Cologne elections 2020: Greens with the best result of all time


Suburb –

Cologne has voted! Around 825,000 people, including some 26,500 first-time voters, were able to participate in local elections in Cologne on Sunday (September 13).

In our ticker you will get all the new information directly in the summary.

All Cologne Election Results at a Glance – This is how your constituency voted.

Henriette Reker: “I am confident in the second round”

  • Henriette Reker stood in front of the cameras at City Hall at 7.30 pm: “I assumed I would go to the second round of the elections. I want to win an election and not a poll. It will be a long and certainly exciting night. “
  • Reker continues: “I am confident in the second round.”
  • On the performance of the council parties: “There is a clear vote that issues such as climate protection and transport concern the people.”

Challenger Andreas Kossiski (SPD)

  • Around the same time, Andreas Kossiski appeared in front of his SPD colleagues in the Stapelhaus cathedral. “We want another obstetrician, and that’s me,” he told his friends at the party. Upon reaching the second round, a first step was taken. Now you have to follow the following: “We will fight and we will succeed.” The SPD has to get bigger in Cologne, “and I, as mayor, will contribute.”

OB extrapolation for Cologne: Reker at 44.8 percent (at 21:48)

The screening for the Cologne mayor’s election by infratest dimap is here …

  • Henriette Reker (parties): 44.8 percent
  • Andreas Kossiski (SPD): 26.9 percent
  • Jörg Detjen (Link): 7.3 percent
  • Christer Cremer (AfD): 4.2 percent
  • Olivier Fuchs (Volts): 4.5 percent
  • Nicolin Gabrysch (Friends of the climate): 3.5 percent
  • Roberto Campione (EB): 3.4 percent
  • Thor Zimmermann (GOOD): 2.1 percent
  • In Cologne it runs in one Escape between Reker and Kossiski. Reker missed the absolute majority. If necessary, the date for the second round has already been set: Sunday (September 27).

Extrapolation for the Cologne City Council election (from 9:48 PM)

  • Vegetables: 28.5 percent
  • CDU: 21.0 percent
  • SPD: 21.7 percent
  • Left: 6.7 percent
  • PDF: 5.3 percent
  • AfD: 4.5 percent
  • Others: 12.4 percent

Greens in Cologne cheer

  • Katja Trompeter, head of the Greens On EXPRESS: “We presented our issues in the electoral campaign, such as the traffic change, and apparently they skyrocketed. We will now hold talks in the Council with all democratic parties. It is clear that our previous cooperation partner, the CDU, is the first point of contact, that is a matter of courtesy. But it is also clear that with this result we will support our claim to leadership in the Council. “

The Greens celebrate their electoral victory in Cologne.

  • Green Chief Frank Jablonski they cheered: “With this result we are writing history!”

Champagne corks do not pop at the SPD Cologne

  • “First let’s have another Kölsch”: The SPD did not pop the champagne corks at the sight of the result.
  • Factional leader Christian Joisten was combative when it comes to the council: “The SPD is needed.” His party has recently united the majorities in important decisions such as the expansion of FC or Kalkberg.
  • In response to an EXPRESS request, Joisten admitted that this was not the case for many Cologne voters. “Communicating with voters has become more difficult, says Joisten. Of course, Corona also played an important role. The pandemic made it even more difficult for the OB candidate to fight the official acting OB bonus. Andreas Kossiski did a great job.

Extrapolation for NRW (state: 19.44 hours)

  • CDU: 35.9 percent
  • SPD: 23.6 percent
  • Vegetables: 18.8 percent
  • AfD: 5.7 percent
  • Left: 3.6 percent
  • Others: 7.9 percent

Colonia: 50.6 percent turnout at 6 p.m.

  • At 6 p.m., the participation in Cologne was 50.6 percent.

The usual electoral presentation at the Cologne City Hall is canceled

  • Due to the crown, the usual electoral presentation cannot take place at the Cologne City Hall this year. Instead, there is a live broadcast, seen here from 6 p.m. Polling stations are open until 6 p.m.

Long queues in front of the polling stations

  • Long lines have sometimes formed in front of the polling stations in Cologne. The reason for this is probably protective measures against the corona virus. Voters are requested to keep a minimum distance of at least 1.5 meters and to bring a mask and their own pen along with voting documents and identification.

  • Current Mayor Henriette Reker was already voting Sunday morning.

Participation at 11.11 am

  • The city reports an intermediate carnival result: at 11.11 am we were already 12.6 percent of Cologne citizens at the polls in their polling stations. For comparison: in the last elections it was electoral participation at 11 a.m. at 10.5 percent.

Cologne Mayor Elections: Who Are the Candidates?

  • There are 13 candidates in total. All politicians at a glance, here in the video.

What exactly is chosen in the local elections in Cologne?

  • Voters must in Cologne local elections. complete three ballots. A whiter Voting for the mayoral election green Note to the city council and a more red Voting for the district council.
  • The OB is elected by simple majority. If none of the 13 applicants achieves this, the Sunday (September 27) a runoff election between the two candidates with the most votes.

Who has the best chance of winning the Cologne OB elections?

  • in a representative survey From the opinion research institute infratest dimap on behalf of the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”, EXPRESS and the WDR (as of September 3), 61 percent of those eligible to vote declared that they wanted to vote for the non-party politician. Reker’s challenger, Andreas Kossiski (SPD), got 22 percent of the vote.
