Corona: Clinic orders Van Laack Kittel – fashion company fights back


Germany “Quick tear”

Clinic solves Van Laack Kittel – fashion company strikes back

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Wreath Check Before Christmas – That’s What Quick Tests Really Do

The demand for antigen and PCR tests is increasing. After all, Christmas is just around the corner and you don’t want to infect anyone. But what can these tests really do and how safe are they?

In the spring, the country ordered ten million protective gowns from van Laack, and was pleased to obtain the protective gear. In several clinics, however, they are now unused in stock. Partly for a long time: aprons tear too quickly, they say.

rehe University Clinic Essen has recalled around 40,000 protective dresses from fashion company van Laack, whose order has been criticized by the opposition in the state parliament. The gowns “would rip quickly when you put them on,” the clinic said upon request.

The 40,000 gowns provided by the country arrived at the University Clinic in Essen in late August, but were not released for use, the clinic announced on Tuesday. “To protect our users and patients, we only use fleece protective gowns, which according to DIN EN ISO 10993-5 are tested and certified,” the message said.

The Van Laack robes, which came in 476 packages, are currently in storage. The clinic confirmed a report from the “Lauer und Wehner” podcast.

“We are not aware of any complaints”

The fashion company van Laack has resisted criticism about quality. The disposable gowns were “exactly up to the customer’s specifications,” a company spokeswoman said. “We are not aware of any complaints,” the statement said.

A high tear resistance is “counterproductive for the lightness and breathability of the material,” explains the company. Many buyers in the medical sector complained that the gowns were too heavy because users sweated more in them. “That is why there are different material weights for each buyer’s choice,” it said in the statement.

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Laschet was silent about the new measures for a long time, then all he had to do was flee forward.

Van Laack gowns are also not currently used in other clinics. Upon request, the Münster University Clinic announced that the 28,800 parts that had arrived there had not yet passed the standard internal inspection and are therefore still in stock.

Even at the Düsseldorf University Clinic, which, according to a spokesperson, received 19,200 size L dresses and 9,600 size M dresses, Van Laack’s dresses have yet to be unpacked. They still have enough supplies and haven’t opened yet. Therefore, there is also a lack of “practical experience,” the spokesman said. You can’t tell if they break really fast.

Matter in plenary session

The NRW Health Ministry noted Tuesday evening that the dresses were purchased and distributed in March due to a shortage of deliveries. Although they “do not fully meet” the requirements of the European Ordinance on Protective Equipment “and relevant standards,” they have been tested by the ministry and approved for use during the pandemic.

As with respiratory masks, a solution had to be found quickly in late March or early April, as the usual process, including the “type test,” would have taken several weeks or months, according to a ministry spokesperson.

The agreement with the fashion manufacturer had sparked debate, as the son of Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) had established contact with the company. Johannes “Joe” Laschet is a fashion blogger and advertising partner for the company Mönchengladbach. The purchase of protective gowns should also be a topic in the plenary session of the state parliament on Wednesday afternoon.
