Constant implementation of the emergency brake – this is in the draft of the MPK – Lockdown until April 18


Implement the emergency brake consistently
That is in the draft of the MPK – Blockade until April 18

By Franca Lehfeldt and Hubertus Volmer

The existing crown measurements will run until mid-April. A draft of the Chancellery for the federal-state conference this Monday provides. Further loosening is only possible as model projects. It is controversial whether travel abroad to risk-free areas such as Mallorca is made difficult.

According to a draft of the states led by the SPD, a draft of the Chancellery is also known for the federal-state round tomorrow. Consequently, the existing Closed until April 18 be extended, it says in the newspaper that ntv is available. The Prime Ministers Conference (MPK) with Chancellor Angela Merkel will take place this Monday as a video change.

The one agreed at the beginning of March Emergency break must in view of the exponentially increasing infection dynamics “consistently implemented” according to the draft. The emergency brake is designed to prevent the opening steps from persisting even with increasing crown values. If the seven-day incidence per 100,000 residents in a state or region rises above 100 for three consecutive days, the rules that were in effect through March 7 “go into effect on the second consecutive business day” again.

Recently, there were differences as to whether this should happen “automatically”. While North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet rejected this a week ago, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder spoke in favor on Sunday.

It could also be below an incidence of 100 no more relief The document states that it was agreed in early March that this would only be possible with a stable or decreasing seven-day incidence. In view of the exponential growth, additional openings below this threshold would also be eliminated.

The federal government advocates for exit restrictions

Bracketed and therefore marked as controversial “Additional measures” for counties with incidents greater than 100that should ensure that the values ​​fall again. These include night-out restrictions “unless there are serious reasons to the contrary”; the closure of kindergartens and schools if a twice-weekly corona test is not guaranteed for educators and teachers, as well as for all pupils and supervised children in attendance; the closure of schools and nurseries with a seven-day incidence of 200 or more. Item d), which is empty, is also listed here. Apparently, the Foreign Ministry may consider expanding this list.

As in previous resolutions, the project requires that companies Home Office enable and, “when this is not possible, your employees present regular trial offers “These tests must be offered to employees” at least once and, if available, twice a week. “This regulation is based on voluntary action. In early April, the federal government wants to assess” to what extent need of an additional action “.

The quarantine requirement for all foreign travel is controversial

Only one appeal is the call “to what is not absolutely necessary Travel at home and abroad The document refers to the existing quarantine obligations when returning from risk areas, but does not add them. It says in brackets that it should be verified whether trips abroad, regardless of incidents in the country of destination, have quarantine and mandatory proof of return. trip to Germany must be connected.

Apparently facing Trips to Majorca It reads: “Since it is to be expected, especially in popular vacation destinations, that tourists from numerous countries will join in and that Covid-19 variants can easily spread, a review of the federal government’s sample quarantine ordinances should be immediate and independent of the local incidence values ​​in this regard and implemented in the respective state regulations at the end of March “. This sentence is also in square brackets and is part of scrutiny reservation.

The document also contains the possibility of one in square brackets. “Low touch vacation” in your own federal stateFor example, in a vacation apartment or in a caravan.

Like the document of the SPD countries, the draft of the Chancellery contains the reference to model projects of limited time with which the countries can “open individual areas of public life” in a region with low incidence, strict measures of protection and a testing concept to investigate the initial steps using a consistent testing regimen. “

The Corona app should improve

Item seven contains self-praise that many citizens will likely feel differently: “Since March 8, 2021, the federal government has assumed at least one free quick test per week (Citizen test). Since then, the federal states and 5 municipalities have very quickly succeeded in building a corresponding infrastructure for this test offering across the board and in cooperation with many different local partners (including municipal test centers, doctors, pharmacists, retailers , aid organizations, etc.). “Controversial and therefore bracketed is the note that the federal government also bears the costs of” conducting self-tests under supervision and reliably documenting test results. “

the Testing in schools and kindergartens it should be expanded. “The goal is at least two tests per week.”

the Corona-Warn App it will be “continually developed,” it says in the document. Among other things, the application should allow anonymous registration of events in April. “This allows users to digitally register for an event (including a private birthday party, restaurant, etc.). In the case of a positive Corona case after the event, all participants will be warned.”

Finally, the federal government provides more Help for hospitals with liquidity problems related to the crown in perspective. According to the draft, the next federal-state round will take place on the Friday after Easter.
