Consequences of planned New Year’s Eve demonstration in Berlin ?: Federal Constitutional Court bans demonstration of “lateral thinking” in Bremen – politics


For weeks, the “lateral thinking” movement mobilized critics of pandemic political measures, conspiracy theorists and corona virus deniers for the so-called “Mega Advent Rally” in the Hanseatic city of Bremen. As many as 20,000 participants had registered with the police for the event, far too many for the German judiciary given the expected hygiene violations.

Following the ban on the gathering by the city of Bremen public order bureau due to deliberate and expected violations of the applicable demonstration requirements, the Federal Constitutional Court reaffirmed the ban on demonstrations for any meeting of “lateral thinking “on Saturday in Bremen in an emergency procedure.

The Karlsruhe judges thus follow the High Administrative Court accountable in its ruling, which previously explained the ban with expected violations of pandemic requirements and a possible danger to the public due to a high number of participants predicted in advance. The verdict of the highest German court is the first to refer to a manifestation of “lateral thinking”.

In the summer, Karlsruhe had already rejected an urgent request for a permanent “vigil” of the Corona movement in the government district of Berlin. Also in Baden-Württemberg, the judiciary today banned a meeting of “lateral thinkers”. They had called a demonstration in Mannheim until the administrative court of the state of Baden-Württemberg confirmed the ban on all meetings of the Crown movement in the city area for reasons similar to those in Bremen.

The judgment cannot be contested

The judgment of the Karlsruhe judges cannot be challenged. In the past, several cities have tried again and again to ban the movement’s demonstrations for reasons of protection against infection or to impose strict conditions on them.

The ban on a large-scale demonstration by skeptics of the measures, conspiracy theorists and right-wing extremists in the run-up to August 29 this year attracted a lot of attention. The order was finally overturned by the Higher Administrative Court one day before the planned large-scale demonstration.

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In the course of this, Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) was the main focus. Critics accused him that the ban on the demonstrations, which was later raised again, was also politically motivated and not just for reasons of protection against infections.

Meanwhile, the leading minds of “lateral thinkers” such as Michael Ballweg and Markus Haintz are again mobilizing to Berlin. Around the turn of the year there will be demonstrations on Straße des 17. June. Benedikt Lux, an interior expert for the Greens, told Tagesspiegel on Saturday: “In my opinion, this may be a basis for strictly imposing or even prohibiting the demonstration of lateral thinkers in Berlin on New Year’s Eve. I ask the authorities responsible Berliners to do whatever it takes Take measures to comply with infection protection. “

Counter-protests in Bremen

Meanwhile, the Bremen police are busy enforcing the ban on demonstrations in the Hanseatic city. According to observers, several hundred “side thinkers” have gathered in the city center despite the Karlsruhe trial. Counter-protests take place in parallel. Police are on the scene with a large contingent and are said to have been expelled from the Corona movement protesters in dozens of cases.

It is said that a preliminary investigation was launched against the former organizer of the banned meeting because, despite the verdict, he continued to call for participation in the protests in Bremen on social media. The Weser-Kurier reports.
