Corona 2020 summer holidays: is the EU travel certificate coming? The call to open borders is growing


Germans are concerned about their summer vacation in the Corona crisis. But in addition to permission to return home, they are more likely to travel to other countries. The news ticker.

Update May 11, 1:19 p.m.: More and more politicians are contributing Hygiene certificate at stake for that Travels at least within Europe in summer. So did the TUI travel group and Manfred Weber MEP (CSU) Socialists in the European Parliament The proposal for a uniform EU-wide hygiene certificate for hotels and resorts, which should save the summer holidays in the Corona crisis.

Summer holidays despite Corona: EU Social Democrats demand an EU uniform hygiene certificate

“People who are ready to go on vacation will seek guidance on how to minimize the risk of infection,” says a position paper by the European politician SPD Ismael Ertug, which is available to the German Press Agency. Therefore, the tourism industry must present measures that strengthen confidence. On Wednesday, the EU Commission now wants guidelines for the difficult Tourism industry affected by the crown pandemic Send

The vice president of the Ertrug group explained in the document exactly what the hygiene certificate contains. We are talking about common protection standardsfor European tourism certificate They are visible.This certificate must establish hygiene standards throughout Europe and can be issued by state authorities or test organizations such as TÜV or Dekra, according to the document.

Meanwhile, the CDU German Leadership expressed on the subject of opening borders. One rapid opening of borders to neighboring countries it’s at the top of the CDU desirable considerate – at the same time Safety standards are maintained.. After a video change of the party venue, the CDU said Monday that one had to go back to one “Schengen normality” of open internal borders return within the EU. Several prime ministers had spoken on the subject in the exchange. The tenor was clearly for fast border openings.

Summer holidays despite Corona: talks with Italy and Greece are ongoing

Update May 11, 9:35 a.m.: Early Bird and regular guests should preferentially treated if hotels cannot accommodate all vacationers due to the crown, at least if it is after Federal Government Tourism Commissioner, Thomas Bareiß, goes. “You have to see on the site which guests have actually booked in the long term,” Bareiß said in RTL / ntv– “Start early” on Monday morning. So far, however, hotels are only 70-80 percent complete.

With the Tourism Ministers of Italy and Greece currently leads ConversationsBareiß reported. Develop together Travel and safety concepts.. The tourism official expects a gradual opening of the border, “so that we can go on vacation in the summer, not only in Germany, but that vacations are also possible in Europe.” You can also read which countries are likely to receive tourists again in the foreseeable future.*.

However, it is not just the way tourism is resumed that is currently being debated in politics. The gradual reopening of schools and kindergartens is also at the center of the debate. The Association of Cities and Municipalities has now warned of enormous difficulties in restarting operations. Chancellor Angela Merkel again consulted with Corona’s cabinet on Monday (May 11).

Summer holidays despite Corona: Weber MEP puts travel certificates under discussion

Update May 10, 1:28 p.m.: The CrownCrises and those that apply later Travel restriction leave many people for theirs SummerHolidays Fear CSU man and MEP Manfred Weber showed up in front of the photo on Sunday (behind the wage barrier) now Travel certificates at stake that could make vacations possible.

Weber’s concern is that easing across the EU will result in discrimination regarding freedom of travel, but all should be treated equally. Weber now wants to “save the European summer 2020”. The deciding factor is “Establish common European hygiene and protection standards as soon as possibleone type ,
Travel certificate ‘for transport and accommodation“If it were up to Weber, that certificate should be ready in a few weeks.

The idea is simple: the EU closes the borders abroad until there is a vaccine and, meanwhile, opens them again. How “Fatal error” Weber refers to the fact that Italy, for example, suspended air traffic to China in late January, but Germany and other countries did not. The document further reports that the federal government shares Weber’s assessment. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also wants to comment on the new protection rules and standards on Wednesday.

Summer holidays despite Corona: Mallorca, Greece, Croatia – TUI chief reveals spectacular plans

Update May 10, 9:18 p.m.: The fall SummerHolidays but not that CrownVictim of crisis? You-Chef Friedrich Joussen at least i want Holiday trips to the Mediterranean as soon as possible offer “We have one Health check It worked for all vacation destinations and will only offer vacations where it is safe. Mallorca will be in first place. Hotels there have run a test, they can start immediately and accept guests, “he said. Picture on Sunday. Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Bulgaria, Austria and Denmark are also well prepared for summer tourism.

However: “First of all, Germany must open the borders”Joussen said. You don’t think the general and world travel warning until June 14 is correct. Rather, an individual assessment should be conducted for each country or region.

On the plane, Joussen thinks it is okay to wear a face mask. “There will be no long queues, but temperature measurements where airports offer them.”

There are also said to be controls on Tui cruises. “We will be ready from July but, like the flights, we need the approval of the authorities. Captains are developing new routes in the North and Baltic Seas. There will be more days at sea, many love real relaxation in the water. At first, a maximum of up to 1,000 guests will likely travel on a ship. ” Corona test devices are said to be on board, and health personnel at the on-board hospital will be increased.

Friedrich Joussen, CEO of the Tui Group

© dpa / Peter Steffen

Summer vacation despite Corona? Hotels in Mallorca can reopen, why is nobody happy anyway?

News from May 9:

Update 2:51 p.m.: Relaxation of the impending blockade in much of the Corona Spain hotspot is underway Majorca and the other Balearic Islands barely cheered. Hotels have been allowed to reopen for the first time in two months from Monday, and restaurants and bars in the outdoor area can accommodate guests again. But the weekly newspaper “Mallorca Zeitung” predicted on Saturday: “Almost all the houses will remain closed.”

The Reason? You fear that you will hardly have clients. “Why should we open when there are no flights for our guests to arrive?” Said Christoph Gräwert, director of the 900-bed “Samos” hotel in Magaluf. Furthermore, until now “it was not even clear what safety standards we have to comply with.” The Majorcan Hoteliers Association FEHM also announced that they were waiting for more precise instructions. Meanwhile, there is a scandal in Finland: the Maltese ambassador to Finland has lost his job, because he compared Chancellor Angela Merkel to Hitler 75 years after the end of World War II. *

Virus crowns in summer: travel to the UK remains difficult

Update 11.55 a.m.: Still difficult at the moment with trips to Britain. The country, heavily hit by the crown pandemic, is apparently planning a two-week quarantine for travelers. That reported among other things Time and BBC On Saturday the BBC quoted anonymous sources from British airlines. Prime Minister Boris Johnson I want to announce the measure on Sunday night, the reports. With that second wave coronavirus infections be prevented in the country. The Interior Ministry was initially unavailable for comment.

Summer vacation despite Corona? Germans will soon be able to travel to these countries again

Update May 9, 10.20 a.m.: Within the EU, the value is assigned to a uniform concept, what the border openings and the corresponding Vacation and travel opportunities. Concerns However, the German government has issued a travel warning worldwide: Holiday travel, no matter where, should definitely be avoided. This applies until June 14. However, individual EU countries have announced that they will open their borders again. So I had about Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) declares that it wants to open the border with Germany before the summer. And you are not alone.

Summer holidays despite Corona: Greece wants to open borders

In Greece Tourism must be revived on July 1. The first strict curfews have already been relaxed. By May 15, the government plans to explain how the hotel industry will work in the Crown era.

Summer holidays despite Corona: drive to Croatia

Croatia Negotiates according to information from with direct neighbors, Austria, Slovenia and the Czech Republic on holiday car trips.

Summer holidays despite Corona: camping in the Netherlands

That too Holland he apparently wants to accept traveling within Europe. Accordingly, the relaxation for tourism should apply from July. Campsites and holiday parks should be reopened. Restaurants and theaters should also be allowed to receive guests again. However, with an upper limit of 100 people.

Summer holidays in the north: Sweden’s borders are open

Sweden it has taken relatively few drastic measures against the coronavirus pandemic. The country has also not closed its borders. However, entry is subject to strict controls and restrictions. The Swedish government discourages domestic travel.

Summer holidays despite Corona: the Czech Republic wants to open in July

Still not sure. But that Czech government has already announced to discuss opening the border in July.

Summer vacation despite Corona? Chancellor Kurz gives hope for trips to Austria

Update May 8, 6:15 p.m.: The EU Commission has an extension of the Entry stops then Europe for him Crown pandemic I asked for another month. The Authority has now advised Member States to remove restrictions on “not essential Travels“Remain in effect until June 15.

The Entry restrictions they were effective for the first time in mid-March. So far they have been extended once until May 15. While some EU member states “The first steps towards relief measures to combat the spread of the pandemic remain unstable in Europe and worldwide,” said the Commission. “Therefore, it should Measurements continued at external borders to reduce the risk of further spread of the disease Travels in the EU to reduce, “he continues.

Summer vacation despite Corona? Chancellor Kurz gives hope for trips to Austria

Update 1:08 p.m.: There are currently strong criticisms of border closings. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) announced a decision until Pentecost, but previously emphasized that he wanted to maintain border controls for now. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) is now jumping into the gap. Currently, the contagion numbers with the Corona virus in Austria less than in Germany. “Therefore, I also assume that the border with Germany will open before the summer,” Kurz said in a video conference with representatives of the hotel industry in Vienna on Friday.

Summer vacation despite Corona? A federal state announces a far-reaching easing; another surprises with a ban

Update May 8, 7.13 a.m.: It is probably the most important question for many people. Summer can be: Holidays take place as planned? So far this seems questionable, but then Schleswig-Holstein already Thursday Tourism facilitation had announced, now it also opens Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania since May 25 its hotels for vacationers.

But with one exception. How Image the first Minister Manuela Schwesig As quoted, people from high-risk German areas cannot enter the state after May 25. So exactly how a high-risk area is defined is still not entirely safe.

But the Minister for Economic Affairs of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Harry Glawe, explains Image: “The Prime Minister was referring to two circles: that is Greiz and that is Heinsberg“During the county Greiz Heinsberg was long regarded as the first access point in the country for more than 50 new infections per week per 100,000 residents, and therefore should expect more restrictions according to the federal and state governments.

If that Entry ban for both Counties Therefore, it is not known whether the number of infections will decrease or whether an entry ban will also be declared for other counties. “The exact rules have yet to be determined there,” said the government spokesman for the federal state. Image.

Meanwhile, the virologist Drosten and hundreds of colleagues warn about fake news about the coronavirus and massively criticize Facebook, Google and Twitter.

Summer vacation despite Corona? Federal State Announces Powerful Tourism Relief

Update May 7, 7 p.m.: In northern Germany it is tourism Due to the pandemic crown it has been reduced to practically zero. Now dare Schleswig-Holstein of May 18 A restart of the tourism industry. The entry ban falls with it, tourists must Hotels and Apartments in the north and the baltic seas are available again. Too Islands and Halligen they are open to visitors again.

Summer vacation despite Corona? Schleswig-Holstein with the relaxation of long-range tourism

For gastronomic Farms There is a possibility to resume the operation, but only until 10 p.m. 50 guests are allowed per room, applicable Distance rules it must still be fulfilled. “Now there is more freedom and, therefore, more responsibility for all involved,” said the Minister of Tourism. Bernd Buchholz (FDP) Thursday.

Common zones too Swimming pools and the sauna areas remain closed to avoid meetings. The outdoor pools will also remain open for now. To the extent that the guests can deal with the situation, they are also allowed To camp– and Campervan Parking Spaces be used again Excursion boats They are allowed to return to Schleswig-Holsteig from May 18, the shops in the spas can also reopen on Sundays, but in consultation with the districts.

Summer vacation despite Corona? The first beaches reopen for day tourists.

Update, 4:03 p.m .: First beaches in Germany it will soon be accessible again: the beaches of He be and Outside Weser in a circle Cuxhaven We will be back by May 14 Day tourists The current ban expires May 13 and will not be extended, a district spokesman said. The Coastal towns It had been reserved for the locals just before Easter.

As a first step the Relief have been allowed to become owners of Apartments and Permanent camper arrive Mayor Uwe Santjer (SPD) welcomed the return of the first guests. “The reason for this is the discipline practiced in the past few weeks,” he said, according to the city. “Please continue that we will have more soon Relief in tourism can allow ”, continued Santjer.

Summer vacation despite Corona? Laschet names possible travel destinations, but Merkel’s confidant warns

Update, May 7, 11:25 a.m. Despite the decisions after the great Corona summit with Angela Merkel: the chancellery Helge Brown warns of too many Reliefthat Travels concern “If you look back, you can see that the high risk of contagion lurks there,” says Braun.

Due to the positive course of the infection, Germany now “trust something,” explains the Head of the chancellery. However, when it comes to opening the border, he is there for Germany to go step by step with its neighboring countries, Braun continues. “The beginning of this Border controls was that in Germany the stores were open and they were no longer in the neighboring country and then there was a lot of movement because people went shopping Limit they have come, “says the CDU politician.

Holidays in spite of Corona: where are people in Bavaria allowed to go on vacation to Pentecost? * An overview.

Summer vacation despite Corona? Laschet gives hope to travel to the EU and names possible destinations

Update May 6, 8:45 p.m.: Front of Newspaper “Bild” Armin said Laschet, Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, regarding the Holidays– and travel opportunities in Summer and he did hope.

In addition to traveling in Germany Holidays in Europe are not excluded. “From May 11, from May 15, we will see, for example, that the running of the bulls will end in France.” The Netherlands also wanted to coordinate, as many citizens would go there or go to Belgium to the coast.

Also the popular holiday destination Greece“That has survived the crisis relatively well,” began Armin Laschet. “You will need to analyze the concepts of how Europe as a whole progresses. When do we get to the point of ending the border closure? “

Long distance travel can the North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister However difficult to imagine. Countries bordering Germany would be more likely to offer. It all depends on the evolution of the number of infections.

Political editor Christian Deutschländer believes that the change in risk management to the federal states is correct *. The federal government should deal with more pressing matters: one comment.

Summer vacation despite Corona? Greece plans offensive for foreign tourism – concrete opening date has been set

Update 7:11 p.m.: The residence permit in Germany is becoming more and more probable thanks to the progressive loosening of the crown by the federal government. And now he also plays Greece in one Conceptthrough that Tourists in the country on their summer vacation. spend You can, without exposing yourself or others to an increased health risk.

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Holidays despite Corona? Greece is working on a tourism plan: talking about health protocols and passports

Until now, the world travel warning until June 14 – It remains to be seen if it will be extended later. Despite all the restrictions, Greece has Minister of Tourism Charis Theoharis He developed concrete ideas on how beach vacations could work in his country. “We have one Plan to support Greek tourism. We will use all possibilities, but in accordance with health regulations, “said Theoharis, according to a report by in the greek parliament

So the plan implies that Health records for hotels, Marinas, yachts, planes and coaches are created, possibly based on the so-called Health passports. Specifically, this means: Tourists are said to be constantly screened for the corona virus Being Theoharis believes that such measures can be realistically implemented. However, the exact details still need to be discussed. Their goal is to create conditions that do not jeopardize the health of visitors, residents or the reputation of travel destinations, according to

Holidays despite Corona? Greece’s tourism minister awaits international cooperation agreements

The tourism minister also gets International cooperation. He wants to secure the support of other countries through diplomatic measures. Greece is ready to accept tourists. But if the German, Russian or American government orders quarantine * for those returning from Greece, it will discourage tourists. Therefore, in advance bilateral agreements with the respective governments.

Germans may not yet have to cancel their summer vacation in Greece entirely. (Icon Image)


Another key point should be government grants The Greek ministries of finance, development and labor want to make specific and affordable financial packages available for the implementation of the tourism strategy this week. The plan: The government partially pays the salaries of employees in the tourism industry. Furthermore, in consultation with the respective municipalities, bars, restaurants and cafes, they could only pay reduced rates for the use of the road in their outdoor areas. Additionally, money could flow directly into funding the comprehensive tourist crown tests.

Holidays despite Corona? Greece is planning an advertising campaign focused on corona crisis management

One is also planned Advertising campaignThat should attract tourists. It should be ready in the next few weeks. What is special: instead of emphasizing the classic advantages of Greece, such as good food and the turquoise blue sea, this campaign aims to: The safety and functioning of corona crisis management in focus In fact, there have been relatively few corona infections in Greece to date. According to current information from Johns Hopkins University, there are so far 2,663 infected and 147 deaths associated with Covid-19. To ensure that the tourism campaign also reaches the target group, the Greek tourism plan plans to intensify contacts with the international media and tour operators. For example, with the tour operator You Initial talks have already been held.

And that’s not all: a specific start date has already been set for the opening of Greece for foreign tourism purposes. “We will be in Tourism opened abroad on July 1Greek Minister of State Giorgos Gerapetritis said in the Greek parliament on Wednesday. The Athens government was also said to provide details on this before May 15.

Holidays despite Corona? Federal states should decide to reopen hotels: virologists are positive

Update 5.11 p.m .: The hope of a pleasant summer, or even a feeling of vacation, increases. On the one hand, the prime ministers and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) decided Wednesday that federal states will determine the reopening of vacation hotels and apartments. On the other hand, apparently they also undergo Virologists positive evaluations of the situation..

As intra-European vacations already seem possible in government circles, virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit (41) relents Image-Interview perspective of a sensation of summer leisure in Germany. Of course, only after an appropriate policy decision. “There is nothing to say against families traveling to vacation homes or apartments within Germany,” says the virologist. In that case, they are people from a household. Also for Swimming pools and Outdoor facilities The virologist gives hope: “The following applies here: if only a small number of visitors who adhere to the respective hygiene concept and are able to meet remotely are admitted, there is nothing against it.”

By the way: after numerous relaxation measures were agreed at Wednesday’s state and federal consultations, details of the conference’s course were also made public. Chancellor Merkel and a prime minister are said to have had a particularly wide need for discussion.

Holidays despite Corona? It is possible to travel to the Balearic Islands or the Greek Islands in summer.

Update May 6, 10.35 a.m.: There is hope for that Summer Vacation? Federal Chancellor Heiko Maas (CDU) has repeatedly pointed out that this year is difficult to wait. Now answer Federal Government Tourism Commissioner, Secretary of State Thomas Bareiß, and gives hope.

For example, trips to Balearic islands or the Greek islands be possible if the infection situation there allows it. “If there are hardly any new infections there and medical care is working, you might also think of a summer vacation there,” Bareiß said.Daily mirror.

In his opinion, the “long-distance trip” would fail. Depending on how Pandemic develop over the next four to eight weeks he said Summer Vacation but possible within Europe, Bareiß continues. With the Neighboring countries to Germany Be already in conversation. “But I would not yet rule out other regions of Europe, such as the Balearic Islands or the Greek Islands.”

Holidays despite Corona? Bavaria is also making progress: plans for border controls are becoming more concrete

Update May 5 at 9:42 p.m. M .: Goodbye to summer vacation? Given the Crown pandemic It is questionable whether the Germans can lie in the sun on the beach or on the lakes in a few months. But now a virologist gives hope.

Opposite (Article behind the payment barrier) explained Professor Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit: “We virologists can only provide impulses and ideas, the decision, of course, is made by politics. And, of course, the number of infections must be closely monitored. But personally I think stopping our lives for months is far from realistic. “

The virologist mainly gives hope for Holidays in vacation homesBecause “there is absolutely nothing against families in Germany going to vacation homes or apartments,” says the virologist. After all, it is a group of people who otherwise live in a home.

The Hotel accommodation holdsSchmidt chanasite It is also possible, but only for a limited number of guests, “for example, only ten or 20 percent as much as usual.”

However, he sees the problem. Day tourism on the beaches. In the Republic, because there are many people playing, it would be possible “that only those who live there or have rented a vacation home, for example, can go to the beach.”

2018 vacationers on Norddeich beach. People sit together. This is not possible this year.

© dpa / Mohssen Assanimoghaddam

Corona virus in Germany: plans for border controls are becoming more concrete

Update May 5, 6:24 p.m.: Can people wait for summer vacations abroad despite corona virus? The borders between Germany and its neighbors could become more permeable as of mid-May.

According to information from the German press agency Federal Minister for the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU) and Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) already spoke specifically about a concept of how to contain the Corona virus and applicable quarantine regulations, if applicable no formal border controls could assure.

A joint situation report from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior says that one is planned. “Gradual opening of the border” in the north

Appropriate concepts are already being discussed between the Federal Ministry of the Interior and other federal states with borders where controls are currently carried out. Seehofer extended the ordered border controls to Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland in mid-March from Monday to May 15. The “gradual” opening could open up additional opportunities for people compared to the summer holidays.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama is dismantling the management of President Donald Trump’s crown crisis.

Corona virus: vacation despite the crisis? Austria awaits German travelers

Update May 5 at 5 p.m. Austria persistently announces German tourists for the Summer Vacation – despite or precisely because Crown crisis.

In the neighboring southern country, Germans make most of the Vacationers Outside Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) recently declined to commit to opening the border between Bavaria and Tyrol on the one hand, and Bavaria and the Salzburg region on the other.

“I will not compromise on this question. Austria creates all the prerequisites for a safe and enjoyable vacation,” said the Austrian Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger (ÖVP) talking with him Image.

“I see myself here as an ally of the many German guests who have theirs Holidays in austria want to spend, “said the 41-year-old man:” Our success in fighting that Corona virus is the solid foundation for us to work on future concepts for the summer. “

Summer holidays in Wörthersee, on Lake Neusiedl, in the Tyrolean Alps or on the Danube? There will probably be intense talks between the federal governments in Berlin and Vienna.

Holidays in Germany despite Corona? The tourism industry puts pressure

First report of May 5: “Oh, I am so longing. I’m going crazy. I want to go to the North Sea again! I want to go back to Westerland.”

The classic doctor’s chorus “Westerland” could become the motto of many Germans this summer because Holidays abroad due to the Coronavirus pandemic unlikely to at least uncomfortable.

After the Tourism industry ordered pressure for more Relief done is after Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein now too Bavaria * in terms of Summer Vacation hurried forward.

“You can go on vacation to Bavaria,” he explained. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) at the request of Munich Mercury *: “You can also camp, there are excellent opportunities.” Camping on Lake Chiemsee, on the Dreiflusseck near Passau, or in Lindau on Lake Constance?

Summer holidays: Markus Söder – Holidays in Bavaria will be possible

As the Bavarian father explained now, since Pentecost Saturday, May 30, hotels, Apartments and campsites reopen in the Free State, in accordance with strict hygiene standards.

“We will be at Pentecost on the 30th, Hotel and tourism allow, “he explained Soder – but without a sauna or swimming pools. Before that, the federal government’s tourism commissioner, Thomas Bareiß (CDU), had been careful about the issue. Holidays He said: “I suppose this will be possible, hopefully already in the summer,” said the Swabian.

But: individual federal states have long been creating facts. So in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, on the Baltic Sea or the Mecklenburg Lake District, Hotels, pensions and apartments. Reopened from May 18 with less load.

Summer holidays in the Crown era: Schleswig-Holstein really accelerates

How Focus online reports the entry ban for Tourists from other federal states since May 25. Starting Monday, May 25, hotels in Lower Saxony should reopen, ergo, in the North Sea between the Elbe, Cuxhaven, the East Frisian Islands and Emden on the German-Dutch border. Again, with fewer beds available.

Right on the beat Schleswig-Holstein: Permanent camp has been allowed again since May 4. Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) and Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) have made themselves heard Focus online He also agreed to an opening of the border with Denmark on May 15.

Summer vacation despite the Corona crisis? Traveling abroad is unlikely

Before Pentecost So the tourism business should start again in the northernmost state of Germany, also in Westerland Sylt.

It looks different Summer Vacation From Abroad: The Federal Foreign Office recently extended its travel warning until (at least) June 14.

* is part of the network of Ippen-Digital publishers from all over Germany

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Iván Terrón
