Corona: Angela Merkel expects a harsh second wave in winter


Despite the development of vaccines against the corona pandemic, Chancellor Angela Merkel expects a harsh winter. “We have to assume that the second wave is tougher, and falls especially in a bad season,” he said when delivering the expert report in Berlin. “It will keep us busy all winter,” he added. The crisis can only be overcome together.

Even positive news about vaccine development would not change that and it would not be reflected in winter. Therefore, Corona’s precautionary measures should continue to apply.

According to the most recent information from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Wednesday, 18,487 new corona infections were reported nationwide in 24 hours. That’s 3,155 more cases than Tuesday. Compared to Wednesday of last week, the value is slightly higher.

Merkel also insisted on adhering to the Basic Law debt brake, which sets the federal and state levels for allowed new loans. The debt brake is flexible enough in the current crisis. “It should also remain the guiding principle for years to come,” he said of proposals to abolish the requirement.

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said he expected Germany to be “in a better epidemiological situation” around Christmas and the turn of the year. “And that is only possible with discipline.” The CSU politician warned not to give in with the argument that the increase in the number of infections is no longer so dynamic. “Do not underestimate in serious illnesses with Covid-19 that many of the seriously ill have lifelong sequelae.”

The fact that more and more children are being quarantined in schools in Germany is due to development, said Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (CDU). It promoted a positive vision. They managed to keep the schools open up to here. Starting today, the number of infections is expected to stabilize, he said, referring to the question of whether a school closure is imminent.

Icon: The mirror
