Corona conspiracy theories: Detlef, Ken and Attila know more details – column


In 2004, the television dance teacher Detlef D! Gather with others in an alpine hut to film in the manure bath. At the time, I called people who make a living with that kind of “media idiot,” that was not nice, I admit it.

But right now the term seems to be gaining a kind of ominous new topicality. I remember a scene from “Die Alm”, in which Soost, in the context of a naked bath, strongly recommended that a former boxer, who also belongs to the group, “finally shave his tail” (quoted from memory). He already had the feeling that Soost, with such harsh instructions, slightly exceeded his area of ​​competence.

He’s doing it again, but this time it’s about more than body hair. Soost is followed by almost 48,000 people on Instagram, who are generally more interested in fitness advice or motivational advice. At the moment, however, the dance teacher is more interested in fighting pandemics and civil rights.

In dialogue with a pharmacist and an apparently very enthusiastic audience, he praised live this week about a supposedly imminent “vaccination obligation” against Corona (while a vaccine is not even in sight), somehow related it to the issue. ” freedom of expression “and also spoke of all kinds of nonsense. In between, he said with wide eyes, apparently in response to a comment on the live chat: “KenFM is not that bad now. Extreme, but it also has one or the other positive approach!” Then he immediately read a demo call from the chat.

We don’t call it camp, we call it crown hospitals “

What KenFM “editor-in-chief” (self-designation) Ken Jebsen understands by a “positive approach” on the Covid-19 issue can be summed up as follows: crown editions are a planned step by a dark global “elite”. in a “dictatorship”. Doctors are basically the SS today: “We don’t call it camp, we call it crown hospitals.” The concentration camp, Josef Mengele, the “Racial Laws” (sic) and “Human Experiments” of the Nazis also appear in the cited video. They all acted in a joyous, super-lit whisper. Ken knows how to move!

In the same clip, in which the staggering concentration camp comparisons appear, Jebsen says that at the moment it is “incredibly dangerous” in Germany to “say something.” Which is probably due to this global conspiracy that started a pandemic, led by Bill and Melinda Gates. The word “seizure of power” appears and the phrase that there was no “curfew” even during the bombing war under Hitler. “Positive approaches”?

Compare things to the Holocaust

Comparing the Nazi era, the Holocaust and things with the Holocaust are the real set points in Jebsen’s erratic work. That cost him his job on a public radio station years ago, and since then he has been clearing up what’s going on, funded by people who like him. And all the time he wonders who “controls” the media. Jebsen is a kind of temporary Alex-Jones (“Infowars”) in small German format. It just doesn’t sell miracle pills yet.

Jebsen’s real main audience is the kind of people who are now following demo calls from YouTube cook Attila Hildmann – conspirators, right-wing radicals, and other crazy people. However, a vocoder-backed pop singer (current song: “Fuckboy”) and a lady who can be photographed for underwear on Instagram now recommend Jebsen’s videos. Both have a lot of reach on social networks, the singer even more than the lady in underwear. Somewhere in the background, Xavier Naidoo sobs softly on camera.

Fucking Alliance

Last Wednesday, at the invitation of Naidoo’s friend, cook Attila Hildmann, an illustrious group gathered in front of the Reichstag building: neo-Nazi fashion people, fans of the idea of ​​the imperial citizens of the illegitimate “BRD GmbH” and others who know Something about the rest of it remains hidden from us. One had a sign saying “Don’t give Gates a chance.” Hildmann himself spoke to a camera about Bill Gates, who wanted to exterminate parts of humanity. And from “NWO”, the so-called New World Order, which is basically the current abbreviation for “Jewish world conspiracy”, “Bilderbergers”, “secret societies” and “Masons”.

According to the “Tagesspiegel,” Hildmann also called Gates on a closed channel on the Messenger Telegram “child molester” and “Satanist.” This in turn points to the current QAnon conspiracy theory, whose fans think Donald Trump is the Savior, and who apparently also inspired Hanau’s mass murderer (and various violent crimes in the US). The FBI has classified QAnon as a terrorist threat.

Hildmann can now also be visited by experienced and commercially motivated conspiracy tellers on his Instagram account. A new alliance of forms of idiocy between business models. The main thing is the scope.

Now it’s getting painful

Over the course of the Hildmann demonstration in Berlin, a portly bald man attacked an ARD sound technician with a kick and was later shot down and arrested by several police officers.

A few days earlier, 15-20 people apparently attacked an extremely brutal and apparently partially armed “heute-show” team. Two days earlier, a “commentator” at KenFM had angrily announced the visit of this “Today Show” team to the demo. The terms “resistance”, “anger” and “fist in the pocket” also appear in the text.

Not funny anymore

In other words: what Detlef, Ken, Xavier and Attila are doing is no longer fun. Idiots in the media village don’t convince too many people with their nonsense, but they reach a much larger audience in the social media era than was previously possible. And there’s more shit replenishment. Naidoo now knows where Atlantis is, no joke.

And of those who like to be convinced, some are apparently ready to use violence.

If anyone believes in the core conspiracy narrative of the global elite, which secretly controls us all, at the end of the day, any news event can be attached to this narrative framework. Also, with some logical gymnastics, a global pandemic (!).

Once you’ve joined the Enlightened Club, you suddenly find yourself alongside Nazi and Reich citizens in demonstrations. But it does not matter! Occasionally, you must add some additional professional groups to the conspirator group. First there were journalists, then climatologists and now doctors. The conspiracy must now be gigantic.

A little hope

Unlike Detlef, Ken, Atila, Xavier and everyone else who never tires of saying, there is definitely freedom of speech in Germany. You can see that from the fact that they themselves can continue to spread nonsense and incite people without consequence. Even if they demonstratively fear for their lives in front of the camera or announce that they are going “underground” like Hildmann.

By contrast, the majority German society is free to view conspiracy narratives as idiocy spread by dance masters, chefs, singers, YouTubers, and underwear models. And she mostly does it.

However, with some of the conspiracy narrators, one might hope that they are not completely happy with their new fans. With them now cheering on a clientele that includes people who attack camera crews with homicides.

Icon: The Mirror
