Corona / Bavaria: Thousands in demonstrations – the police watch and receive criticism


Strict crown measures were relaxed in Bavaria, but thousands are not enough. It was demonstrated in various cities.

  • A major decrease in the Corona crisis * has been in effect in Bavaria since Friday (May 8).
  • In March, the number of guests and overnight stays in the Free State plummeted.
  • The forecast for April seems even bleaker.
  • Here you will find our reporting guide and the German Crown News. You will also find current case numbers in Bavaria * as a map. The following recommendations for crown protection measures are currently available. The most important thing about Corona is also on our Corona News Facebook page.

Update, 5:03 p.m .: At City Rosenheim it’s in the Crown pandemic the mark of 50 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants has been exceeded again in the last seven days. The value was on Sunday (May 10) at 50.5, announced the State Office of Health and Food Safety (LGL).

Rosenheim was already on May 7 fifty New cases torn for every 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. At that time the value was 52.7. Currently again increased Case numbers be through a Serial tests in one Accommodation for asylum seekers to explain, the state office.

In neighboring regions, the District Rosenheim cast District Traunstein the indicators are also relatively high at 29.5 and 37.8. In Traunstein’s case, this is due to the increased number of cases. Nursing homes.

A local general decree was in this district Visit ban for Hospitals, Nursing homes and Asylum accommodation until May 15. The state office wants to set an early warning limit of 35 cases per 100,000 residents to be able to warn affected communities and there in due course. Measurements Start

Thousands of people at Corona demonstrations in Bavaria: conditions in many places totally ignored – Greens abruptly attack police

Update, 3:53 p.m.: The Crown demos Saturday (May 9) in different Bavarian cities like Munich, Nuremberg and Rosenheim (see down) continue to cause arguments. In Munich I had around 3000 People in Marienplatz gathered – in Nuremberg came around 2000 Protesters Together The registered number of participants for the 50-person demonstration was also exceeded in Rosenheim.

The Police dropped the events despite the obvious Rape against the Provisions run – for reasons of proportionality, as it was called. The fundamentally peaceful demonstrations would have been against the Intervention in Fundamental rights the police said. In both Nuremberg and Munich, the total deployment consisted of several individual demonstrations: Passers-by and Spectators had been added. However, there were also numerous activists from different social backgrounds, including among the protesters. Opponents of vaccination. and Conspiracy theorist. Right-wing people also tried to participate in the events.

In Twitter a lot was done about it Events discussed – also about the Paper the Policethat the protesters released largely.

The Manifestations came in his strength for them Authorities Surprisingly, especially since the stringent regulations that have been in place for weeks have been relaxed at least in part.

Corona virus in Bavaria: the size of the Oktoberfest is infected: the instrument may have saved your life

Update 13.33 p.m .: Heinzi Fuhrmann, known to many as a trumpeter in the well-known Oktoberfest band “Münchner Zwietracht”, has contracted the corona virus *. Your instrument may have saved your life.

Corona demonstration with 3,000 participants: Munich Greens harshly criticize police

Update May 10 at 12:01 p.m.: Munich Greens are attacking them Police for not intervening with the Crown demo in Munich strong yesterday. Dominik Krause, president of the Munich Greens, said in a current statement: “The fact that the police did not dissolve the meeting with reference to proportionality is a mockery to all Munich residents who have been following the regulations for weeks to Contain the Contributing Virus. “

Observers speak of a strange mix of rights and conspiracy theorists that most protesters would have constituted.

Update 6:22 p.m.: In Bavaria It happened on Saturday afternoon (May 9) Manifestations against him Crown measurements. Around 3,000 people had gathered at the Marienplatz * in Munich, sometimes without regard to distance rules. The demonstration was recorded, but only for 80 participants, said a spokesman for the Police headquarters Munich. The protesters were concerned about the protection of fundamental rights.

In Nuremberg It was also demonstrated. Around 2,000 people gathered in Lorenzkirche to oppose a Vaccination required at Crown crisis to protest out loud they were right-wing extremists and supporters of conspiracy theories among the participants. Many of the protesters did not wear masks and held them Minimal distance not one Police repeatedly warned him to keep their distance and meanwhile considered that Demonstration dissolve The atmosphere was charged with aggressiveness, the crowd sang hotly after a rejection of “resistance” and “we are the people”.

The difficulty of defining the law was also evident throughout Germany: therefore, Thomas Kemmerich (FDP), among others, is criticized.

Video: Journalists attacked during a demonstration against the limits of the crown

Also in Rosenheim There was a demonstration on Saturday that was registered with 50 people. Images however show away the biggest People meetings. The rules of maintaining a distance of 1.5 meters also do not seem to have been consistently observed.

Corona virus in Bavaria: new case numbers known to the Free State – More than 44,500 people infected

Update 16:57: In Bavaria now they are 44,527 People positive for that Corona virus Sars-CoV-2 has been tested 2164 people have died with the Pathogen Infected This was announced by the State Office of Food Safety and Health in Erlangen on Saturday (May 9). The estimate Number the Recovered it is 37,490 people.

Corona virus in Bavaria: hospitals on the way to normal operation again

Update 3:51 p.m.: According to Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU), Bavarian hospitals are returning to normal operation in the crown crisis. “The positive development of the infection process now makes it possible to take carefully considered steps to return to normal operations,” Huml said Saturday. It is important that free capabilities become gradually available for regular public health care.

Update May 9, 9:05 a.m.: Does commercial closing insurance for restaurateurs work in the crown crisis? Economy Minister Aiwanger wants to resolve the conflict and becomes the target of a video of the satire. * Meanwhile, Barack Obama is dismantling the management of the crown crisis of the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

Update May 8 at 10.15 pm: After a patient died at a clinic in the Deggendorf district after an infection with the coronavirus *, he determined the criminal investigation. Now there is a drastic step that has far reaching consequences for other patients in the clinic.

Corona: Bavarian study promises groundbreaking findings – Söder announces more financial aid

Update, 9:15 p.m.: Plus Cultural workers in Bavaria be supposed to financial Helps for him Crown crisis received. “We will definitely do another cultural program,” announced the Prime Minister. Markus Soder in. This should include a concept of how Cultural events low Requirements it might be possible again. “Orientation towards remote solutions Services it’s a good approach, “Söder told the newspaper.

Until now Autonomous only support that in the Artists Social Fund They are insured. Therefore, the state government is considering expanding the target group based on default rates. “It seems to me better than any lump sum because Artist have very different incomes, “so Soder. Non-governmental cultural companies should also receive additional funds. The new program could obviously already the next Week be decided

Virus Corona in Bavaria: the demands to finish the border controls are getting stronger

Update, 9:01 p.m.: In Southern germany, Austria and Switzerland will ask for a quick end to the Border controls highest Almost no difference in infection status, restrictions are no longer appropriate: restrictions must be lifted no later than May 15 Industrial and Chambers of Commerce (IHK) for Munich and Upper bavaria and the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce now “Our closely interconnected economic area depends on cross-border traffic without any hindrance,” said IHK Managing Director Manfred Gößl.

The almost complete suppression of the free movement of persons is no longer objectively justifiable, it says in a joint statement. No state budget and no funding program can The losses of Running of the bulls Balance Short term work and Unemployment I would add: “Every day counts”.

Bavaria Home secretary Joaquin Herrmann (CSU) advocated reopening small, completely closed border crossings and facilitating commutes for commuters. But “I don’t see what we will be in the near future Border controls can do without entirely. “

Crown in Bavaria: Hospitals fear avalanche of visitors – “I wish …”

Update, 4.20 p.m .:
Hospitals and Houses fear after being blocked for weeks Visitor one Rush this weekend the Bavarian Hospital company it has now issued, as a precautionary measure, an appeal to citizens to inform themselves in advance of the restrictions that still apply.

“We have the impression that the many requirements contained in one Infection Protection Ordinance they are not well known enough in the population, “said Siegfried Hasenbein, managing director of the Bavarian Hospital Association.

In Hospitals Everyone has to Visitor record it in writing, and each patient can only receive one fixed contact person at fixed times. More expensive and Minimal distance 1.5 meters are also mandatory. Visits with children or the whole family are not yet possible. You can only visit a patient in a double room or with multiple beds. Similar rules apply to Seniors and Nursing homes.

For Clinics and Houses Firstly, opening means more work: “A possible avalanche of visitors during the weekend means, above all, a greater expense of personnel for our houses, from scheduling visits to monitoring Distance and Hygiene rules“A spokesperson for worker welfare says.” For personnel planning, especially on weekends, we would have some policy. more Delivery term wanted “.

Skeptics and critics stand out with their opinions during the Corona crisis. Was blocking necessary on this form?

Corona: Bavarian study promises innovative ideas about the virus – “You know …”

Update 3:12 p.m.: In Bavaria, 44,295 people are now positive for the corona virus Sars-CoV-2 It has been tested. 2134 people infected with the pathogen died. This was announced by the State Office of Food Safety and Health in Erlangen on Friday (at 10 a.m.) on its website. The estimated number of people recovered was 37,050.

By establishing its own test center for protective equipment, Bavaria wants to improve the supply of masks, suits and gloves for the population in the crown crisis. “With the new testing center, Bavaria ensures that a rapid and safe assessment of the protective effect of protective equipment can be carried out in the crisis, after the crisis and before the next crisis,” he said on Friday. Consumer Protection Minister Thorsten Glauber (free voter) in Munich.

Corona: Bavarian study promises innovative ideas about the virus – “You know …”

1.45 p.m. update: Today a planned study was presented at the Regensburg University Hospital. Named “Prospective cohort 19 Tirschenreuth cohort (TiKoCo19)”. Regensburg and Erlangen University Hospitals want undisclosed number of patients in joint study SARS-CoV-2 infections determine The study is regionally limited to the district. Tirschenreuth. For this purpose, about five percent of the population, about 3,600 people aged six and over, should be tested for antibodies. The tests are done at three different times: the first test should be done in late May or early June, and the second time that study participants will be evaluated four to six months later. The third test is carried out four to six months later.

The objective of the study is to obtain knowledge that is also of national importance. The Free State of Bavaria supports the study financially. “You know that many people probably had Corona without knowing it,” he said. Bernd Sibler, Bavarian Minister of State for Science and Art. However, the correct number of infected people can provide information about the spread of the virus and about so-called collective immunity. How many people have actually been infected is important information to assess the current situation. The objective of the regional study is to obtain knowledge that is also of national importance.

Antibody study in the Tirschenreuth district: the press conference for reading

Update 1:13 p.m.: The test procedure for the study is summarized: 3,600 participants are repeatedly asked to take the test, a total of three times. The first is as timely as possible, Wagner explains. A second test is carried out after four to six months, a third test is carried out again after four to six months. It is not yet clear exactly when the study will start, but some permissions are still needed. The researchers expect the first phase to begin in late May or early June, Wagner says.

When evaluating the data, experience should also be obtained from independent bodies, ensuring an independent result.

The press conference is over.

Update 1:02 p.m.: Tobias Reiss, Member of the Bavarian State Parliament (Tirschenreuth District), thanks Prime Minister Markus Söder. A month ago he decided that the Tirschenreuth district should also be considered in a study. The objective of the study is to obtain knowledge that is also of national importance. “Tirschenreuth was an access point,” there are still the highest number of people infected, but “we are also relieved,” says Reiss. “The people of the region will participate,” he said regarding the study.

District Administrator Roland Grillmeier, district administrator for the Tirschenreuth district, is also at the press conference. “We are happy and grateful that we are now receiving some scientific support.” The number of cases would improve at this time, but the crisis had not yet been overcome.

Update from 12.53 p.m.: Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner, from the Institute of Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Regensburg, now explains the details of the planned study. It is a prospective study, “we want an inventory,” says Ralf Wagner. It should be verified at intervals of several months how the situation has developed. The Tirschenreuth district has about 72,000 residents, “we will move randomly,” Wagner said. About five percent, or about 3,600 people aged six and over, should be tested. It should start in May when everything is going well. The second and third test waves should follow four to six months later.

“It is a complicated study,” adds Wagner. To do this, capacities had to be created, for example in test laboratories. A test was also developed for this purpose. Prof Dr. Klaus Überla, Chief Virologist at Erlangen, provides more information. “We want to develop confirmatory tests” so that it is better to differentiate between false positive and true positive tests.

Corona in Tirschenreuth district: antibody study should provide information

12.46 p.m. update: In the planned study, the antibodies will be detected in the Tirschenreuth district. “You know that many people probably had Corona without knowing it,” Sibler said. The correct number of infected people can provide information about the spread of the virus, and so-called collective immunity, adds Sibler. The Free State is spending € 650,000 on this study.

Update from 12.30 p.m.: A study is presented at the University Hospital of Regensburg. Prof. Dr. Oliver Kölbl, medical director of the clinic begins. The research project is co-financed by the Free State of Bavaria, he explains.

Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel, President of the University of Regensburg, explains: “Science and universities face a special social challenge.” Bernd Sibler, Bavarian Minister of State for Science and Art, also emphasizes the importance of science in the Corona crisis.

Crown in Bavaria: will the Austrian border soon be opened?

Update 10:57 a.m.: The opening of the border between Germany and Austria moves to Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz closer The infection rate is currently lower in Austria than in the Federal Republic. “Therefore, I also assume that the border with Germany will open before the summer,” Kurz said in a video conference with representatives of the hotel industry in Vienna on Friday.

The government also exchanges with its German partners almost every day. Opening the border is not only important from a tourist point of view, but also for many families affected by the Border controls are separated at this time. The same applies to travelers and all those who simply have to travel for professional reasons.

Corona in Bavaria: study should show unreported number of SARS-CoV-2 infections

Update from 10.46 a.m.: The Tirschenreuth district is particularly affected by the spread of the coronavirus. Now the university hospitals in Regensburg and Erlangen want to investigate the number of unreported cases in a joint study SARS-CoV-2 infections determine The Science Minister Bernd Sibler (CSU) will present the project together with the participating researchers on Friday (12:30 p.m.) at the Regensburg University Clinic. The study is scheduled to start in mid-May and is said to contribute to antibody research. You can watch the press conference here on the live stream.

Crown in Bavaria: An important relaxation takes effect today: serious figures for the tourism industry

First report on May 8 at 9:43 a.m.

Announced on Tuesday Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder the exit strategy of the Free State from the Crown crisis. Along with other ministers, including the Minister of Culture Michael Piazolo and the Minister of Economy Hubert aiwanger – presented a plan on how schools, kindergartens, restaurants and hotels should continue. You can find all the details in our overview.

A major relaxation takes effect on Friday (May 8). Members of two households can meet again, Söder had previously announced that.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Aiwanger causes a sensation with his statement

Looking the Gastronomy Aiwanger caused a stir on Thursday (May 7). “I do not believe in a second wave. But there are important infectious diseases that urgently warn of a second wave. As an economic politician, I do not wait and I am also guiding my policy so that there is not a second wave, because if I expected a second wave now, I do not know would allow me to open the gastro. ” Economic and Regional Development, Energy, Media and Digitalization Committee.

The hotels will soon be able to reopen, as Söder announced at a press conference on Tuesday: “On Pentecost, we will allow hotels and tourism, so as of May 30, Pentecost Saturday. Hotels can open under hygiene requirements.” They broke in March Number of guests and overnight stays. massive in the Free State. According to the Bavarian State Statistical Office, according to the preliminary results of the monthly tourism survey, the approximately 10,980 open accommodation establishments reported just one million guests for March. This is a 61.5 percent decrease compared to the same month the year before.

Crown crisis in Bavaria: tourism figures in the Free State plummeted

Even the number of Overnight stays decreased significantly in the Corona crisis. It fell 53.4 percent to less than 3.2 million. All government districts were equally affected by the massive falls, as announced by the Bavarian State Statistical Office.

The number of national guests decreased by 58.4 percent, and demand from abroad even fell by 71.8 percent. All types of accommodation were affected. The highest losses compared to the previous month were Youth Hostels accept (65.5 percent fewer guest arrivals), followed by Campsites (- 65.4 percent) and Hotels (- 63.5 percent)

Coronavirus in the Free State: Tourism forecast for April is even darker

The reason was worldwide Travel warnings and border closures.. “Since the introduction of travel restrictions beginning March 18, 2020, accommodation companies can only offer their accommodation options for what is necessary, but no longer for tourism purposes,” he continues. Due to the current crisis in Corona, the State Statistics Office expects April to have an even greater impact on tourism results.

“The preliminary results for March included reports from 94.9 percent of Bavarian accommodation providers. The information of the companies was estimated, of which there was no information available for March 2020, ”says the State Statistics Office. This makes the numbers very representative.

There is movement in the border dispute. Bavaria is now also talking about opening the borders in the south and east. Federal Interior Minister Seehofer wants to decide next week. That would mean: before the Pentecost break. *

No restrictions were imposed on Sweden during the Crown crisis. This path was followed critically abroad. Apparently, everything is geared towards rapid herd immunity. *

According to polarizing statements about the crown crisis, several products by television chef Attila Hildmann are coming off the shelves.

* and are part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital

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