Conflict in the Dannenröder forest: protesters take stock


  • Joel schmidt

    sinceJoel schmidt


  • Rebecca Röhrich

    Rebecca Röhrich


During the evacuation in the Dannenröder forest, there are always discussions between the protesters and the police. Even after a week, the protests should continue.

  • After a week of eviction, activists move inside Dannenröder Forest a first evaluation.
  • A A49 opponent He falls several meters on Sunday (November 15, 2020) and is seriously injured.
  • Fiscal and police confirm: an officer had deliberately cut the rope.

Updated Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 7:06 pm: One week after the start of the clearing in Dannenröder Forest The “forest instead of asphalt” alliance draws up a first assessment of the protests so far. Then they appeared Activist: inside of the alliance in a pleased press release that compensation and compensation in the Dannenröder Forest “Due to the massive and diverse resistance, it proceeded extremely slowly.” He also raised Activist Frida Blume is clear: “Our protests will not stop with the clearing.”

At the same time they accuse Activist: insidethat police and forest workers: in recent days repeatedly “dangerous and irresponsible” against protesters in the Dannenröder Forest proceeded. In their communication, they complain that logging work is done right next to busy trees and without sufficient safety distance. Activist: inside, Observers: inside and the police Would be carried out.

Clearing in the Dannenröder forest: the project company does not see the schedule in jeopardy

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the “Deges” project company, which was in charge of the cleanup, told the German Press Agency that the current schedule was supposed to be met. The goal that Tree felling which will be completed at the end of the downturn period on February 28, 2021, is not in jeopardy from the perspective of the project company. Two days after one crashed Activist am Dannenröder Forest The Deges spokesman was also concerned about the development of the conflict. “What we have seen with concern in the last few days is that people are putting themselves in danger. Obviously, they do it consciously. “

Police on duty in the Dannenröder forest.

© Boris Roessler / dpa

Conflict in Dannenröder Forest escalates: Police report twin fire

+++ 5:18 pm: One Police spokesman confirmed that during the afternoon in the north of Dannenröder Forest Police officers by a larger group “attacked with pyrotechnics and twin fire.” This had the Central Hesse Police previously reported on Twitter.

Noisy Police spokesman there were also several arrests. It is not yet known whether the person who allegedly shot with the Zwille was among those arrested. He was injured in the attack on Police officers according to the Police spokesman no one.

Of the Activist: inside am Dannenröder Forest no position has yet been taken on the incidents. See you on twitter Central Hesse Police due to his approach to clearing the Dannenröder Forest In recent days, however, he has faced some skepticism. More and more users are wondering if the reported attack with Zwillen in the police it actually took place this way.

Heavily armored police units in action in the Dannenröder forest.

© Boris Roessler / dpa

Conflict intensifies in Dannenröder forest: police cut safety rope, protesters are arrested

+++ 3:51 pm: As the prosecutor publishes a joint press release with the police writes, it became two on Sunday (Nov 15, 2020) Activist: inside from the Dannenröder Forest brought before the Giessen district court. Faced with the urgent suspicion of a breach of public order, the assault on police officers and the dangerous attempt to cause bodily injury, the investigating judge ordered Custody for both activists: inside. Since the defendants, according to the Gießen prosecutor, run the risk of fleeing, they are Activist: inside currently in jail.

A man is accused of being part of a group of about 40 people on Saturday morning (14.11.2020) two Police officers “To have hurt my shin by throwing stones.” Other Activist should already on Wednesday (11.11.2020) “a stone the size of a fist aimed at the head of a police officers“They have shot. As the message says, be that Police officer but “fortunately not injured”. The accused Activist initially it was not recognized and only last Saturday (11/14/2020) since Police officers when used in Dannenröder Forest recognized and subsequently arrested.

Officials from a SEK Frankfurt Height Intervention Team (HIT) pull an activist out of a hammock in the Dannenröder forest.

© Boris Roessler / dpa

Protests in the Dannenröder forest: activist falls to a depth of five meters

Update from Monday, November 16, 2020: As Akivist: inside reported via the short message service Twitter, today (November 16, 2020) someone else is supposed to be Dannenröder Forest They have fallen five meters. In one Video an activist reports that in the northern part of the Dannenröder Forest a tree had been cut down, despite the activist police he had pointed out aloud that there was a cross in said tree. The video also claims that the person was fortunately secured in one of the neighboring trees to which the crossing was connected, “and as a result he did not crash into the ground, but just rocked.” The activists: pull inside the police “Negligent behavior”.

One Police spokesman confirms upon request that in the northern part of the Dannenröder Forest a tree was felled and speaks of the fact that “certain branches touched a crossbar and thus made it sway” police at this time, however, do not provide any information. “In fact, no one was injured,” so the preliminary conclusion of one Police spokesman.

Protests in Dannenröder forest: police cut safety rope – activist seriously injured

First report of Monday, November 16, 2020: Dannenröder Wald: There has been a lot of speculation about how the serious incident occurred early Sunday (November 15, 2020) in Dannenröder Forest has arrived. During the evacuation, a 20-year-old activist fell from a height of several meters. Now it is true: a policeman had cut the rope that the young woman was holding on a supposed tripod in the trees. The Giessen prosecution and the police.

Protest against the expansion of the A49 in the Dannenröder forest: the policeman cuts the rope on his own initiative

In a joint press release, the prosecutor and the police describe the situation as follows. During the evacuation, a 40-year-old police officer was said to have been about 30 meters from the tripod the young woman was on when he discovered a rope at head level. According to the ad, this rope should not have been marked or apparently connected to the occupied tripod. A dramatic misjudgment: according to the current state of knowledge, there was actually a link between the string and the tripod.

Serious accident in the Dannenröder forest: young man seriously injured in protest against the widening of the A49

Since the policeman is a “trap” on the rope Activist: inside am Dannenröder Forest you guessed it, cut it off without further ado. This should have happened on your own initiative. In recent days, activists are said to have set traps in the form of cables, nail boards and nail buckets, as the police and prosecutor continue to explain.

The young woman fell to the ground from a height of four meters and was seriously injured. According to the police, her life is not in danger, but she had to be admitted to a clinic.

Proceedings have now been initiated against the police officer due to the initial suspicion of negligent bodily injury in the office. According to the Gießen prosecutor, there is no indication of deliberate action.
