Corona Bavaria: the government of Söders with a surprising change of direction: towards the prohibition of accommodation


Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder this week decided on a series of drastic measures for the Free State. But now an important regulation has been removed.

  • Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has announced strong measures for the Free State in the face of the sharp increase in coronavirus infections.
  • Family Minister Carolina Trautner confirms the mask requirement in after-school care and at lunch (update Oct 16 at 2:51 pm).
  • You can find an overview of the current number of cases * in Bavaria on our map.
  • This news ticker is continually updated.

Update on October 16 at 4:50 pm.: The Bavarian wants from Saturday policeman searching more and more Mask grudges Come on. “We have to do everything possible to prevent the erratic spread of highly dangerous Virus and contain one at the same time Emergency shutdown to prevent “he said Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) on Friday the dpa. Announced that the policeman the new specifications for Protection against infection and, therefore, the expanded obligation to wear masks “more frequently and more consistently” than before during the pandemic.

Meanwhile in Bayern a sad new leader in things 7-day incidence. The District Office of Berchtesgadener Lands reported a value of 134.05 on Friday. One reason for the huge increase could be its proximity to Austria to be. There was the church Kuchl the day before completely low quarantine raised. With 102.05 the Regen District it also broke the 100 mark. On Friday, the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) reported that it was 1,108 new cases of infection in Bavaria gives.

Corona in Bavaria: Mask Requirement for After School Care Center and Lunch Care

Update on October 16 at 2:51 pm.: Besides the children in the primary school now also students in Hort or in the Lunch care a mask wear. That was confirmed on Friday Family Minister Carolina Trautner (CSU) again. “There in ours Horten mostly children of different classes, often even of different schools, we unite, we also act in the Horten a Mask requirement one. In this way we continue to avoid that where there is a infection it comes, this takes place within the facilities. “

However, this regulation only applies if the 7 day incidence value is over 50, that is, in the red area of ​​the newly introduced Crown-Ampel. Is required then it applies not only to children, but also to them supervisor. It is similar with the Primary schools. Children should keep one there until they get to their classroom. mask to put on. Then you can take them off again in the classroom. If the value is greater than 50, the mask Also in lessons to be used.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: controversial accommodation ban lifted

Update on October 16 at 12:47 pm.: Chancellor of State Florian Herrmann announced another change on Friday Crown constraints. Since Saturday, the Limitation of participation by Religious services raised in the open air. The previous maximum number was 200. This was for believers and churches with a view only All Saints Y Christmas An important message, said the CSU politician. The fact is that the Worship services the Distance rules, he Mask requirement and also him Hygienekonzepte it would have to be respected. “I trust here in the implementation of the parishes and the faithful,” he said Herrmann.

Update October 16 at 11:28 am.: Surprising U-turn in the Free State: The Controversial Accommodation ban for travelers from Corona hotspots Sold out in Bavaria this Friday. The state government waived an extension of the rule, “we left it at that,” he said. Chancellor of State Florian Herrmann (CSU) on Friday the dpa in Munich.

Crown in Bavaria: Prime Minister Söder announces new measures for the Free State

First report of October 16, 2020: Munich – Whole Measurement catalog introduced Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and his Vice Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) in Munich on Thursday. Numerous rules designed to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus *. This is an instrument from this catalog. Accommodation ban. According to the latest statements by Söder, it could soon become obsolete.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: accommodation ban – Söder changes his mind in a few hours

In the early afternoon, the president defended that Experts | Y Controversial politicians ban on accommodation. It will stay until after the fall break, so South. And that in the context of the Saxon government his Prohibition has already tipped. In Lower saxony Y Baden-Wuerttemberg the ban on overnight stays for travelers was removed Risk areas even deposed in court. Maybe that was because South the trigger to reconsider your position on the matter. Because a few hours later, in an interview at the ZDF Markus Lanz Transmission – the head of the country gave a different note.

When asked about that Accommodation ban we went South the same in the Attack mode about. He stressed once again how important the other measures are, how advanced Mask requirement or Contact restrictions, to be. Should it be in Berlin at the Prime Minister’s Conference? the rules are enforced everywhere, so “it becomes superfluous by itself.” I was previously South even as to say, “I think the debate about it Accommodation ban is completely overrated because other activities they play a bigger role. ”

Corona in Bavaria: Extended mask requirement also for primary school students – accommodation ban lifted?

Another resolution to Crown*-Pandemic and preventing the growth of the second wave is the advanced Mask requirement. The regulation that children also enter primary school go, to an incidence value of 7 days * of 50 more, one mask have to carry. Until now, especially the youngest have been excluded from such regulation.

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In Bavaria, to combat the Corona * pandemic, they now want to orient themselves to the principle of the Corona * semaphore taken from Austria. The colors indicate what 7-day incidence value the respective city or district currently has. The measures adopted must be applied from Friday (October 16) or Saturday (October 17) at the latest. If the traffic light is green (incidence value below 35): A mask is required in special areas such as local public transport or in restaurants. Protection for the mouth and nose should also be worn when the minimum distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained. Events with 100 people are allowed in closed rooms and with 200 people outdoors. If the traffic light is yellow (occurrence value of 35): then an extended mask requirement applies. Oral and nasal protection should be used in highly frequented places (pedestrian zones, in a university lecture hall, in the workplace) or in all places where the necessary distance can no longer be maintained. There is also a curfew at 11 pm for restaurants. This is accompanied by a ban on the sale of alcohol at gas stations and a ban on consumption in public places from 11 pm In addition, only ten people can gather for celebrations or private events. At this point, Bavaria goes beyond the Berlin requirements. If the traffic light is red (incidence value of 50): Now children in elementary school and after-school care must also wear mouth and nose protection. So far this has only been recommended. Of course, the ban on the sale of alcohol will continue to exist, Söder said. Only the curfew will be brought forward an hour until 10 pm This means that Bavaria is also shirking, compared to the Berlin resolutions. Private gatherings and celebrations will only be possible with five people from two households. It does not matter if they meet in the public or private sector, said the Prime Minister. The resolutions that the Bavarian state government has initiated are initially valid for four weeks. #corona #bayern #coronaampel #deinbayern #freistaatbayern #coronavirus

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Bavaria Minister of Culture Michael Piazolo (Free voters) confirmed this rule again in an interview with the BR. “We all have a lot to do in these times Crown. […] I notice that children and young people are very, very responsible ”. Weiter says Piazolothat with understanding and the right attitude you can get out of this crisis will come. “The objective continues Face-to-face teaching ensure. “But admit that Risk of infection it is relatively low in schools. (tel) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

List of rubrics lists: © Matthias Balk / dpa
