Corona aktuell: US counts more than 80,000 new infections in 24 hours


Association of cities and municipalities criticizes Berlin’s special form of crown rules

The Association of Cities and Municipalities (DStGB) has criticized Berlin’s special route to enforce Corona’s rules. The fact that infected people and contact persons now have to be quarantined even without an individual order is “an understandable reaction to the dramatic situation in Berlin and to the beginning of excessive demands from the health authorities,” said the director. DStGB executive Gerd Landsberg in an interview with the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ). However, it is clear that “a personal decision that is sent to those affected naturally has a completely different effect.”

Landsberg reacted to the decision of the Berlin Senate on Thursday not to track and contact every contact person for people infected by the crown because health authorities can no longer follow up. Instead, the Senate issued a blanket decree forcing all infected citizens and their direct contact persons to self-quarantine at home, even without instructions from the authorities.
