Comment on the dispute over the crown demonstration in Berlin


METERChancellor Merkel said in Berlin on Friday with a view to the corona pandemic, that some things will get even more difficult in the coming months. In the capital, however, the situation could get worse in 24 hours, and not just because of the possible spread of the infection. Because just as the legal fight for the demonstration against the requirements of the Crown, which was carried out in several instances, ends in which the “lateral thinkers” had achieved the first victory: There will be demonstrations, possibly with outbreaks of violence.

Prohibition and its abolition incites those who want to demonstrate in Berlin against the restriction of their rights. There they clash with a red-red-green Senate that has rarely been so determined to avoid a rally in the protest capital. Because the colorful people of the masked opponents mix with dark brown political forces that the left-wing establishment in Berlin definitely doesn’t want to see on its boulevards. But that cannot be the criterion for determining whether or not demonstrations are allowed in the capital or elsewhere. The administrative court, which overturned the decision, did not see sufficient evidence of an imminent threat to public safety to justify a ban. Also from a political point of view, it would have been more prudent to allow the demonstration under strict conditions of health protection, and then to enforce these conditions, however difficult it may be at a rally against the rules of the Crown and this clientele.

The hot weekend ahead in Berlin underscores that Sars-CoV-2 is not only a challenge for the economy and healthcare, but also for the political system of this country. It has passed the test so far, although not consistently with great success. At least the sensible among the protesters should ask themselves from time to time what state they would rather live in in the days of Corona than in this one.
