Söder calls for mandatory crown tests for people entering the border
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Söder informs about the strictest crown measures for Bavaria
Markus Söder announced in advance that his federal state would implement the most stringent crown measures “to the maximum”. See the full press conference with the Prime Minister of Bavaria here.
Markus Söder looks with concern at the many trips around Christmas: the problems of the borders and those who return from the holidays must be taken “very seriously”. The Prime Minister of Bavaria calls for a national solution.
WITHTo protect against corona infections, Bavaria requires the federal government to introduce mandatory tests for all people traveling to Germany from abroad. “The best we need is national regulation, because I am very concerned,” Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said on Monday after a Bavarian cabinet meeting in Munich.
This applies in particular to the many trips planned in the coming weeks between Christmas and New Years despite the pandemic. Border issues and people returning from vacation must be taken “very seriously.”
Söder recalled that cross-border travelers and those returning from vacation had already entered the virus in Bavaria over and over again in the summer after the vacation. Now it is also becoming clear that the number of infections is particularly high in border areas, not just in Bavaria.
“The current legal situation at the federal level is such that there is a quarantine obligation, so to speak,” Söder said. Violations are subject to a fine, but Bavaria wants to discuss with the federal government again this week whether a mandatory test could be agreed. According to the current quarantine regulation in Bavaria, which applies until December 20, returnees from risk areas abroad must pass a ten-day quarantine. You can end this at the earliest on the fifth day after departure with a negative test result.
In Bavaria, there is also a curfew from Wednesday night at 9 pm Anyone who is then traveling without just cause must pay at least a fine of 500 euros, as the cabinet decided on Monday. After the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants now exceeds 200 in Bavaria, Bavaria is ultimately a national hotspot, Söder explained. This shows how important it is to extend the contact and output restrictions.