Corona Commission report: Sweden should not have protected the elderly


Sweden’s special and loose route was highly controversial internationally. The Crown Commission is now accusing the government of failing to protect the elderly. For example, geriatric nurses were sent into the pandemic unprepared.

According to a crown commission created by the government in late June, Sweden failed to protect its older citizens from the corona virus.

“Badly equipped and left alone”

Long-known structural problems, as well as factors such as insufficient protective equipment and comprehensive testing that was introduced late, contributed to the fact that care for the elderly was ill-prepared and ill-equipped for a pandemic, according to a report. of the commission. Most geriatric care workers were left alone in the crisis.

Guilt of current and past governments

According to the Commission, the responsibility for the failures rests with the government of the day and previous governments.

A notable weakness in the partial report was the division of care for the elderly. In Sweden, it is divided into 21 regions and 290 municipalities. Many private providers are involved, while national responsibility rests with state government agencies.

Meanwhile, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has accused health authorities of misjudgments about Corona. They underestimated the power of the virus to reignite the pandemic, Löfven said. “I think most people in the profession did not see the wave in front of them,” said the Social Democrat of the newspaper “Aftonbladet”.

Much less strict measures than in other countries

Sweden had given up on a lockdown in the first wave, which attracted global attention, but was also highly controversial.

In the fall, the virus spread rapidly among medical personnel. The government then banned public gatherings of more than eight people and alcohol in bars and restaurants after 10 p.m. However, gatherings in private apartments have not been restricted and there is no requirement for masks either.

So far, more than 340,000 confirmed corona infections and 7667 related deaths have been recorded in the country. Most of the corona deaths were 70 years or older.

In terms of population, the country of around 10 million inhabitants has had significantly more infections and deaths than Germany or the rest of Scandinavia.

According to the Swedish Statistical Agency (SCB), more people died in November than in any other November in the last 100 years – a total of 8,088 people.

Marked spike of Spanish flu

“This is the highest number of recorded deaths in November since 1918. That was the year the Spanish flu broke out,” said SCB population statistician Tomas Johansson. At that time, 16,600 people died in Sweden in November. The highest level since 2000 was in 2002, when 7,720 deaths were recorded.

The now released report was the Crown Commission’s first partial report on the pandemic. It is expected to present its final report on February 28, 2022, seven months before the next Swedish parliamentary elections.

Deutschlandfunk Kultur reported on this issue on December 1, 2020 at 6:30 pm on the “Weltzeit” program.
