Corona: Bavaria meets FFP2 mask requirement for local transportation and retail


Germany Crown

Bavaria meets FFP2 mask requirement for local transportation and retail

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So Söder wants to fight Corona in Bavaria

The stricter crown rules have been in place in Bavaria since the beginning of the week. The cabinet has now discussed how to proceed. In the run-up to this, Prime Minister Söder had put into play a mandatory vaccination for certain professional groups. See the press conference here.

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Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder sees the first successes in fighting the current corona wave. However, a tightening applies from Monday. With another measure that has already failed in court, Söder dares to try again.

meIn Bavaria, as of Monday, it is mandatory to wear FFP2 masks in local public transport and in retail. The cabinet decided on Tuesday in Munich. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said that “normal community masks” are in the corona pandemic to protect others. FFP2 masks also protect the user himself. The goal is to improve safety on local public transport and in retail.

“The availability in the trade is sufficiently guaranteed, so there is no shortage of FFP2,” emphasized the Prime Minister. The masks are sometimes even “clearly in abundance, sometimes at least available”. Overall, Söder spoke of a “cautiously positive trend” in view of the somewhat declining crown numbers. “Most of the measures are beginning to take effect.”

In 24 hours there were 1,740 new infections in Bavaria, almost 500 less than a week ago. With an incidence of 158.8 in seven days, Free State ranks seventh nationally. That is only an interim result. It is not yet clear how the holidays will affect. This will definitely be seen towards the end of this week. Söder emphasized that perseverance and patience were still necessary.

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In particular, the CSU president warned of the further spread of the corona virus through mutated forms of the virus from Britain. He compared measures against mutations to “a race against time.” “Mutations are worrying us.” In this context, Söder repeated his suggestion to also discuss a limited vaccination requirement for employees of nursing homes and for the elderly.

The Prime Minister emphasized: “Corona takes all the freedoms it is allowed; only when we are sufficiently vaccinated can the ghost be controlled.”

In Bavaria, a total of 357,227 people have been infected with the pathogen since the beginning of the pandemic until Tuesday morning. 7,917 people died of or with Corona in the state.

When it comes to mandatory tests for travelers from abroad, Söder dares to try again

In addition to the FFP2 mask requirement, Söder intends to introduce a weekly corona test for travelers from abroad again shortly. With a new entry quarantine regulation from the federal government, the possibility will likely be created this week, Söder said. On this basis, the model that has already been practiced will be reactivated.

By the end of October, Bavaria had already introduced mandatory tests for foreign travelers. Anyone who regularly traveled to Bavaria at least once a week, whether for professional or training purposes, had to regularly submit a negative Corona test to the responsible authorities once a week. The measure was aimed primarily at travelers from Austria and the Czech Republic.

However, in late November, the Bavarian Administrative Court annulled the regulation; Among other things, the judges argued that the legal requirements for ordering the mandatory tests were not met. According to Söders, it is precisely this problem that is now being solved by the new federal regulation.
