Corona: CDU Zoff for Help: Federal Government Wants to Pay Less, States Should Intervene


Worry about the help of the crown!

Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (68, CDU) and Union Parliamentary Group Leader Ralph Brinkhaus (52) clashed violently at the CDU presidium meeting on Monday!

Zoff’s Reason: The Discussion About Corona’s New Help.

▶ ︎Brinkhaus demands that federal states pay more for crown aid in the future. “Of course, the federal states have borne their burdens as well, but that is unbalanced. And as regards the continuous payment of aid, in January and February, we expect the federal states to participate in this aid, “he said in the ARD program” Report from Berlin. ”

▶ ︎ The leaders of the country: they react with indignation. For Bouffier it is even more than an affront: “I urge you to moderate in the future,” the Prime Minister told the leader of the parliamentary group after the information from the BILD. “They knew me personally.”

Noisy WORLD Bouffier also told Brinkhaus: “I’ll tell you very clearly, we are no longer ready to see your happenings!”

Markus Söder (53, CSU) also spoke critically beforehand. He couldn’t “imagine at the moment that countries can put up with much more,” he said on the Junge Union (JU) youth organization’s Germany Day.

Aid from the crown will be reduced in January

Chancellor Chief Helge Braun (48, CDU) announced on Monday that aid from the crown would be cut from January 2021, and he, too, is making countries more accountable. Before the next Prime Minister’s Conference there is a big financial dispute!

State support should not continue in the current form, he told the “Handelsblatt.” “We have to work on more specific aid for January,” Braun said. “The state can help a large number of companies overcome the crisis. But it will not be without consequences. ”

And Braun also called for more involvement from the federal states. “Coping with the pandemic is a task for all levels of government. That is why all levels must also contribute to costs, “he said on Friday.

As an example, he cited the use of additional school buses. “Something like this is the task of the federal states.” But Braun also asks for a contribution from the federal states for financial aid.

On Monday, the economy ministers of the federal states also want to address the consequences of the pandemic in an online conference.

Map: German Crown Hot Spots - Infographic

A calculation by the Institute of German Economics (IW) in Cologne had shown that the so-called November and December aid were ten billion euros more than necessary. If aid continues unchanged, some of the businesses affected by the partial closure will now receive more money than if they had opened.

Bavarian Head of State Markus Söder (53, CSU), Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (62), Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (62, CDU) and NRW Head of State Armin Laschet (59, CDU ) had already joined the discussion.

One thing is clear: there should be a reform of the Crown aid, it is not clear: who pays and in what amount? Zoff’s Tipping Point: While Federal Politicians Call For Greater Financial Participation From The Federal States, They Are Vehemently Blocking It!

Who bears the costs?

In November and December, the federal government supports companies affected by the partial lockdown with subsidies of up to 75 percent of sales for the same month last year. Currently a total of about 30,000 million euros is estimated for this. The aid expires at the end of December.

► Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz He stressed last week that he now sees that “the federal government and the states have a joint duty.” With that, you switch to the Brinkhaus and Braun federal line.

Strong criticism of the country’s bosses

But the criticism from the countries is getting stronger. On Monday there was strong criticism of Brinkhaus’s demands from three eastern countries:

► Countries have already made a significant financial contribution to combat the crisis, said Thuringian Finance Minister Heike Taubert (62, SPD) the MDR. “For our Free State of Thuringia alone, we initially provided 700 million euros for direct aid in the pandemic. There are also guarantees. “

Saxony Finance Minister Hartmut Vorjohann (57, CDU) He criticized the impression that countries had not participated so far. The opposite is true. Saxony has launched a fund to face the crown of almost seven billion euros. It goes without saying that the state should support the municipal level, long before the federal government promised to help there as well.

► The fight against the pandemic should not depend on the country’s pocket, he said Saxony-Anhalt Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (66, CDU) the transmitter. “Rich countries could then afford more protection and more compensation than poor ones. No one can really want that. “

More specific help

Olaf Scholz had recently indicated that he would support a reform of the previous system: there would be a return to the bridge aid regime from January. Businesses could still count on state support.

“It is clear that the normal bridging aid scheme will be applied from next year,” the SPD politician told the ZDF Berlin Direkt program. These should apply until at least June 2021 and are more comprehensive and generous than before.

Also Federal Minister of Economy Peter altmaier indicates changes to Corona help. “We certainly cannot continue to offer very comprehensive packages, such as the sales discount, for an unlimited period of time,” he told Deutschlandfunk. He also referred to the extension of bridging aid until the end of June, with which companies with large declines in sales could reimburse a considerable part of their fixed costs.

► Prime Minister of NRW, Armin Laschet is committed to a fundamentally new Corona aid model for the coming year: “We can’t shut everything down permanently, and the state pays billions in power outages month after month. A new model will be needed starting in the new year. “He told the” Rheinische Post. “The permanent closures and subsequent compensation payments” permanently ruined the state. “
