Corona at NRW: Next Metropolis is Now a Risk Area – Laschet Announces New Rules


The number of corona infections is increasing in North Rhine-Westphalia. The next big city has slipped above the warning value and is now considered a risk area.

  • next Suburb cross counties and cities in NRW the critic 7 day incidence value * at 50. Many places are now restricted Crown*-Regular in force.
  • In North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the number of risk areas is increasing. Düsseldorf is now also affected.
  • In view of the rapid increase in the number of cases Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) called an emergency meeting of the state government on Sunday.

Update on October 12 at 6:50 pm.: Also in Düsseldorf is he Incidence value slipped over the critical mark. With a series of 54.8 new infections per 100,000 population the Rhine metropolis is now also considered Area of ​​risk. A maximum of five people are now allowed to meet there in public. There is a curfew from 1 am for bars and restaurants.

Update on October 12 at 7:27 am: Duisburg is Corona’s new access point in North Rhine-Westphalia. The city is worth 50.1 to the incidence value of 7 days, as can be seen in the data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Duisburg has to adapt to the restrictions of public life.

On Sunday, North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) announced uniform restrictions on public life at Corona’s hotspots. To be requested if a district or independent city in North Rhine-Westphalia exceeds the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days:

  • Only up to five people from different households can meet in public.
  • The opening hours of pubs and restaurants will be restricted.
  • Stricter upper limits should be applied to the number of participants at public events.
  • For celebrations in private rooms, the number of participants should be limited to 25.

NRW Crown Alarm: Laschet Announces New Rules – “The Situation is Serious”

Update October 11 at 3:37 pm: The press conference with NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet in Düsseldorf has ended.

Update on October 11 at 3:33 pm: “The same measures are applied in all NRW from an incidence of 35”, says Laschet. Also for regions where the value would be even lower. This should regulate a new protection regulation as of November 1. At the ministerial conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday, Laschet would also like to advocate for the standardization of the rules in Germany. The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia wants to avoid a total blockade. It is important that the population continues to comply with the Corona rules.

“Refrain from autumn holidays”: NRW minister appeals to the population

Update October 11 at 3:25 pm: Laschet attracts young people. “It is a duty of solidarity for young people” to also think of the elderly and grandparents that one would meet. Since Travel in the fall holidays the NRW Prime Minister strongly advises against this. 50,000 people are currently in quarantine. Laschet announced that compliance with the quarantine would now be more closely monitored.

Update October 11 at 3:18 pm: NRW Laschet boss presents uniform measurements. From a limit of 30 should private celebrations for 50 participants be restricted throughout the country. The same rules should apply everywhere. Municipalities should be helped to trace contacts. From an incidence of 7 days out of 35, for example, care facilities in municipalities must be comprehensively tested, Laschet emphasizes.

Crown in NRW: Armin Laschet (CDU), Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, reports on the current situation (symbol photo)

© Marius Becker / dpa

Update as of October 11, 3:10 pm: “The situation is worrying,” said NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet at the beginning of the press conference in Düsseldorf. Nine cities in North Rhine-Westphalia exceed the critical threshold, according to Laschet. The pandemic must be fought selectively. The rules must remain understandable to citizens. The goal of all efforts should be that the number of deaths does not increase. One’s A limit of 50 should apply uniform measures at all critical points. Events with 250 participants are usually canceled, in private parties only 25 people are allowed and only five people can meet in public spaces.

Update on October 11 at 2:52 pm: Prime Minister Armin Laschet Now he wants to make a statement to the press on the status of the crown in NRW. Essen and Cologne have already tightened crown measures. But the rules in cities are different. Will new measures be followed for the whole of North Rhine-Westphalia?

Corona at NRW: Laschet Convenes Crisis Meeting

Update October 11 at 10:41 am: Ascendants New infections with the Coronavirus in North Rhine-Westphalia the state government worries. For Sunday today there was a Special session summoned Prime Minister Armin Laschet then you want to know about the current situation and how to proceed in NRW to inform. The press conference is scheduled for 3 pm

With 1,422 new infections in 24 hours and around 5820 cases in the last 7 days and an incidence of 32.4, the most populous federal state is according to data from the Robert-Koch-Instituts (RKI) ahead of the equally affected states of Bavaria (3,034 cases in seven days and an incidence of 23.1) and Baden-Württemberg (2,621 cases in seven days, the incidence of 7 days is 23.6).

Corona alarm on NRW: In Germany, more and more red dots can be seen on the Covid-19 card from the Robert Koch Institute.

© Screenshot RKI Covid-19 Dashboard

Update October 11 at 8:51 am: North Rhine-Westphalia has a new crown access point: the Essen city. Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia) again exceeded the incidence value of 50 on Sunday *. the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gives a on his board 7 day incidence since 57.3 in. The city of Essen announced that the value was 47.4 the day before. Strict rules now apply in Essen Crown rules for parties. The city had already decreed that as of October 12, private celebrations that take place outside the departments must be informed by the organizer to the regulatory office three days in advance. The number of participants is limited to 25 people for private parties * (Note: the number has been increased from 50 to 25 corrected). Violations of these crown regulations threaten hefty fines of up to 25,000 euros.

In NRW there were 1,422 new corona infections registered in the last 24 hours according to RKI information. A total of 4,721 corona cases have been recorded in Germany.

Corona numbers: NRW has been the sad leader in new infections for days – strange appearance in the new rules in Cologne

First report of October 10, 2020

Cologne – On Saturday the metropolis has Suburb exceeded the important alert value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. The State Health Center of North Rhine-Westphalia gave the value on Saturday 54.8 in. So now apply seven regions in North Rhine-Westphalia when Area of ​​risk. The Cologne city administration ordered numerous restrictions on public life *.

Crown in Cologne: limit exceeded – stricter rules

The mayor of Cologne announced on Friday Henriette Reker in a press conference that will be at most five people meet in public from different homes. In addition, it is applied in public spaces 22 o’clock one Alcohol ban. The sale of alcohol at hotspots on weekends is no longer allowed. In addition, the city leads Suburb a Mask requirement in Pedestrian zone one.

At the mayor’s press conference it was clear how difficult it will be to find the new Crown*-Regular to be observed. In the background were several Jubelschreie one obviously celebrating within earshot Wedding party perceive. At some point he replied Shrimp and said he knew it was “an important day in life.” However, moderation now also applies to a wedding party. She is reluctant to act as a brake on fun as well Shrimp.

Corona in Germany: seven risk areas in North Rhine-Westphalia

It has been for several days North Rhine-Westphalia the tallest Infection rates * of all German federal states. The city was on Saturday Herne with 66.5 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days leading. With the cities Hamm (64.5), Wuppertal (55.2), Hagen (55.1), Suburb (54.8), Recklinghausen (52.3) and Remscheid (51.2) recorded North Rhine-Westphalia as a whole seven risk areas.

The situation is also tense in Essen and the state capital Düsseldorf. Of the 7 day incidence value situated in Essen With 47.5 Y Düsseldorf With 42.7 just below the critical value of 50. Development in metropolitan areas shows “if we are in the pandemic Germany under control or if we are losing control “, said the chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday after a videoconference with representatives of the eleven largest German cities. She moved on tighter measures and offered help through the forces of armed forces and des Robert-Koch-Instituts (RKI) * in. NRW Minister of Health Karl-Josef Laumann urged municipalities to be stronger Control S of the Crown*-Regular in.

Corona in NRW: Essen and Düsseldorf just below critical incidence value

Lord Mayor of Essen Thomas kufen announced after the videoconference that the help offered by the armed forces to consider. If the limit is exceeded, in Essen Only celebrations with a maximum of 25 are allowed, instead of the previous 50 people. Such celebrations would have to register for only eleven participants. Also, it must be in Essen a Mask requirement in public buildings like schools.

In Düsseldorf became such Mask requirement already organized on Friday, as also reported by *. We also recommend wearing a mask in twelve highly frequented areas of the city, including the old town or the main train station. One’s Incidence value 50 people can only participate in the celebrations here. (ph) * and wa.da are part of the Ippen-Digital publishing network

List of rubric lists: © Roland Weihrauch / dpa
