Controversy over founder of “Bembel with Care” Benedikt Kuhn – Kelterei announces cooperation


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Benedikt Kuhn, founder of the company “Bembel with Care”, causes outrage with a legal ideological publication like “Apple Wine Baron”. An explanation of the controversy.

  • Bembel carefully“Founder Benedikt Kuhn causes outrage at posting to Instagram
  • Kuhn’s publications point in the direction correct ideology
  • Krämer press shop is now ending its cooperation with Kuhn

Update 7:05 p.m.: The Krämer press shop, which made the cider for “Bembel carefully“Produces, in the course of the controversy with immediate effect, cooperation with the managing directors Benedikt Kuhn to. This was announced by the Odenwald family business on its website. Kuhn’s statements are not acceptable to the press. All brand products “Bembel carefully“Now it would be integrated under the roof of the press shop. The company refuses to misuse its products in political discussions and identifies itself as “part of a living, democratic and free constitutional state” (sic).

First registration since 10.05.20, 17.52 p.m .: May 8, the date of the end of the war in Germany, is considered “Liberation Day” by the Nazi regime. As such, it is celebrated by many people, especially this year on the 75th anniversary of the end of the war. No wonder then Benedikt Kuhn, Founder of the company “Bembel carefully“Whoever sells canned cider caused a lot of anger and outrage with his Instagram post when he posted there” Der 08.05. It is not a day of liberation! ” A closer look at their activities on social networks shows various connections with right-wing ideologies.

Violent criticism of the legal ideological contributions of the founder of “Bembel with Care” Benedikt Kuhn

Kuhn posted the statement on May 8 to his “apfelweinbaron” Instagram account in a story, a feature of the platform where content automatically disappears after 24 hours. His statement that the day is not a “day of liberation” should not initially be interpreted exclusively as legal ideology. For example, author Robert Herr criticized the writing in an article on the journalistic blog “Ruhrbarone”. However, he noted that with these words there was a reinterpretation of history that reversed Germany from the perpetrators to the victims and thus changed responsibility for the atrocities of the war. In the context of Kuhn’s other statements on social media, this interpretation of the criticism seems quite improbable.

In screenshots of private chats on Instagram, Kuhn states that Germany will continue to be occupied by Allied soldiers 75 years after the end of the war. This theory is particularly virulent in the New Right movement and has its origins in the midst of imperial citizens. The latter unites, among other things, many conspiracy theorists who do not recognize the sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Controversy over Benedikt Kuhn: founder of “Bembel with Care” publishes correct content

Kuhn reacted to “Echo Online” to the accusations that are currently going into it. He publishes many “polarizing things”, including vaccines or crown restrictions. I did not expect the current outrage. “But what was published regarding me is defamatory,” he told the echo. Kuhn’s sincere opinion was that Germany was not free. But he was not a “national nostalgic” and had no connection to the war.

Another photo circulating on the Internet shows Benedikt Kuhn in a black shirt with a black cross, very similar to the Iron Cross, around his neck and a black painted bar on his face. The Iron Cross is not universally perceived as an explicitly political confession, but it is repeatedly used by the extreme right as a symbol. Kuhn also doesn’t want to suspect any political motive here. The photo was taken at a fetish party under the motto “Lacquer, leather and military,” he told Echo.

Publications point to right-wing ideology: big criticism of “Bembel with Care” founder Benedikt Kuhn

The users Twitter also released additional screenshots, according to those Benedikt Kuhn subscribed to Instagram accounts belonging to the correct spectrum. Among them, the leader of the parliamentary group AfD Alice Weidel and a news account of the right-wing populist party, but also the far-right and anti-Semitic Youtuber Nikolai Nerling, known under the pseudonym “Der Volkslehrer”, who has already been convicted in court for sedition. Other stories on this list also glorify the image of a “Germanic homeland.” Kuhn said he was well informed and did not believe in the mainstream.

But the online printing of the “Bembel carefully“The founder and owner’s signs are not complete. Screenshots of his Facebook posts show Kuhn doubting the existence of right-wing terrorism, especially that of the National Socialist Metro (NSU) in Germany. Images of war and propaganda wearing swastikas, which he posted on the collected “Pinterest” platform, explained the echo by saying that he had been searching for certain styles for his art, but that there was no political message behind it. Since then, Kuhn has blocked his Instagram account for the public, and your account description simply says “Shitstorm”.

After the controversy over founder Benedikt Kuhn: call for boycott of “Bembel with Care”

Several people on social media have already asked supermarket chains like Rewe to “Bembel carefully“Take products from the range. The company had distanced itself from the statements of its founder and owner on social media. But now all accounts are offline. At Sunday’s request, the company has yet to comment. Kuhn assured the Echo that the company was apolitical, but that it was still allowed to express itself politically. However, some invited companies have announced that they no longer want to sell the products. The Krämer press store, where the apple wine for “Bembel with Care” is produced, still did not respond to a request on Sunday.

Vegan chef Attila Hildmann is also making a splash with messages and insults from conspiracy theory.
