Corona: Berlin: these rules apply from Sunday


Crown rules

These crown rules apply from Sunday in Berlin.

The Berlin Senate follows the decision of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor and tightened the rules of Corona. What applies from Sunday.

So prefer FFP2 skins

FFP2 protective masks are being discussed as an alternative to surgical and everyday masks. This mask consists of four layers of fleece and protects against 94% of aerosols in the air with a good fit. Find out why FFP2 masks are better here.

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Sedan. To contain the corona pandemic, a stricter mask requirement also applies in Berlin as of Sunday (January 24, 2021). In the future, it will be mandatory to wear a more protective “medical mask” on buses and trains, as well as when shopping. Widespread everyday masks made of cloth or other coverings for the mouth and nose are no longer allowed on local public transport or in retail.

The Senate is following the decision of Prime Minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) the day before. Consequently, only FFP2 masks or blue surgical masks are allowed in local transport and in stores. The needy and the homeless should receive the masks for free. “That goes without saying,” said Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) after the Senate meeting. As in spring, it will be issued at the district offices. The country has already purchased stocks of medical masks and will distribute contingents to the districts.

Coronavirus in Berlin, Germany and the world – more on the subject

Corona in Berlin: the use of masks must be more intensively controlled

The federal government had already provided free masks for seniors and risk groups, which were distributed through pharmacies. All other groups must now equip themselves with the appropriate masks. “Surgical masks are available in large quantities and inexpensive,” Müller said. The wearing of permitted masks will be more closely monitored and fines will be imposed for violations, Müller said.

The Senate did not make any specific decisions about working from home. Berlin wants to first reach an understanding with the federal government about which requirements are legally possible and which are not. To do this, the federal cabinet approved on Wednesday a proposal that will be applied as of next Wednesday and will be adapted for Berlin at the next meeting of the Senate on Tuesday.

FFP2 masks – read also:

Coronavirus mutation also detected in Reinickendorf

Müller, Economy Senator Ramona Pop (Greens) and Culture Senator Klaus Lederer (left) referred to the urgency of increasing measures after the Senate meeting. No one knows how the new UK-born corona virus mutation spreads in the city. Therefore, it is important to limit personal contacts even further. “Every day that the number of infections goes down, human lives are saved,” Müller said.

The first cases appeared in Berlin on January 9, 2021. Now the coronavirus mutation has also been detected in Reinickendorf, at the Vivantes Humboldt Clinic. As announced by the district office, a routine examination of four patients and two employees revealed a positive corona test result with virus variant type B.1.1.7 infection.

That is why the extension of the restrictions until mid-February and the tightening of the mask requirement and the expansion of the home office are correct. Müller, Pop and Lederer spoke of the successes already achieved in the fight against Corona. “We have every chance to keep the situation under control,” Müller said. However, it is important to act quickly before the new variant spreads across the board.

Subsidies are also given to cultural workers

The three mayors were pleased that the financial aid promised by the federal government was also extended to include cultural workers and that companies can request higher advance payments and bridging aid. Companies now receive up to € 1.5 million in bridge aid and up to € 100,000 in advances. Payment is also accelerating. According to the Senator for Economic Affairs Pop, currently 30 percent of the aid requested in November has been paid in Berlin.

The Berlin CDU considers the implementation of the resolutions of the prime ministers in Berlin correct. “I hope that the Berlin Senate will implement yesterday’s Corona resolutions without the unfortunately now customary Berlin special channels,” CDU country chief Kai Wegner said on Wednesday. “With the introduction of the stricter mask requirement, the Senate must also ensure that it can be implemented for Berliners,” Wegner said.

Not only are sufficient FFP2 masks necessary. Their delivery must also be arranged. “The right to be faster at the pharmacy shouldn’t just apply,” Wegner said. Masks should be affordable and easy for everyone to buy. “Only then can the stricter mask requirement be implemented as well.”

The leader of the AfD parliamentary group in Berlin, Georg Pazderski, criticized the resolutions. “As a result, the crown’s policy remains arbitrary,” Pazderski said.

Read also: Crown crisis: Berlin Senate closes kindergartens

Corona in Berlin: the new corona rules at a glance:

  • More expensive: Better protective masks are mandatory on public transport and in stores. They can be surgical masks, FFP2 masks or KN95 masks, which have a comparable standard. Everyday masks made of cloth are no longer enough.
  • Services: Services are allowed if the minimum distance of 1.5 meters is maintained. Now a mask with a higher protection standard is mandatory, singing is prohibited. Meetings with more than ten participants must be reported to the public order office at least two business days in advance.
  • next: In nurseries, the “emergency supply” is limited to a maximum of 50 percent of normal capacity. Parents who are unable to care for their children at home must meet the following conditions: At least one parent must work in a so-called systemically relevant profession. There are also children of single parents or families in a socially difficult situation.
  • Events: According to Economy Senator Ramona Pop (Greens), the upper limit for commercial events will be lowered to 20 people in theaters (previously 50) and 50 people outdoors (previously 100).

The changes to the Berlin Senate infection control measures regulation can also be found on the website of the Senate Chancellery.

Corona in Berlin: these rules still apply:

  • Contact restrictions: Private meetings are only allowed with members of the household and with a maximum of one other person who does not live in the household. If this person is a single parent, their children are not counted, so they can join them. Children under the age of twelve from a maximum of two households may be cared for alternately by adults.
  • schools: “Regular presence operation” remains suspended, most students must study at home with the help of digital platforms. For graduation classes, alternate lessons are offered in small groups, that is, a mix of learning at home and at school.
  • Commerce: Many stores are closed, such as hair salons, beauty salons, hardware and furniture stores, department stores, or clothing stores. This does not apply to food retailers, weekly grocery markets, pharmacies, medical supply stores, or drug stores. It is also allowed to open bookstores, opticians, hearing aids, gas stations, car workshops, bicycle workshops and banks.
  • Exit restrictions: “Leaving your own home or normal accommodation is only allowed for valid reasons,” says the Infection Protection Ordinance. However, the list of such reasons is long. It can be work and school, shopping, visits to the authorities, visits to the doctor, taking care of relatives, walking the dog or sports activities, including the path to “inner contemplation” in places of worship.
  • Alcohol ban: It is forbidden to dispense alcoholic beverages in glasses, cups or other open containers. It is also prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages outdoors in public spaces. The nightly ban on serving and selling alcohol from 11 pm to 6 am remains in effect.
  • Demonstrations: Political demonstrations are allowed without a defined upper limit. Additionally, distance rules and an extensive mask requirement apply; this can only be omitted for meetings of up to 20 people who do not sing or sing.
  • Hotels: Overnight stays in hotels, pensions or holiday apartments are prohibited, but there are exceptions for official and business trips and for necessary private reasons.

Crown – More information on the topic
