Corona / Bavaria: relaxation for playgrounds, zoos, weddings – Söder promises a new “schedule”


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Chancellor Angela Merkel announces further relaxation of the crown measures. But for Bavaria, most of the competition lies with the state government. The question is: What does Markus Söder decide?

Berlin – Chancellor Angela Merkel It has in Thursday, April 30, at a main meeting with federal and state governments * on how to proceed in the Crown-Consult advice. The result: there will be more Relieving the existing Measurements in Germany give. However, competition in many areas lies with the Federal states. Not all decisions of the federal government also apply to the Free State of Bavaria. *

After the Loosening up in Germany since Thursday (see below) said Markus Soder at the subsequent press conference that one A roadmap for the implementation of decisions in Bavaria next week It will work It is clear that Bavaria will continue to take a more cautious approach.

Loosening of the crown: what applies to Bavaria?

Bavaria Prime Minister Markus Soder Before the federal government’s decisions, he warns: “We have made the majority, but some already want to leave the field and say that the game is won,” Söder said in a statement. Bavarian radio and added: “Unfortunately, that is not the case.” Söder had previously stated several times that it would loosen more slowly in Bavaria than in other federal states. Now he confirmed this again.

So what applies in Bavaria? Bavaria It had the exit restrictions applicable in the Corona crisis two days before the summit in Berlin. for a week extended until May 10. Until then, the following rules apply in the Free State:

  • Sport and Hikes are allowed with a person who is not from home.
  • A mask * is required from the age of six on public transport and in stores.
  • Starting April 29, many retail stores opened. The sales area should be limited to 800 square meters.
  • Starting May 4, services and meetings of up to 50 participants are allowed. In addition, hairdressers, foot care shops and physical therapies are opened.
  • Beginning May 11, school openings are planned for the final classes of 2021 and fourth grade.
  • Other relaxation concepts will be followed for schools, restaurants, hotels, sports facilities and nurseries.

Loosening the crown in Bavaria: innovations after the Merkel summit

The federal government now wants to further loosen restrictions on public life due to the crown pandemic, albeit under Strict requirements on the number of visitors, the minimum distance (1.5 meters) and hygiene protection.. Because the successes achieved so far in containing the crown pandemic have allowed “a gradual relaxation of measures,” says the draft decision by the federal and state governments:

  • Services and other religious gatherings must be readmitted
  • Cultural institutions should be allowed to receive visitors again
  • Too Museums, Zoos, Botanical Gardens and Memorials According to the proposed resolution, they should be able to open their doors to the public again.

In addition to these limited facilities, those currently applicable should Crown requirements in Germany in force at least until May 10 * The chancellor and the country’s heads want to decide on May 6 whether a “major opening step” is possible later on. Until then, federal and state ministers must come up with a concept to open schools, kindergartens, and sports facilities.

rjs / afp

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Stefan Puchner
