Containment of the coronavirus: federal states are planning these measures – politics


This time everything is different and therefore again as it was before Corona. When the Prime Ministers connect with the Foreign Ministry this Wednesday to decide how to proceed in the pandemic, their own proposals will once again be the central basis of the negotiations for the first time, and not, as is recently practiced, those of the Foreign Ministry. The background: After the Federal Government and the states had been crushed in the November 16 meeting, because the Chancellery shortly before had presented a powerful motion for a resolution to the Prime Minister, this time, as in the old days, states agreed to a The country document agreed, which are now serving the federal government. The group of leaders of the countries is an extremely sure organism of itself, also towards the Chancellery.

In this sense, this mode fits best with the group’s self-image. It remains to be seen if it is better suited to fighting the pandemic. However, at least this time, Angela Merkel or her Chancellor Helge Braun should not attempt on a grand scale to wrest stricter rules from the prime minister. But what do countries want? An overview.

How is the situation?

Is not sufficient. The “real goal of a significant reduction in new infections”, the federal states motion for a resolution says, “has not yet been achieved.” The number of infections is too high in many places, instead of a change in trend, there is only a “side trend”. Therefore, the measures adopted on October 28 could not be lifted. That means: The partial blockade originally decided for November will be extended, that is, “until December 20.”

What does this mean for restaurants, hotels and shops?

In particular, the gastronomy remains closed ”, says the newspaper. Overnight stays “for tourist purposes” are also prohibited. Therefore, financial aid to companies, freelancers and affected associations will be extended until December. Retailers must ensure that there is no more than one customer for every 25 (previously 10) square meters of sales area in stores.

What about christmas

By Christmas, there should be exceptions to the contact restrictions. Until December 20, you can only reunite with one other household. A maximum of five people can meet, children up to 14 years old are not counted. However, from December 23 to January 1, up to ten people must be allowed to gather, not counting children up to 14 years old. “Christmas and other celebrations that take place at the end of the year should also be possible in this special year such as celebrations with family and friends, albeit on a smaller scale,” says the newspaper. These days are “especially important for family and social cohesion.”

Reviews in the document show that the federal states had also discussed other time periods for holiday relaxation. Since Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has already announced the need to “sharpen” the country’s proposals, the holiday window could be postponed. Either way, citizens are advised to “self-quarantine at home for several days if possible” before the holidays. Agreements on reduced contact services will be negotiated with the churches.

And New Years Eve?

Instead of a “blanket ban on fireworks” it is only “recommended” not to use fireworks. There may be bans on busy streets; public fireworks are canceled. The ban on firecrackers is in the hands of the municipalities, individual cities had already imposed a limited ban in the past.

Are schools and nurseries open?

Yes, both are “of utmost importance”, and face-to-face teaching in schools remains “the highest priority.” However, in regions with significantly more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants from the seventh grade onwards, masking is required, at least where the distance cannot be maintained. Schools without infection can be excluded from this. “Additional measures” will be implemented at hotspots, such as hybrid teaching, a mix of classroom teaching and home learning. But only for seventh graders. According to a proposal from the Foreign Ministry, the start of the Christmas holidays should be brought forward to December 19, also to allow families to be quarantined before the holidays. Bavaria had previously announced that it would advance the Christmas season from December 23 to December 21. Baden-Württemberg is also planning this.

Employers are being asked to consider closing their business premises between December 23 and New Years, through company holidays or “generous home office solutions.” Employers BDA said companies would offer mobile work and flexible hours where it could practically be implemented. “It should be clear, however, that without employees and only virtual businesses cannot stay running and customer requests cannot be fulfilled.”

How should cases of infection be treated in schools?

A uniform “control strategy” is planned. If there is a student who has tested positive, the health department decides who should enter a five-day “suspicious quarantine.” This is followed by a rapid antigen test. If negative, the child can go back to school.

Whats Next?

The November restrictions will run until December 20. The only decision that already extends beyond this deadline is that of relaxed contact restrictions during Christmas. You cannot read in the newspaper whether or not hotels and restaurants can open during the holidays. It is still clear where the journey is likely to go in the medium term: “Federal states are assuming that due to the high incidence of infections, comprehensive restrictions will also be necessary beyond the turn of the year.” At the same time, relaxation options are planned for regions with a low number of infections.

The last point of the document says: “The federal government and the states will agree on how to proceed before December 15.” So when the country’s leaders and the Chancellor meet in their virtual conference this Wednesday, they don’t have to wish a Happy New Year in advance. They will see each other beforehand.
