Contact restrictions at Christmas, mask requirement in Berlin – these wreath rules apply




Coronavirus in Berlin: these new rules have been decided

In Berlin, there are stricter contact restrictions and a stricter mask requirement. The partial blockade will last until December 22

Merkel defends crown restrictions and offers the possibility of further aid

Following the federal state’s decision to extend the partial Corona lockdown, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) expressed her understanding for the existential concerns of many citizens in a government statement. She offered him the possibility of further help.

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  • The Berlin Senate announced how Corona resolutions implemented by the federal and state governments in the capital.
  • In Berlin the Partial blocking extended until December 22.
  • A Christmas The meeting of a maximum of five people is allowed. No specifications were made on how many households they come from. There are also children up to 14 years old.
  • Already December 1 will be the Contact restrictions tight in Berlin. Private meetings are limited to a maximum of five people from your own household and from another household. Children up to 12 years old are exempt.
  • the Mask requirement will be expanded in Berlin.
  • With an incidence of 7 days out of 200 in counties, schools are said to be a Alternate lessons be possible.
  • In Berlin, fewer customers are allowed in at the same time Business.
  • There is no blanket ban on firecrackers. New Year Eve.

Sedan. The loosening agreed by the federal and state governments Contact restrictions for private meetings during Christmas and New Year’s Eve it should not apply in Berlin. The Senate agreed to this on Thursday. There could be no such relaxation in the Corona Berlin hotspot. “We have a difficult road to travel together again,” said Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) after a special session of the Senate.

Consequently, you should be in Berlin during the holidays. maximum of five people They can meet in private meetings, in addition to children up to the age of 14. While in December only people from two households can meet, there may be more than two households on the holidays and holidays. Children up to 12 years old are exempt.

The Christmas visit can spend the night in a hotel in Berlin.

Those who visit their relatives in Berlin during Christmas can also stay in hotels. “If it is a trip that is not of a tourist nature, there is also an overnight stay in hotels,” said Müller. “But the starting point is different,” he adds. “Staying at home is the urgent call not to move.” But when it is necessary to visit relatives, assume that it is not a tourist trip in which you are walking around the city, looking at sights or going shopping. .

Due to the corona pandemic, tourists are currently unable to stay in hotels. With its line of family visits at Christmas, Berlin joins the states of Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, against the will of Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU).

In the video, this was the Berlin Senate press conference:

No blanket ban on firecrackers on New Year’s Eve in Berlin

At New year fireworks the Senate assumes the decisions of the Prime Ministers. Fireworks are generally allowed, but should be prohibited in crowded places. Whether the fireworks will be limited in time will be discussed at the Prime Minister’s Conference on December 2, Müller said. The federal and state governments agreed to extend the restrictions until the end of the year. Unlike what is happening now in Berlin, this resolution foresees meetings of up to ten people on Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Since Berlin has a large number of infected people, the Senate is called to adopt stricter measures.

All the news about the coronavirus in Berlin, Germany and the world: In our news blog we report on the current developments of the crown in Berlin and Brandenburg. You can read the news about the coronavirus in Germany and internationally here. You can find out here which crown rules apply to the partial lockdown in Berlin. In addition, we show on an interactive map how the coronavirus is spreading in Berlin, Germany, Europe and the world.

Mask requirement in “busy streets and squares”: rules in stores

The Senate is also tightening this Mask requirement. As of December, all “Busy streets and squares” The mandatory mask prevails. This should apply whenever there are retail stores. too inside the stores new rules apply. The fact is that a customer can stay in stores of up to 800 square meters for every ten square meters of sales area, for every square meter beyond one customer for every 20 square meters.

Read also: The federal and state governments agreed to these corona resolutions

Berlin schools should be enabled for alternate classes

In the districts, the 7-day incidence out of 200 schools should now be possible in the Alternate lessons to go if you want. This means that classes would be cut in half, but only from class 8 and only in the years that are not relevant to graduation. In high schools these would be levels eight and eleven, high school levels eight and nine.

Additionally, the requirement for masks in grades 5 and 6 should now apply to elementary and community schools in these districts, Culture Senator Klaus Lederer (left) said at the Senate press conference.

“Our schools have been developing the concept of hybrid and alternate teaching for many months and have already tested it in many cases. Berlin is well prepared here, ”says Education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD). Y: The new measures will go into effect Monday, December 7, according to the Senate Education Administration. Schools could also start earlier on a voluntary basis. However, the governing mayor emphasized in principle: “Teaching in the classroom remains the top priority.”

Read also: Corona: Admission stop at St. Marien Hospital in Lankwitz

Retail warns of the consequences of the partial blockade

Meanwhile, retailers are warning of the dramatic consequences of the tightening and extension of the partial lockdown. While retailers have so far been allowed to open largely without restrictions, the new measures are primarily aimed at them. “The big losers are many inner city retailers, who lose their customers and sales to Corona conditions,” complained the managing director of the German Association of Retailers (HDE), Stefan Genth.

In view of the outstanding performance and high tensions during the Corona crisis, more and more companies in Berlin are paying a bonus to their employees. According to the IG Bau union, employees in the construction industry receive a special tax-free payment of 500 euros.

The one that has been in force since the beginning of November Partial blocking was in Berlin until December 22 extended. Among other things, restaurants and numerous cultural and leisure facilities such as museums, theaters and swimming pools will be closed.

Crown – More information on the subject
