social understanding of closeness and courtesy” would be necessary. That means there is no handshake or hug when greeting people and at a sufficient distance from other people. ” This return to this new normal is subject to constant reservations. “We will slowly regain our freedoms,” the newspaper says. Expert advice does not rule out that there could also be setbacks if the number of infections increases again. There could be “new waves of infection smaller and perhaps larger, locally, but also nationally.” One has to react quickly and strictly to this at the regional and situational level.
