Corona and political failure: how Germany lost control of the virus


Corona 2020 by the numbers: About 1.7 million Germans tested positive for Sars-CoV-2. More than 30,000 people have died from or with the virus. The federal, state and local governments have borrowed almost 2.2 trillion euros. Almost 6 million employees benefited from reduced hours in April alone. Almost 11 million students had to stay home for weeks. There is hardly an area of ​​life that the pandemic has not affected.

A year ago, on December 31, 2019, China reported the emergence of a puzzling lung disease to the World Health Organization, something like the official start of the global pandemic. Just a few months ago, Germany seemed to have weathered the crisis comparatively well, but now, in the second wave, the proven mechanisms have failed. At the turn of the year, the country is on the brink: will the spread of the virus be controllable again?

What remains of the crisis in 2020? What harm is having an impact, what positive developments? A political balance sheet for health, finance, governance, Europe, culture, school and democracy.
