Corona at NRW: Coesfeld district reports fewer new infections


Laumann wants to dry up the “swamp” in the meat industry. So far there are no infected people in Tönnies. Hundreds of lawsuits against Corona. All the information on the NRW blog.

  • The number of with the coronavirus infected people continue to increase in Germany and also in North Rhine-Westphalia, at the same time as the number of people recovering increases: since the pandemic started, a total of 35,537 Infected counted 29,520 people are now considered to have recovered. There has been on NRW since The pandemic begins 1472 Covid-19 related deaths (as of Wednesday, May 13).
  • A summary of all Corona news Germany and the world is available on our news blog.
  • An overview of many more subjects Around that coronavirus It can be found on our topic page.

Update, Wednesday January 21: at Coesfeld District The number of new infections in the past seven days, estimated at 100,000 inhabitants on Wednesday, has dropped to 100.5 new infections. The same value increased slightly in Olpe to 23.7, in Euskirchen to 20.2, reported the NRW Ministry of Health. Other than Coesfeld, there was no city or district in NRW dangerous brand of the 50s, where public life must be restricted again.

Update, Wednesday, 5:26 p.m.: Bonn virologist Hendrik Streeck has strongly rejected allegations that he had his study of the crown infection process marketed in the Heinsberg district. “That was not a marketing,” Streeck said Wednesday on the state parliament’s health committee. “Personally, I was quite surprised by the way it was presented.” He had created a studio “in record time,” and then it was no longer a question of the studio, but it was supposed to be the question. Past of easing crown restrictions.

Streeck said he was in a situation where “an incredible number of people” were interested in the spread of the coronavirus. He no longer knew how to deal with all emails and was therefore grateful that someone “looked over his shoulder”. Today he knows: “He got stupid.” He also had “nights without sleep” had.

Update, Wednesday, 4.12 p.m.: the Crown tests in the largest in Germany Tönnies meat processor are in Rheda-Wiedenbrück all negative so far it has failed. By Wednesday noon, 784 laboratory findings were available. “All of these findings were negative,” said the Gütersloh district. Almost 2,100 employees were evaluated on Monday and Tuesday. The state had ordered all slaughterhouse workers in North Rhine-Westphalia to undergo a test to detect the coronavirus.

Generally in Tönnies 7,700 employees busy of which tested a total of 7000 to be said Dr. Gereon Schulze Althoff, head of the pandemic crisis team at Tönnies. The results should be available next Monday at the latest, he said.

The company already stood out early, for the first time this February, ready for a crown pandemic not only in the company itself, but also with a view to housing workers. Additionally, each new employee would now be screened at Corona before starting work the first time; Schulze Althoff said traveling returnees will also be screened upon their return before returning to company facilities. In connection with the massive outbreak at the Austrian ski resort of Ischgl, there were two cases of corona in the company, which were recognized early and did not cause further infections, he said.

Laumann wants to “dry up” the swamp “in the meat industry”

Update, Wednesday, 2:43 p.m.: NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann wants to use the crown pandemic to fight Complaints in the meat industry to proceed. “I’m running one now Zero tolerance policy. It doesn’t matter who the slaughterhouse operator is. We have to dry this swamp now. The pandemic gives us an opportunity to do so, ”the CDU politician told WDR 2 radio station.

Until now it has not been possible Check the workers’ housesbecause they are rented in private. “There was protection from the department. Now we have the opportunity in the pandemic, due to the Infection Protection Law go there with the health authorities. Until now, job security has had no rights at all, ”Laumann said.

“Me Patience with the meat industry is long over.The minister said and complained that the slaughterhouses had subcontracted their own main business, that is, slaughtering and cutting animals. “It would be as if VW was no longer building its own cars, but was only dealing with logistics.”

Coronavirus: 222 new infected and 534 healthy in NRW

Update, Wednesday, 2:05 p.m.: NRW’s Ministry of Health has registered 222 new corona infections across the country since Tuesday. Since the pandemic began, there have been a total of 35,537 infected in the most populous federal state, as it emerged from a ministry list. the Body count As a result of an infection, 17 new cases increased from Tuesday to Wednesday to a total 1472.

Another 534 people reported being healthy, with a total of 29,520 people surviving an infection with the virus. Feedback on recovery is not mandatory, so this number is only an approximation. According to the last numbers on Wednesday 4545 sharp people with corona virus infected. That was about 330 less than Tuesday.

More than 300 lawsuits against the Corona Protection Ordinance since closing

Update, Wednesday, 8:08 p.m.: More than 300 complain or Urgent requests against the Corona Protection Ordinance They have been received by administrative courts in NRW since the blockade began on March 16. Until now, they have been decided most cases rejected. If you count Corona’s immediate aid complaints, there are even 410 proceedings before administrative courts, according to the Justice Ministry in a report to the state parliament.

In addition to prominent cases, such as the Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof proposals, the ministry also lists rare cases: the Ministry of Health must be forced to distribute masks for free. Permission was requested for an “emergency marriage”, a “wellness oasis” wanted to reopen, a car show, a fun fair. A complaint was filed in the administrative court of Gelsenkirchen Homeless at 1.5 meters Safe distance in your sleeping place. The same court also had to deal with the visitation rights of a seriously disabled child (4). Applicants were successful in very few cases. These include an initially closed wine shop and a dog lounge.

The Ministry of Education determines the commitment of teachers in risk groups.

Update, Wednesday, 12:15 p.m.: also Professor, the the Corona risk group It must be used in the final oral exams in the NRW schools. “All teachers in the risk group, ie teachers with pre-existing conditions and teachers who have reached the age of 60, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding teachers, are required to participate in the procedures for taking the tests oral. Decree of the Ministry of Education to the five district governments. Düsseldorf’s ministry said on Wednesday, but it remains that the risk group’s teachers should not participate in the on-site service.

Emergency aid fraud: so far, around EUR 270,000 damages

Update, Wednesday, 11.50 a.m.: finished different types of fraud at Emergency Crown Aid Damage of at least € 270,000 has occurred in NRW. The investigative commission responsible in the State Office of Criminal Police (LKA) already had until last Friday 1055 ads detected This arises from a current report to the legal committee of the state parliament.

Consequently, they were alone fake emergency help pages saved 143,000 euros on the Internet. In addition, according to the report, there are also other fraud crimes with a loss of 51,000 euros. Money laundering cases, where 78,000 euros were paid.

TÜV reports traffic jam during driver’s license tests after crown break

Update, Wednesday, 10:48 a.m. the crown related rupture the Driving schools It has led to bottlenecks in driver’s license tests at NRW. “Wait times are currently inevitable,” he said Wednesday. TÜV Rheinlandwho tests at 25 locations, especially in the southern NRW. Many apprentice drivers couldn’t have passed Corona’s eight-week break and now wanted to. Furthermore, the sites for theoretical tests would be severely restricted by the prescribed distance regulations of at least 1.5 meters. The current situation is not satisfactory for test subjects, such as driving schools, explained the TÜV.

Laschet gives hope for an easier trip

Update, Wednesday, 7.35 a.m.: About six weeks before summer vacation in North Rhine-Westphalia, there is hope Travel facilities despite the crown pandemic. Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) wants a fast one End of edge closure. “My soul hurts when I see that the barriers in Europe have fallen again,” he told the Süddeutsche Zeitung (Wednesday). “That is why we should finish closing the border this week and restore Europe,” said the head of government in Düsseldorf. Rules are now needed to protect people from the spread of the corona virus, but not to stop at national borders.

Laschet had previously opted for quarantine relaxation pronounced. “If France ends the closure on May 11, we need a break for returnees from European countries,” he told “RP” (Tuesday). There is an agreement on this point with the heads of government of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. Currently everyone outside the foreign countries traveling to Germany to quarantined for two weeks trouble. Exceptions apply to travelers, among others.

Corona crime numbers continue to decline

Update, Wednesday, May 13, 4:12 p.m. The downward trend crime During the crown the crisis continued in several areas. Not only with him Robberies, also with Domestic violence and Pickpocket The decline continued in the first eight weeks of the Corona crisis. The NRW Home Office announced this at the request. However, these are preliminary figures.

Both of them Pickpocket the number of registered cases has even been cut in half. After 5,540 events in the same period of the previous year, there were just under 2,400 during the Corona crisis, a decrease of 57 percent. The number of Robberies decreased by a third.

The number of police operations due to Domestic violence it was less than 4,300, in the same period last year it was 5,800, which corresponds to a decrease of 26 percent. Several experts expected an increase.

800 crown tests on the Tönnies meat processor

Update, Tuesday, 8:33 p.m.: In a first step, the Gütersloh district has the largest meat processor in Germany. Tonies 800 employees evaluated the corona virus. A spokeswoman said Tuesday that there were 300 more employees Monday than planned for the first day.

According to the district, the first results are not expected before Wednesday. Initially there were no figures for Tuesday’s tests.

>>> Read here what makes working in slaughterhouses so dangerous in the Crown era

Netherlands provide more travel facilities

Update, Tuesday May 12, 6.30 p.m.: The Netherlands government gives German tourists hope for a vacation in the neighboring country.Germans can enter through the Dutch border and holidays at Netherlands as long as they adhere to the rules here, “said a Dutch government spokeswoman.

Update, Tuesday May 12, 5:45 p.m.: The number of crown tests has recently increased in North Rhine-Westphalia, so will gradually increased capacities but far from being exhausted. This arises from an analysis of accredited medical laboratories (ALM). Data would be collected from more than 80 percent of the labs. May 4-10 at NRW More than 92,000 tests have been evaluated for the virus. However, more than 46,000 tests would have been possible per day. Since the beginning of the pandemic corona consequently it was in short supply at NRW 490,000 tests paid for by health insurance companies.

Four billion euros of emergency aid has already been paid.

Update, Tuesday May 12, 3:33 p.m. At the State Chancellery in Düsseldorf, the NRW Minister of Culture Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen (independent) and NRW Minister of Economy Andreas Pinkwart (FDP) provide information on the current situation and other measures in Emergency help. The main points:
