Corona at NRW: the number of infected people increases dramatically – Laschet attack: “irresponsible”


According to current figures, North Rhine-Westphalia remains the worst affected in the whole country by the coronavirus.

  • Called on thursday Chancellor Angela Merkel with the Armin laschet and the other prime minister.
  • The conference call is about new Measurements and any Relieving be spoken
  • Among other things, the game’s operations in the Bundesliga could be launched
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the crown virus * and the news from the German crown *. You can also find current case numbers here
    Germany as a map *. The following recommendations for crown protection measures * are currently available. The most important thing on the subject is also on our new Facebook page, Corona News. Become a fan now.

Update May 2, 6:10 pm: Prime Minister Armin laschet He has to listen to criticism for his comments on the crown crisis and the spread of the virus. In a worldwide interview, the leader of the Green Group complained Anton Hofreiter The medical ignorance of the CDU politician: “I found his suggestions for rapid opening partially irresponsible. With him, some numbers and terms were mixed: R-value, doubling time and number of infected. This needs to be addressed in depth if you want to fulfill your role as a responsible politician and make the right decisions. “

Hofreiter even recommends Laschet get more involved in the matter. But it was not only the NRW country chief who removed the fat. “The federal government should have communicated more clearly sometimes she contradicted herself. Again: first the doubling rate had to be reduced, then the R value (Average number of infections per infected person, i. Red) That was not always very clear ”, Hofreiter shows the way out of the crisis.

Corona at NRW: number of infected people rises dramatically – director warns of bottleneck

Update May 1, 11:48 a.m.: Although the federal and state governments announced further relaxation on Thursday, the number of North Rhine-Westphalia with the Corona virus infected people continue drastically. So Robert Koch Institute He said Friday that 371 other people at NRW had tested positive for Covid-19. This increases the number of officially ill people in NRW to 33,058.

Like Harald Willert, president of the NRW school management association, the Rheinische Post He explained, there could be a bottleneck in schools in the coming weeks. In the federal state, all teachers who belong to a risk group must be fired from the job. However, in some schools, the number of teachers affected is between 50 and 80 percent, Willert said.

Corona at NRW: Relaxation is Coming – Mail Confusion About School Openings

Update April 30, 6:47 p.m.: Confusion around Armin laschet. The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia downplayed the plans of the state school ministry to reopen primary schools for all students in a rotating system on May 11. An email corresponding to the schools (see update at 5:04 p.m.) Will “Corrected”Laschet said Thursday in Düsseldorf. On May 6, everything else will be discussed with the federal and state governments.

Update at 6:17 p.m.: The constant succession of contacts is one of the most important tools to stop the pandemic. Armin laschet. The health authorities in NRW will track all infection strings.

40 percent of intensive care settings in hospitals are for Crown patients free at NRW. The current situation allows compensation for postponed operations.

Also in NRW Village festivals, fair events, and other festivals will remain prohibited until August 31. Church services can take place again from May 1 with strict concepts of safety and limited participation. Museums and zoos can also reopen.

Sweden, on the other hand, follows its own path in the Corona crisis. After much criticism, it is now surprising that Sweden received praise for the Corona course from the WHO leadership. *

Update at 6 p.m.: Than Superior Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia have the Mask requirement Declared legal in the country for purchases and local transportation. The restrictions associated with wearing a mouth and nose cap are acceptable in view of the protective purpose, the judges decided Thursday, according to the message. With the regulation on the use of a mouth and nose cover that went into effect on Monday (April 27), the state government followed a current recommendation from the Robert Koch Institute. This assumes that even self-made masks made of cloth reduce the excretion of respiratory viruses, and therefore Coronavirus spread can slow down.

The Higher Administrative Court had received several similar requests with which the plaintiffs wanted to override the mask requirement.

Merkel-PK: further relaxation confirmed

Update April 30, 5:33 p.m.: According to the main councils of the federal and state governments Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) More opening steps are announced. Subject to conditions Reopen playgrounds, cultural institutions and places of worship.Merkel said Thursday in Berlin. The danger of Crown pandemic But it is far from being haunted: “Therefore, caution remains the order of the day,” the CDU politician emphasized Thursday in Berlin after a conversation with the 16 prime ministers about the Corona crisis.

For the containment of Crown crisis A common strategy is still necessary. Merkel spoke of a tremendous challenge for citizens and all levels of the country, for which “there is no template.” It is particularly important to understand the chains of infection.

Crown in North Rhine-Westphalia: is loosening – Laschet is making progress in schools

Update April 30, 5:04 p.m.: As announced by the State Schools Ministry in North Rhine-Westphalia in an email to schools on Thursday, elementary students in the state will return to school daily starting May 11. Fourth graders are due to start on May 7th.

Then, beginning May 11, children of all grades will be taught on a daily “rolling” system. In concrete terms, this means that a different year should go to school every business day, after weeks of forced crown-related breaks.

Update April 30, 4:30 p.m.: Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin laschet (CDU) warned against delaying important doctor and hospital appointments due to the crown crisis and therefore jeopardizing their own health. “My message is: Those who are sick can, should, must go to the doctor!“He emphasized. A correct balance must be found between a necessary reserve for crown patients and the treatment of other urgent complaints away from Covid-19, Laschet demanded.

Meanwhile, details of Consultations between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the countries’ prime ministers impregnated consequently the federal government and the federal states want together community Services too special religious holidays such as baptisms, weddings, or circumcisions, as well as funeral services in a small group allow again.

Furthermore, hospitals are supposed to start more operations and other major treatments in accordance with the will of the federal and state governments. According to information from the German Press Agency, 40 percent of the participants’ intensive care beds are kept free. Should now fewer intensive care beds will be kept free in the future. The development of infections in the crown crisis, as well as an accurate description through a new registry of intensive care beds, made it possible to use a “somewhat larger part” of the capabilities again for plannable operating rooms, he said among the participants. By the way, you can also read all the expected loosening*.

Coronavirus in NRW: main events remain until August 31

Update April 30, 1:42 p.m.: Meanwhile, the first details of the federal government’s proposed resolution on further relaxation are known. So the federal government wants the closure for weeks

Let the playgrounds open again, as well as museums, exhibitions, zoos, monuments and botanical gardens. Worship services and prayer events will also be allowed again. In the already decided Large events are prohibited until August 31. the federal government basically wants to hold on. This arises from the federal government’s draft resolution for the deliberations of Merkel and the heads of the country.

However, the document also states that the Covenant only at the next exchange conference with the prime minister wants to decide on May 6a larger opening step is possible with strict crown restrictions. Until then, the federal government also wants Concept for greater gradual opening of schools., Kindergartens and for the resumption of sports operations.

Coronavirus in NRW: more than 32,400 infections and 1,200 deaths

Update April 30, 11:48 a.m.: Until Thursday morning they are in North Rhine-Westphalia more than 32,400 coronavirus infections too at least 1200 deaths It has been associated with Covid disease 19. This makes the federal state one of the most severely affected by the pandemic after Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.

In Bavaria, which has more crown deaths than North Rhine-Westphalia, there has now been serious confusion. A Unterhaching nurse was told by phone about the death of her sister, who had Covid-19, but a few days later it turned out to be a mistake. You can also read about how those are affected now*.

Coronavirus in NRW: Laschet and other prime ministers consult with Merkel

Update April 30, 9.44 a.m.: NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet and the prime ministers of the other 15 federal states will give advice this Thursday afternoon Chancellor Angela Merkel about that additional action in the crown pandemic. However, it is not known whether far-reaching decisions will be made regarding easing. Because due to two-week incubation period of the corona virus, the possible consequences of the most recent loosening will only become visible in a few days. But as early as Thursday morning, it was said that the federal government will likely extend contact restrictions until May 10.

Update April 29, 12.03 p.m .: In North Rhine-Westphalia have more than until Wednesday morning 32,100 people with the Infected corona virus. Also, at least 1171 people after infection with the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen passed away. This is shown in an evaluation by the German Press Agency, which takes into account the latest federal state figures reported to the Robert Koch Institute.

North Rhine-Westphalia remains one of the federal states most affected in Germany by the pandemic. Due to the crisis in Corona it is also Wednesday Rheinkirmes officially canceled been and that too Düsseldorfer Schützenfest will not take place this yearreports the online edition of the Rheinische Post trusting the information of the shooters of San Sebastián.

Virus Corona at NRW: Düsseldorf fair and shooting festival canceled, but there is hope

A little Consolation plaster Oliver Wilmering, President of the Düsseldorf Showmen Association, has his sleeve up his sleeve for fans of the fair and the shooting festival. It keeps happening in the background worked on alternative concepts. “But they are not ready for a decision yet because they are still on the exam,” quotes the Rheinische Post Wilmering

In Saxony, Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, meanwhile, has called for further relaxation of the crown requirements.

Update April 28 4:23 p.m.: During a massive test for the coronavirus in a temporary seal High-rise complex in Grevenbroich (North Rhine-Westphalia) are five infected residents It has been found “All other test results are negative,” Rhein-Kreis Neuss said Tuesday. A total of 377 residents of the residential complex in the city of 63,000 residents were evaluated on Sunday.

The spectacular action was necessary because two families with eight infected members did not follow the Quarantine regulations celebrated and continued to have contact with the neighbors. According to the district, the five subjects with current positive results are one individual and four other infected people from three families.

Coronavirus in NRW: Five skyscraper residents in Grevenbroich are infected

Update, April 28, 12:14 p.m.:
Five Lacing Residents
High-rise complex in
Grevenbroich is with it

Corona virus
infected. All other results for the 377 residents evaluated were negative, Rhein-Kreis Neuss said Tuesday. Residents were sampled for testing in a complex process on Sunday. Since then, they have not been allowed to leave the premises. The massive test was necessary because, according to authorities, the infected residents had not been quarantined. The circle said the positive test was a single person and four other infected people from three families.

The city of Grevenbroich said the quarantine for the entire building complex would continue to apply. First, the closest contact persons of the infected should be determined. A city spokesperson said the quarantine could probably be lifted later in the day.

On Monday night a dead man was discovered in the skyscraper: he is the owner of a 58-year-old apartment. Investigators apparently do not commit a crime.

Coronavirus in NRW: discovery of dead bodies in massive corona tests

Update, April 28, 9:56 a.m.: Do not go out and security guards at the door. A high-rise complex in Grevenbroich (NRW) is under crown quarantine. After a body was found Monday, police are now investigating.

Neighbors like that Image He reports that he dialed the emergency call after worrying about a resident. Rescue teams found a dead person (58). The cause of death is still unclear. According to the police, there was no indication of third-party debt. Initially it is not known if the man had Covid-19.

No one is allowed to leave the building. 377 residents have to wait for their test results.

Coronavirus: NRW releases death figures for March

Update, April 28, 9:26 a.m.: 32,184 people in NRW (an increase of 315 compared to the previous day) are infected with Covid-19, reports the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) (at 8:10 a.m.), including 1,171 deaths.

Than North Rhine-Westphalia State Statistical Office published numbers on deaths in March 2020. Accordingly, around 18,800 people died in North Rhine-Westphalia in March 2020. For comparison: 19,100 people died in March 2019.

According to the authority, there is no indication of an increase in mortality from the Covid 19 pandemic from these data for March 2020.

According to the RKI, a total of 795 coronavirus deaths were confirmed at NRW in March 2020.

Crown in North Rhine-Westphalia: High-rise building in Grevenbroich cordoned off due to 19 Covid cases, now a dead person has been found there

Update, April 27, 8:46 p.m.: In North Rhine-Westphalia Grevenbroich became a full one over the weekend Gated a high-rise complex with around 450 residents.because two families infected with Corona did not meet the quarantine requirements (we report). Now it’s obvious a dead person was found in the skyscraper. First reported of this development.

Update, April 27, 11:40 a.m. Reinhard Buttler of Essen had to go to Essen University Hospital on April 1 to treat lung cancer, a form of cancer. There, however, he died a few weeks later as a result of a Coronavirus infection *. Before that, his family spoke on the phone about the conditions at the hospital: “They run around like there’s no Corona at all.” As the radiation clinic in Essen admits, it has been mandatory to protect your mouth and nose since March 20.
z * to use, but the order is not always followed.

On April 5, the family was informed that the 76-year-old man was dating the Corona virus * infected and transferred to another room. Here Reinhard Buttler died only a week later as a result of the Corona virus *. His family now wants to accuse.

A retirement home in Berlin had to be cleaned due to the corona virus. *

Corona crisis NRW: Laschet wants to promote the return of the Bundesliga on Thursday

Düsseldorf – From Monday there is also in North Rhine-Westphalia the Mask requirement *, this will also be in the next conversation on Thursday between Prime Minister Armin laschet and Chancellor Angela Merk
* will certainly be a problem. One Relieving however, there will be no nose and mouth protection * in the near future.

I wait for this Laschet with the consent of the authority responsible for starting the game Football Bundesliga. North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister got a resume of Bundesliga He proposed together with the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder * (CSU) “because the concept convinced us”. In addition, the two prime ministers already mentioned dates for the reopening of churches, mosques and synagogues. Therefore, this issue is probably also discussed with the Chancellor spoken

Armin laschet It is currently under great pressure. He would like to become party leader at the end of the year, then candidate for chancellor and chancellor, successor to Merkel. In this sense, their behavior in theCrown crisis * Particularly critical eye. According to current figures, 31,879 people have already moved NRW with the Corona virus * infected, the number of deaths increased to 1,131. However, 22,583 people are now from Covid-19 * recover The Robert Koch Institute released the figures on April 27, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. In Germany, the number of infected people is currently 155,193.

Markus Söder gets excited about Bavaria and is interrupted by Angela Merkel; The travel manager doesn’t like it at all. Donald Trump’s new spokeswoman breaks a promise at her first conference. The Thai king resides in a luxury hotel in Garmisch, known as “disaster for the monarchy”.

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