Conference on Islamism: Macron wants to “organize the counterattack”


foreign countries Conference on Islamism

Europe is launching a “counterattack”

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Merkel, Macron and Kurz provide information on the results of the consultations

French President Macron received Austrian Chancellor Kurz to discuss his fight against terrorism. They then spoke to Chancellor Merkel in a video conference. See their joint return here.

Several senior EU executives, including Chancellor Merkel, French President Macron and Austrian Chancellor Kurz, are calling for stricter controls at Europe’s external borders in the fight against Islamist terrorism, but not all speak the same language when speaking. is about terrorism.

secondThe meeting of Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz with French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday in Paris, which was organized on short notice, was aimed at demonstrating European unity in the fight against terrorism. And about “organizing the counterattack”, as Macron said.

France and Austria have been the victims of serious attacks by Islamists in recent weeks. Kurz spoke of a “shock experience for Vienna and all of Austria”, while Macron recalled that the fifth anniversary of the attacks in Paris would be celebrated in a few days.

At a joint press conference at the Elysee Palace, Macron and Kurz called for greater surveillance of the European Union’s external borders and a tightening of the asylum law. Kurz pointed out that there are numerous ISIS returnees in the EU, many still in prisons but soon released, what he described as “time bombs”: “If we don’t want to lose our freedom, then we must have the freedom of these people.” to restrict “.

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After their lunch together, the two heads of state held a video conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel, EU President Ursula von der Leyen, Council President Charles Michel and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

The main objective was to draw up a common line that would serve as the basis for discussion at the EU summit in Brussels in early December, the Elysee said.

EU President von der Leyen assured that the Commission will also do its part and present a new calendar for the fight against terrorism on December 9. At the end of the month, the “strengths and weaknesses” of Schengen will also be discussed at the first so-called Schengen Forum. “The Commission will use the lessons we have learned from this to present a new Schengen strategy,” von der Leyen said. He added: “A Europe without internal borders is only possible with reliable protection of external borders.”

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Von der Leyen also promised to swiftly implement the law to control hate and terror content on major internet platforms, which has been under discussion since 2018. Above all, it is about the speed with which to remove those calls from platforms. “The bigger the platform, the greater the responsibility.”

Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel assured that the new law will be approved under the presidency of the German Council. All participants also highlighted the importance of a common formation of European magnets.

“Duty to act”

When asked, Merkel said there was no need to adapt to more controls at internal European borders. The new measures focused on the external borders of the Schengen area. However, he pointed out the possibility of the veil persecution in the border area.

When asked about a possible change in attitude, Macron replied that he was a strong advocate for European cooperation and open borders. However, in the face of attack, the borders “between us” can only be kept open if the external borders are protected more effectively.

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Macron also spoke of the abuse of the right to asylum. This is made for those who fight for peace. After five years of many failed voting attempts, Macron said that “we are now forced to act.”

“Kulturkampf” vs. “Political Islamism”

In the run-up to Kurz’s visit, the French daily “Le Monde” mocked the Austrian chancellor and described him as the central adversary of Macron, who a few months ago had resolutely opposed the EU rescue plan. Since the attack in Vienna on November 2, in which four people were killed, Kurz has become the first “ally of Macron” in the fight against Islamic terrorism, the newspaper said.

In fact, Macron was expected in Vienna the day before, but the trip was canceled. Instead, France’s European Secretary of State, Clément Beaune, went to Vienna, where, in addition to Chancellor Kurz, he also met Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg and European Minister Karoline Edtstadler.

At the meeting, observers noted that the Austrians and the French do not speak the same language when it comes to terrorism. Beaune refused to use the term “political Islamism”. On the other hand, he spoke of a “Kulturkampf” (combât culturel), a word that in turn evokes bad memories in both Austria and Germany.

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