Corona bang in Bavaria: Söder allows all stores to open after court decision


Exit restrictions have been in place in Bavaria for almost five weeks. The state government is now responding to the ruling of the Administrative Court.

Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg want to act together in the Corona crisis *.

Update at 9:23 p.m.: What’s next for students in Bavaria? At the press conference, Markus Söder mentioned for the first time a time when all students should have returned to school.

Update at 6:52 p.m.: In the dispute over compliance with Corona’s distance rules, an angry customer threw a cucumber at the cashier at a supermarket in Wilhermsdorf near Fürth. The cucumber bounced off the cash register’s protective glass and damaged a ceiling light on the market, police said Monday.

The cucumber attacker escaped from the supermarket on Saturday, not without his partner verbally insulting the cashier. The two clients had not wanted to comply with the distance rules and had a dispute with the employee about it. The called police were able to locate the two men. Now you can expect a report for property damage, name calling, and violations of the Infection Protection Act.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: 1636 people have died so far

Update 5.48 p.m .: In Bavaria, 41,415 people have tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. They have died so far 1636 peoplewho were infected with the pathogen. The State Office of Food Safety and Health in Erlangen announced Monday on its website. The estimated number of people recovered was 28,900 people.

Update, 5:05 p.m.: At the press conference, Prime Minister Markus Söder seemed very affected. The State Chancellery now made a statement about what was happening. It is said to have been pollen, that is, hay fever, which currently concerns the CSU politician.

Update, 4:05 p.m.: Not only the country and restaurants are or have been closed for weeks. Schools and kindergartens too, and some with “dramatic effects” on children, as one doctor explains.

Corona bang in Bavaria: Söder allows all stores to open after court decision

Update, 3:34 p.m .: The state government wants to immediately implement the decision of the Administrative Court on the prohibition to sell large companies. Appropriate decisions will be made at the Tuesday meeting. “We stay with him Limitation to 800 square meters., but they also allow the largest stores to limit the commercial space to 800 square meters, “he said. Florian Herrmann, Head of the State Chancellery in conversation with Munich Mercury. “We will adapt the infection control regulation in the cabinet to the decision of the Bavarian Administrative Court.”

In other states, the courts see it differently. Are the sales bans really unconstitutional?

Crown in Bavaria: Söder gives restorers hope: court rules store rule unconstitutional

Update, 3:03 p.m.:After weeks of forced closings due to the Crown pandemic Many parts of Bavaria have quietly started again in many places. In Nuremberg, for example, there was a police spokesman on Monday. initially there are no conflicts due to violations of the mask requirement or distance regulations in reopened stores.

“Currently there are no problems with the controls. According to what we can see, people are very disciplined with the guidelines, “said the spokesman. According to a police spokesman, trade in Ingolstadt also continued until noon. calm. Officials did not notice queues in front of stores or overcrowded streets.

Virus crowns in Bavaria: court lifts restrictions – Söder reacts

Update, 2:05 p.m.: After that from the Bavarian Administrative Court Crown trade restrictions are considered unconstitutional In Bavaria, Prime Minister Markus Söder has announced corrections. Nothing changes this week, he said. “We are thinking, we wanted to do that anyway, how we will deal next week.” Judicial decision.

The highest administrative court in Bavaria had declared that the state government’s ban on selling large companies with more than 800 square meters was unconstitutional.

Söder said that after conflicting lower court decisions, there is now clarity. He did not see the decision as a criticism of the course of state government. “So basically it is more than one security measure and it confirms the prudent course compared to the slightly weaker course of the federal government. “It was not an attack, but a clarification from the perspective of the state government.” And then we will of course implement and carry out accordingly

Video: Tax relief for gastronomy in Bavaria

Crown in Bavaria: Söder gives restorers hope: court rules store rule unconstitutional

Update, 12.55 p.m .: “I think a mini Oktoberfest is unthinkable. That would also damage the reputation of the Oktoberfest, “said Söder. The Bavarian Minister for Economic Affairs, Aiwanger, recently proposed such an alternative.

The Prime Minister says there will be more relaxation – there will be talk of further relaxation this week. You always have to reevaluate and then make decisions.

Crown in Bavaria: Söder talks about easing: court rules store rule unconstitutional

Update, 12.47 p.m.: Bavaria’s highest administrative court ruled that the state government’s ban on sales in the crown crisis for large companies over 800 square meters was unconstitutional. Judges see this as a violation of the Basic Law due to unequal treatment with smaller stores. The Bavarian Administrative Court (BayVGH) announced on Monday. The court did not override the rule.

Markus Söder speaks live: now requires patience and creativity

Update, 12.50 p.m.: “Bavaria is a country that loves freedom. Maintaining the balance between freedom and security is now the main task. I advise patience and creativity. We were very lucky to have saved the fate of others. We should not stumble upon this track. So: Act smart, ”says Söder.

Update, 12.45 p.m .: “We have to make sure that immediate aid comes faster. That is the biggest effort the Federal Republic has made since World War II,” said the Bavarian Prime Minister.

After the crisis, one had to think about starting again. For example, the auto industry should already grow. Lufthansa, which is currently complaining of large losses, should not be nationalized. That would not benefit the airline in the long term. “Saving Lufthansa is elementary, but not in the form of nationalization.”

Update, 12.40 p.m .: Markus Söder gives hope to gastronomy. It is possible to implement the first relaxation measures in late May. It follows a roadmap similar to Austria, but is always two weeks late. Something must also be done regarding the loneliness of the elderly. For example, individual and permanent contact persons could be entered here.

The largest opening of nurseries will also be discussed during the week. If it becomes clear that young children are not contagious, you should also talk about loosening up in this regard. Families always come first.

Corona in Bavaria: Söder NOW talks live about the current situation and gives hope to hospitality

Update, 12.35 p.m .: Markus Söder currently speaks live and provides the latest information on the Corona crisis. He directly warns: “You have to be careful. We have everything in sight. We try to create a general concept. We have to plan a life with Corona. Perspective, time axes are necessary. And regional differentiations. “

Update, 11:18 a.m.: CSU chief and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder maintains a slow pace Restaurant reopening only conceivable since the end of May. He said that, according to participants, on Monday in a video section of the CSU party executive. CSU’s top in the video section clearly distanced itself from North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU). He had complained Sunday night at the ARD that virologists changed their minds every few days. That leads to uncertainty.

Söder said without saying Laschet by name: “It would be a mistake not to listen to virologists, because so far they have advised us well.”

Update, 10.55 a.m.: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has indicated the relaxation of mass sports in Bavaria for next week and at the same time linked to development in the Bundesliga. He announced on Monday that the future of amateur athletes and clubs in the Free State during the Corona crisis would be debated on Bavarian radio. Söder awaits a decision on whether the restrictions can be relaxed and how they can be relaxed and training can begin “maybe next week, I’d say.”

While professional clubs in Germany are training again with restrictions, for example with as little contact as possible, this is not yet allowed for fans. The Bundesliga wants to continue its season without spectators as soon as possible.

Development is also important for popular sports, Söder said. “It also depends on whether the Bundesliga really starts. I think it should be a little online, “said the Prime Minister.

Corona virus in Bavaria: crisis hits Adidas hard – juicy drop in profits

Update, 10.08 a.m .: The Bavarian manufacturer of sporting goods. Adidas has sales and revenue in the first quarter due to the Corona pandemic Profit drop has to accept Profits from continuing operations decreased 97 percent to 20 million euros, as the company announced in Herzogenaurach on Monday. Sales decreased 19 percent to 4.75 billion euros. For the second quarter, Adidas announced an even stronger drop in sales and profits. Additionally, more than 70 percent of stores worldwide are closed, he said. Adidas did not provide a prospect for 2020. The group had recently withdrawn the original forecast due to the economic consequences of the Corona crisis.

But does the crown loosen in sight? Söder’s new ad leaves room for speculation

Update April 27, 8:05 a.m.: Bavarian prime minister Markus Söder (CSU) has more Relieving of restrictions in the Crown crisis
promised “If this works well this week, then we can think of more relief,” Söder told Bayerischer Rundfunk on Monday (“B5 aktuell”).

Söder said he wanted to continue on a prudent path to Bavaria. Weekend Balance sheet drawn, among other things, with a view to local trade and transport. The phrase is: better a week later than the others, and on the safe side.

At the request of the Bavarian Deputy Minister of Government and Minister for the Economy, Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) for faster relaxation, for example for GastronomySöder said: An economy minister mainly has an eye on the economy, that goes without saying. Ultimately, however, decisions must be made with general responsibility.

Crown in Bavaria: As of today, a mask requirement applies: Söder with clear words about the upcoming easing

8:24 pm: The number of infections reported with the Corona virus it rose to 41,295. This means that the number of those infected with Sars-CoV-2 increased by 344 compared to the previous day. The State Office of Food Safety and Health in Erlangen reported Sunday (starting at 10 a.m.) on its website.

The number of deaths related to Virus infected, they increased in the same period from 29 to 1613. According to the State Office, it is estimated that 28,300 people consider themselves healthy again. On Saturday, estimates were 27,530 recovered.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is seen as a representative of strict measures against the coronavirus pandemic. But these days there is criticism, now there is also a heavy political discourse: the President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) warns: “Not everything has to renounce the protection of life.” Who dreams of an Oktoberfest despite clear decisions is the Minister of Economic Affairs of Bavaria, Hubert Aiwanger (free voters) *. With his model, the beer gardens could also reopen in “a few weeks,” says Aiwanger.

In the Corona crisis, restaurateurs in Bavaria are slowly but surely losing patience *. Meanwhile, managers openly oppose the loss of their business base.

Crown in Bavaria: the masks will be mandatory from tomorrow – Söder with clear words about the next relaxation

Original article from April 26, 2020:

Munich: Exit restrictions have been in force in Bavaria for almost five weeks *. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had the Measures prescribed from March 21.. A lot has happened since then, the numbers show positive trends, and the first easing has already been decided. The main innovations will be implemented next Monday (April 27). Besides the Store opening. there is a particularly big change: the Mask requirement.

Virus corona in Bavaria: important innovations: the requirement of the mask approaches

All Bavaria will have a mask requirement from next Monday (April 27) until further notice. These new regulations accompany the relaxation of the Exit restrictions, which in particular includes the opening of all stores. However, the mask requirement also applies to local public transportation, which is subject to heavy fines.

Virus crowns in Bavaria: Markus Söder gives little hope of further relaxation

Prime Minister Markus Söder does not expect major decisions in the next one. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s telephone switch with the Prime Minister on April 30. “I think it is good to exchange ideas as often as possible,” the CSU chief said in a statement released Saturday. Focus online-Interview. “But I would do it this time do not expect too much. It would make sense if we did an update next Thursday, but didn’t take any further rash action. ” The situation in Bavaria had changed. significantly improved. “Our experts say: we saved the Free State from the worst,” Söder said in the conversation. Still, patience is needed – in politics and population.

Winfried Kretschmann, Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, has decided to take a special route in the crown crisis. The current developments in Baden-Württemberg can be found here in the new news ticker.

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Peter Kneffel
