Confusion between the federal and state governments over vaccine delivery


Will there be a new vaccine for the federal states in the first week of January or not? Several federal states had announced that the delivery would be canceled. The federal government contradicts.

Deliveries of the corona vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer appeared to have stalled. The news came from several federal states on Wednesday: We will not receive any deliveries in the first week of January. The ministries of the federal states have found out about this, as Melanie Huml (CSU), the Bavarian health minister, said: “As we learned today from the federal government, Bavaria will probably not receive any vaccine delivery in the first week of January, contrary to the previous promise.. “There were also reports from Berlin, Brandenburg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony that the next scheduled delivery would not take place until January 11 and therefore in the second week of January.

The Federal Ministry of Health wrote on Twitter in the afternoon: “We were able to agree with BioNTech that the next installment, as originally planned, will take place next week, on 8.1.21,” the ministry tweeted. “Subsequently, the next delivery will take place on January 18 and 21 and, from then on, initially weekly on Mondays. Initially around 670,000 cans per week will be delivered ”.

Consequently, there is now a new vaccine in the first week of January; there will be no delivery in the second week of the month. This week, more precisely Monday (January 11), it had previously been announced by the affected federal states as the next date.

The “Business Insider” previously wrote that, according to an internal report from the Federal Ministry of Health, the next delivery was scheduled for January 4, that is, next Monday. This should now fail for all of Germany. Only on January 11 should there have been a new vaccine. This is consistent with the information provided by the federal states that reported delays.

Nuisance in the federal states

The Bavarian Health Minister was angered by the uncertainties. “It is incomprehensible to me how you can just skip a full delivery, especially with such a high number of infections,” explained Melanie Huml (CSU). “The really promised vaccination doses were already well planned in our vaccination centers.”

Berlin Senator for Health Dilek Kalayci (SPD) also said: “This is now causing us great difficulties because we have made our plans based on these commitments.”

Spahn: Delivery “by the end of next week”

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) assured at a press conference on Wednesday morning that everything possible would be done to have as much vaccine available for Germany as quickly as possible. Another delivery should arrive on Wednesday. The next one is scheduled “for the end of next week,” and there will be coordination with the federal states.

Following criticism from the federal states, the ministry told the AFP news agency that the deliveries were proceeding as planned. “As planned, 1.3 million doses of vaccines were delivered to the federal states by the end of the year,” the spokesperson said. “According to Biontech’s planning, today’s delivery also covers the first week of January.” Thereafter, there were “advised deliveries of around 670,000 cans per week”.
