Conspiracy theories: coronavirus and hygiene demonstrations – big picture


In hygiene demonstrations, heated people from completely different worlds try to reduce their fear of the crown to a common denominator. Meetings in Berlin.

Since Saturday, the right of assembly in Berlin, assuming the usual distance of at least 1.50 meters, has been extended to fifty people. Twelve groups were assigned a place at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz opposite Volksbühne. Some have interesting names, “Health without sugar”, “Union under the sun”, “Basic law instead of Corona madness” and “Lenz wants to greet us?”. The European Regional Development Fund has not been fooled by the redesign of the historic site. On the floor are the sayings of the revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg, who was killed by soldiers loyal to the state about a hundred years ago and thrown into the Landwehr Canal. Among his cheeky phrases, someone encouraged Christoph Schlingensief: “Prove you exist.”
