Corona: Bundestag passes new infection protection law


rehe reform of the Infection Protection Act has overcome the first hurdle. In the Bundestag, the majority of 415 The deputies on Wednesday for the reform in order to put the crown measures on a new legal basis in the future. 236 nay 8 abstained, as announced by the President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU).

While Union Y SPD declared that the protection measures of the crown would be placed on a secure legal basis, criticized the opposition because the amendment still does not give the parliament sufficient influence on violations of fundamental rights. the Vegetables he agreed despite her concerns. The FDP, the left and the AfD rejected the law.

The revised Infection Protection Act lists in detail the actions that the federal and state governments can take if infections increase dramatically. In addition to mask requirements, distance requirements, and travel restrictions, this also includes curfews, contact restrictions, the closure of businesses and facilities, as well as a ban on religious events and services. In principle, federal states should limit their ordinances to four weeks and give reasons for an extension.

Federal Minister of Health Jens spahn (CDU) called the pandemic an “event of the century” in the Bundestag debate on the Civil Protection Law. In the end, it doesn’t matter whether the government does something or not, it causes harm. “The question is, where does the damage occur?” Asks the CDU politician. In this case, a balance must be struck between economic damage and health damage.

“Are you concerned about the suffering of people in intensive care units, Mr Gauland?” Spahn asked in the direction of the AfD parliamentary group, which wanted to take the law off the agenda and further debate it.

“Where would you rather be than in the Federal Republic of Germany?” He yelled. “No other country came out of the pandemic so well with softer means,” he said. “And because people keep saying different things: I give you my word, there will be no mandatory vaccination in this pandemic,” Spahn said. Addressing the leader of the AfD parliamentary group, Alexander Gauland, he added: “I should finally stop saying something else.” Spahn sees Germany on the right track in the fight against the corona pandemic. “We stood up, the exponential growth stopped,” he said.

SPD Parliamentary Executive Carsten schneider defended the new regulation of the Infection Protection Law and criticized the nature of some protests against it. Of course, the right to demonstrate against him is indisputable, Schneider said in view of numerous protests in Berlin. But everyone should think about “who to demonstrate with.” The SPD politician spoke of a “colorful mix” of right-wing extremists, hooligans, but also people with completely different backgrounds.

Schneider harshly criticized the comparisons between the new civil protection law, to be voted on in the afternoon in the Bundestag and Bundesrat, and the Nazi Enabling Act of 1933. If so, then it was about “empowering parliament,” he said. the SPD. -Politician. “They not only discredit our democracy, they make it despicable,” he emphasized.

“Government authorization as it has not existed for a long time”

The AfD MP had a debate in the Bundestag at the beginning Bernd baumann he repeated this comparison and called for the law to be discussed further in committees. The other groups were unanimously opposed to this. He accused the government of submitting the 36-page presentation to committees too late.

Baumann criticized the coalition for pushing the motion through committees without giving MPs enough time to examine and debate. “Today’s bill is an authorization for the government that has not existed since historical times,” criticized Baumann.

MEPs from the other political groups rejected the accusations. The process was completely orderly and parliament was “massively involved,” said the manager of the Union’s parliamentary group. Miguel Grosse-Brömer.

SPD politician Schneider also turned against attempts to paralyze parliamentary operations through demonstrations, mass emails, and mass calls at parliamentary offices. As a result, the Bundestag’s IT system was shut down on Tuesday due to overloaded servers. Schneider rejected the allegations of rush hour procedures in the amendment to the law. It was a fast but regular consultation process, he emphasized during the debate.

Lindner: blank check law for the government

Leader of the group of the Greens Katrin Göring-Eckardt It was outraged that opponents of the Crown’s protection measures in Berlin chanted “We are the people.” This is “an insult to all who fought for democracy in 1989,” he wrote on Twitter. The police tried to break up the demonstration at noon.

The president of the FDP Christian lindner considers the new version of the Infection Protection Act to be too vague and far-reaching. “This amended law does not create the legal clarity that we need, nor does it create the clear predictability of government action in a pandemic,” Lindner said. Unfortunately, what the government can do in a specific situation cannot be inferred from the law. “It’s basically a blank check,” criticized Lindner.

“We reject it because of its paragraph 28 A,” Lindner said during the debate in the Bundestag. The law is a “free ticket.” The pandemic differs regionally, so a regional approach should remain possible, according to Lindner.

Mistrust will explode, that is already seen in the streets and in the protests in front of the Bundestag, said the president of the AfD. Alexander gauland. “These people defend their basic rights and do not have to be observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.”

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“This is not a law that leads to dictatorship,” he said. Jan Korte, First parliamentary director of the Left Group. However, his group votes against the law. You have to ask Parliament every time fundamental rights are violated. “On the one hand, there are contact restrictions, on the other hand, there are, in all seriousness, shopping Sundays,” he criticized. There are billions for Lufthansa, but there is no money for air filters in schools. He called for more debates in parliament and with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), not just for the law to be “presented”. Greens want advice against pandemic, Green MPs said Manuela Rottmann. The Greens want to toughen the law through an amendment. “Therefore, we are laying the foundation for well-founded and evidence-based measures to withstand judicial justification,” he said.

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When the Federal Minister of Health Spahn made a speech, much of the AfD parliamentary group In the plenary hall there were white signs that read “Fundamental Law”, as well as a black ribbon with the date “11/18/2020”. Some MPs also wore white chest notes with the word “Basic Law”. The AfD MPs quickly followed the request of the President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, to remove the posters. There was no call to order. The episode only lasted a little over a minute, then Spahn continued his speech.

The new Infection Protection Act regulations are intended to create more precise legal requirements for far-reaching corona restrictions in countries. This includes the obligation to motivate; measurements are generally limited to four weeks initially.

There is a lot of pressure on the law. After the Bundestag it is still Wednesday also the Federal Council finally dealing with legislative plans. They also envision practical measures for the Corona crisis, such as new regulations on loss of income for parents and returnees on vacation.
