Corona closure: where people really get infected


Most of the stores are closed and most of the schools are closed. Restaurants can only sell food away from home. The federal government is asking employers to verify whether their employees can work from home or whether company vacations are possible. Germany is, again, in a shutdown. The goal: to reduce the number of new coronavirus cases, which had risen steadily with the earlier, less drastic measures.

Every measure hurts someone. Some political decisions seem inconsistent. While, on the one hand, you are being asked to refrain from all possible contacts, the relaxed rules for Christmas offer great potential for contagion.

With each measure, people ask the question: Why does this of all things have to be banned while it continues to happen? Is the risk of infection really that high at school, when shopping, at the theater, in the climbing hall? Are not completely different environments that drive the spread of the virus?
